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Allied health student training Pre-placement training requirements Welcome to the video-conference. This video-conference will be recorded. Your participation.

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Presentation on theme: "Allied health student training Pre-placement training requirements Welcome to the video-conference. This video-conference will be recorded. Your participation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allied health student training Pre-placement training requirements Welcome to the video-conference. This video-conference will be recorded. Your participation in this conference is your approval to be recorded. If you do not approve of being viewed by others at a later date, you may leave the video-conference now.

2 Background New National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards from 1 January 2013 Compulsory for majority of public and private healthcare organisations Focus on areas considered essential to improving safety and quality of care Australian Council on Healthcare Standards accredits all healthcare facilities against the Standards.

3 Background cont Recent accreditation highlighted need for greater awareness of the Standards by students and staff AHPOQ undertook project to map existing training and develop new introductory level content for identified gaps Overall aim of the Standards and the project outcomes is to support patient, student and staff safety through specific training.

4 10 NSQHS Standards Government and Safety – off and on site Partnering with consumers Preventing HAI Medication Safety Patient ID and procedure matching Clinical handover Blood and blood products Pressure injuries Deteriorating Patients Falls

5 Project aims Focus on quality and safety Increase awareness of NSQHS standards Provide quality introductory level information Provide consistent information for all AH staff and students Enable easy access to materials for learning

6 Tasks undertaken Review of information and training requirements for allied health students as per the Standards, OH&S, legislative and other authority requirements. Mapping of existing modules for students Enabled access to existing modules for students (external access enabled) Developed new modules to meet Standards (introductory level by allied health content experts) New modules are in video format with voiceover Internet access enabled

7 Collaboration Universities, in collaboration with Queensland Government Hospital and Health Services, are requested to ensure that students are provided with the appropriate training to support their safe and active engagement in clinical placements. Implementation phased in over 2014 The completion of training modules prior to placements will facilitate the early commencement of clinical learning on placements.

8 Student responsibilities Undertake training off-site and prior to placements Access the training ‘Allied Health Clinical Education and Training – Student Training’ websiteAllied Health Clinical Education and Training – Student Training’ Download the required documents (‘Allied health student training: a guide for students’ & ‘Evidence record of allied health student training’). ( Complete the linked training modules (7-8 hours in total) Complete the Essential Placement Requirements on the Student Deed and Orientation Website ( ). Maintain the ‘Evidence record of allied health student training’. Provide a copy of the ‘Evidence record of allied health student training’ at the commencement of each placement.

9 University responsibilities Enable within AH program curriculums student access to all training able to be undertaken off site prior to placements Ensure that students complete the ‘Essential Placement Requirements’ on the Student Deed and Orientation Website ( ). This is reflected as a module Ensure that allied health students access the ‘Evidence record of allied health student training’ Ensure that allied health students are aware of the requirement to provide a copy of the ‘Evidence record of allied health student training’ at the commencement of each placement.

10 Queensland Health Clinical Educator responsibilities Review the “Allied Health Student Training: A Guide for Clinical Educators” document Arrange for any on-site training requirements, within specified timeframes and/or as required as outcomes of any risk appraisal of placement need. Collect a copy of each allied health students ‘Evidence record of allied health student training’ at the beginning of each placement. Maintain accurate records of training completion Reporting template exemplar is located in Appendix 1 of the “Allied Health Student Training: A Guide for Clinical Educators” document

11 Information & Access AHPOQ Website: ‘Allied Health Clinical Education and Training – Student Training’Allied Health Clinical Education and Training – Student Training’ Required documents on this site: Guide for Students Evidence Record Recording of this videoconference information session for clinical educators and university clinical education staff will be linked to from the site above.

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