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This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium TRAINER STYLE AND TECHNIQUES By.

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Presentation on theme: "This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium TRAINER STYLE AND TECHNIQUES By."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium TRAINER STYLE AND TECHNIQUES By Senior Sort Term International Expert: Kyriakos DIMITRIOU Place: UCCI Tashkent Training Centre Ташкент - July 3, 2014 Training of Trainers

2 This project is financed by the European Union 2 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Defining a successful trainer Is successful trainer the “one” with the richest academic degrees? Is successful trainer the “one” that enjoys the highest per hour fee? It is totally different being an Academic tutor or trainer or Prof than performing as an Adult’s trainer The novice trainer shows and speak incessantly; “Wise” trainer listen, prods, challenges and refuses to give away the right answer Ideally learners remember what they have learned, NOT what their trainer told them.

3 This project is financed by the European Union 3 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium FACILITATION Lets put another “term” in our discussion. FACILITATION To facilitate means to make it easy. Not in the sense of being simplistic, but rather in the sense of getting learners actively involved in the learning process. Facilitate means avoid of bombastic, turgid and grandiloquent words and expressions.

4 This project is financed by the European Union 4 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium To be a successful trainer Be Concise Study TNA Be Focused Keep Schedule Be Honest Include the learners Use various Techniques Use Visuals Encourage interaction Create Reading Material Be ICT literate and update

5 This project is financed by the European Union 5 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Training styles Every trainer has a unique style delivering training and training preferences of his/her own. The key to optimum performance is to discover, advance and use these preferences in delivery (with the necessary preparation) Trainers usually tend to implement a style close to their learning style preference  It is dangerous when not taking into account the variety of their audience style.

6 This project is financed by the European Union 6 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Learner centered approach

7 This project is financed by the European Union 7 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Trainer centered approach KnowledgeExperience Trainer Learners

8 This project is financed by the European Union 8 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Learner centered approach Trainer and learners negotiate what is to be learned Assumes the existence of a background that influences learning / Values learner’s experiences Information is shared between trainer and learners but also between learners themselves. Trainer pays attention to all learners as well as each individual. Drives both towards the goals Curriculum is seriously taken into account. Its only the way trainer drives the trainees towards curriculum to be different Trainer should be flexible (prepared in advance)

9 This project is financed by the European Union 9 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Taking into account the curriculum Tasks of a trainer Tasks of the trainers comes towards LearnersFinancing organization / company Him/her self

10 This project is financed by the European Union 10 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Tasks of a trainer  He or she have to find out the appropriate way to lead the group  Does the time management  Challenges and Summarizes  Create a binding among the participants  Is creative  Find the best way to achieve training’s goals  Report appropriately to the financing organization / company facilitate learners and learning…

11 This project is financed by the European Union 11 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Requirements What do potential trainers need? Skills, Competences and Knowledge: –Ability to communicate – open mind, willing to have talks, active listening, create a positive atmosphere –Positive idea of man – appreciation, understanding, fairness, helpfulness, patient –Creativity - Constructive handling with conflicts – problem solving - Ability to handle diversity –Role model – inspiring and motivating - Expertise –Leadership competencies

12 This project is financed by the European Union 12 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Change … “All is flux, nothing stays still” Heraclitus of Ephesus 535 BC – 475 BC Change is inevitable Organisations have an internal environment, but exist in an external environment To function effectively, organizations have to achieve an equilibrium within the internal variables in active interaction with each other and also with the external environment This equilibrium is not static but dynamic

13 This project is financed by the European Union 13 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium “Types” of change There are many examples of changes. Changes such as new structures, policies, targets, markets, acquisitions, disposals, re-locations, etc we could categorized them as:  Strategic  Structural  Technological  Changes of attitudes or behaviors All “types” of change need to be communicated to the employees and be accepted by them -not being imposed to them- being part of their daily practice. Who else than a skilled trainer can undertake this role?

14 This project is financed by the European Union 14 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium A change agent lives in the future, not the present Is creative and innovative facilitator is fueled by passion and ideas, and inspires passion in others has a strong ability to self-motivate must understand people and communicate properly with people Is not only TRAINER but also Consultant, Advisor, Tutor, Coach and Researcher

15 This project is financed by the European Union 15 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Communication skills Is everybody able to listen ? Not physically of course but in terms of paying attention to his / her fellow. Trainer should advance his/her listening skills, even forcing him/herself doing so. Training is not only an exchange of knowledge ideas and experiences but also a communication process. The communication process means getting a message across, that is, sharing information with someone, including also the result of understanding the information delivered. Essential characteristic of the message be meaningful and important for both the sender and the receiver

16 This project is financed by the European Union 16 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium The process of communication In the following chart you can see the process of communication Motivation / need, sending a message Expressio n of the message (how you say and how you deliver it) The impressio n that your message cause (what the receiver see and listen) Reading the message (what the receiver understan ds)

17 This project is financed by the European Union 17 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Communication process Communication is successful only When both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication Factors influencing the effectiveness of communication The purpose of the sender The relationship and emotions of the sender towards the receiver The relationship and emotions of receiver towards sender

18 This project is financed by the European Union 18 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium factors The beliefs and or prejudices of those involved in the communication The age of the sender, his/her educational background, culture and experience, his/her skills and spheres of interest, social standing The psychosomatic condition of the sender The environment (noise etc) Emotions

19 This project is financed by the European Union 19 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Presentation Skills Rules for speaking (by the sender) if the purpose of your communication is known –Start the conversation (The way of starting the conversation should be such that would attract the attention of the receiver) –Be simple and accurate –Manage the rhythm of your speaking –Manage your voice (volume, emotion etc) –Keep eye-contact Interruptions and manipulation (Do not interrupt)

20 This project is financed by the European Union 20 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Rules for speaking/2 –You shouldn’t go into a monologue Respect the receiver and be polite Take into account problems, varieties and culture of receiver - Prevent getting misunderstood Body language: Between 50-80% of our message is communicated through our body language, only 10- 20% is attributable to the actual words. Keep in mind: The more you watch and observe the persons you communicate with, the more you will get to know them!

21 This project is financed by the European Union 21 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals clearly state their opinions and feelings, and firmly advocate for their rights and needs without violating the rights of others. Assertive communication is born of high self-esteem. These individuals value themselves, their time, and their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs and are strong advocates for themselves while being very respectful of the rights of others.

22 This project is financed by the European Union 22 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium AGGRESSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals express their feelings and opinions and advocate for their needs in a way that violates the rights of others. Thus, aggressive communicators are verbally and/or physically abusive. Aggressive communication is born of low self-esteem (often caused by past physical and/or emotional abuse), unhealed emotional wounds, and feelings of powerlessness. 2 more styles are: PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMUNICATION and PASSIVE COMMUNICATION

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