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 Elected to the US House of Representatives in 1852 at the age of 28.  He served 2 years there.

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2  Elected to the US House of Representatives in 1852 at the age of 28.  He served 2 years there.

3  In 1858 he was appointed to the New York board of supervisors.  He was one of 12 members.  The supervisors forced vendors to pay a 15% overcharge to their “ring” in order to do business with the city.

4  He was certified as an attorney by his friend George Barnard (he never legally completed law school).  Tweed opened a law office on Duane Street.

5  He ran for Sheriff in 1861, but was defeated.  Shortly after, he became the chairman of the Democratic General Committee.  He became known as “the Boss.”

6  He used his law firm to extort money and disguise this as legal services.  Appointed himself as deputy street commissioner, which gave him access to city contractors and funding.

7  He bought the New York Printing Company, which became the city’s official printer.

8  He also purchased the Manufacturing Stationers Company, the city’s stationery supplier.

9  In doing so, he created a monopoly on paper, and was able to overcharge for goods and services provided by both companies.

10  He appointed his friends into political offices:  George Barnard – Recorder  Peter B. Sweeny – District Attorney  Richard Connolly – County Clerk

11  He ranked among the biggest landowners in New York City.

12  In 1867, he was elected to the new York State Senate.  Tweed had now successfully gained most of the power in the New York government.

13  Tweed had now become the foremost power in New York and one of the most powerful and wealthy men in the United States.

14  Corruption and scandal brought his corrupt New York down.  Embezzlement charges as well as others were brought against him and he was never able to stay out of the iron pen.  He died in 1878.

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