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New York Politician Criticized in political cartoons by Thomas Nast Known for political corruption Leader of Tammany Hall William “Boss” Tweed.

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Presentation on theme: "New York Politician Criticized in political cartoons by Thomas Nast Known for political corruption Leader of Tammany Hall William “Boss” Tweed."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York Politician Criticized in political cartoons by Thomas Nast Known for political corruption Leader of Tammany Hall William “Boss” Tweed

2 African American Wrote Up From Slavery Told blacks they must prove their economic value through hard work Founded Tuskegee University Booker T. Washington

3 Liked band music Sought to provide food, shelter and temporary employment Organized his organization with a military structure Salvation Army William Booth

4 Sociologist African American The Philadelphia Negro The Souls of Black Folk Helped form the NAACP W. E. B. Du Bois

5 Campaigned for cuts in tariffs and veterans’ pensions Democrat Supported by “mugwumps” Elected twice Lost to Benjamin Harrison Grover Cleveland

6 Donated $34 million to the University of Chicago Sought vertical and horizontal integration Standard Oil John D. Rockefeller

7 Honest governor of Ohio Restored respect to the office of the Presidency “Lemonade Lucy” His presidency ended Reconstruction Rutherford B. Hayes

8 Novelist Reformer Meat packing industry The Jungle Upton Sinclair

9 Republican “Half Breed” Arthur as VP Assassinated James A Garfield

10 Republican Known for a high tariff Expanded the Veterans’ Pensioners Elected in 1896 and 1900 VP was TR Assassinated William McKinley

11 Progressive reformer Democracy and Social Ethics Woman Twenty Years at Hull House Jane Addams

12 Racist Reformer Democrat President Defeated by TR and Taft Woodrow Wilson

13 Senator from Colorado Believed the U.S. should renounce any interest in controlling Cuba His idea was an amendment to the U.S. declaration of war on Spain Henry Teller

14 Chicago Architect Inspired Frank Lloyd Wright “form should follow function” Louis Sullivan

15 U.S. Admiral Spanish American War Battle of Manila Bay Took control of the Philippines George Dewey

16 Economist Criticized the lifestyles of the capitalist elite Introduced the idea of “conspicuous spending” Author of Theory of the Leisure Class Thorstein Veblen

17 Muckraker Woman History of the Standard Oil Company Ida Tarbell

18 American’s Woman’s Home Encouraged the cult of domesticity Wrote about Victorian etiquette Her sister wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin Catherine Beecher

19 Newspaper Owner Yellow Journalism Owner of The World Established prize for journalism Joseph Pulitzer

20 NYC customs official Stalwart VP Introduced Civil Service Reform, Became President after Garfield’s assassination Chester A. Arthur

21 Novelist Railroad barons The Octopus Frank Norris

22 Democrat Presidential Candidate Populist Promoted “free silver” “Cross of Gold Speech” William Jennings Bryan

23 Wisconsin Governor Reformer Political reforms “The Wisconsin Idea” Robert LaFollett

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