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Comparing Dark to Middle Ages Rural Life Feudalism Divine Right of Kings Trial by ordeal Theism - God is in total control of all events Monasteries Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Dark to Middle Ages Rural Life Feudalism Divine Right of Kings Trial by ordeal Theism - God is in total control of all events Monasteries Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Dark to Middle Ages Rural Life Feudalism Divine Right of Kings Trial by ordeal Theism - God is in total control of all events Monasteries Libraries Urban Life Nation States Magna Charta ~ LAW Judge & jury Secularism – we’re in control of day-to-day events. God is distant Cathedrals Universities

2 Secular Humanism People are in charge of their own fates. People are free to do good or to do evil. God does not interfere or intervene into ordinary life events.

3 1054 Papal Schism & Crusades Pope Leo IX sent a legate, Cardinal Humbert, to visit the Eastern Patriarch. While Humbert was traveling to the East the Pope died. Letters from Patriarch Michael never make it to the Pope as he has already died. Pope Urban II is elected and decides to send soldiers to help the Eastern Emperor to fight the Turkish Muslims as the request of the Eastern Emperor. Eastern Patriarch Michael received Cardinal Humbert. Humbert excommunicated Michael over some Trinitarian doctrinal issues. Humbert and Michael don’t know it yet but the Pope is dead so the excommunication is not legally binding. Nevertheless, Michael sends mutual excommunications by letter to Rome. The Eastern Emperor needs Western soldiers to help fight the Turks, so he writes to the Pope.

4 The Crusades 1. Reasons … 2. Descriptions … 3. Effects …

5 Reasons for the Crusades  To free the Holy Land from the Muslims  To reunite the East and the West while fighting a common enemy  To gain technology / resources necessary for rebuilding the Western cities

6 Describing the 1 st Crusade 1096 Pope Urban II wanted to help Byzantium recover the Holy Land 1099 a Christian army massacred the Muslims and retook Jerusalem 1 st Knights to return to the West were hailed as HEROES! The Church granted them INDULGENCES

7 Indulgence & Purgatory Forgiveness for all sins committed. Forgiveness for any time you might have had to spend making up for your sins in purgatory. Purgatory – a place where souls who are not condemned to hell go, who aren’t ready to face God face to face.

8 Describing the 2 nd Crusade The Muslims recaptured Jerusalem The Christians sent another army East, but it failed miserably. The element of surprise was totally lost. The Muslims were technologically superior and ready for battle this time.

9 Describing the 3 rd Crusade King Richard “the Lion-hearted” of England and the kings of France and Germany launched a 3 rd army. They recovered a small strip of land on the coast of Palestine. Disease and squabbles over the “booty” lead to in-fighting, disease, and failure.

10 Describing the 4 th Crusade A change of attitude took place. The “Hero” status of war was lost. Now the soldiers were rapists and thieves. Pope Innocent III rallied a few French nobles to call for a 4 th crusade. They took a sea route to Constantinople to fight for the Byzantine Emperor.

11 They not only fought for the Emperor, they also looted, pillaged, and plundered The Eastern Churches were very hurt! This lead to a VERY DEEP hatred for the Western Church. Back in Rome Innocent III raged with anger but he could not convince the Byzantines that he did NOT authorize those attacks on the churches. Even after efforts to heal the Schism of 1054, the East and West remain divided.

12 Describing the 5 th Crusade Smaller crusades all finished in failure. The most tragic perhaps was the “Children's’ Crusade”. All of these young teens were captured and sold into slavery. By the 1200s the “Crusade Fever” died out. New heresies (Albigensians) were growing in the West and the Church turned its attention to keeping the Western Church united.

13 Effects of the Crusades The Holy Land was NOT recaptured The division between West and East grew even wider A permanent split between E and W after the 4 th Crusade Old / New technologies were recovered

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