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 Politics in the Gilded Age  Corruption in business and Government  Central Pacific Railroad- $500, 000 in budget for bribes  The Spoils System  Cronies.

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Presentation on theme: " Politics in the Gilded Age  Corruption in business and Government  Central Pacific Railroad- $500, 000 in budget for bribes  The Spoils System  Cronies."— Presentation transcript:

1  Politics in the Gilded Age  Corruption in business and Government  Central Pacific Railroad- $500, 000 in budget for bribes  The Spoils System  Cronies  Republicans are about = to Democrats

2  Garfield- Half breed  Chester Arthur- Stalwart  Charles Guiteau shoots Garfield (Dies 3 months later)  Not given a job  Public outcry against the spoils system  Arthur passes the Pendleton Act

3  1 st Democrat elected President for decades  Interstate Commerce Commission- set fares  Benjamin Harris  Tariffs set on imports  Cleveland President again  Worst depression in history up to that point  Jacob Coxey’s march  William McKinley  Assassinated by a lunatic- Leon Czologsz  Fear of immigrants

4  Fleeing- crop failures, land/job shortages, rising taxes, famine, and religious/political persecution  Opportunity  Steerage  “The Golden Door”  Some people not allowed- Medical Reasons and Crooks  Moving Inland  Jobs  Treatment of Immigrants

5  Indentured Servants  Maltreatment by Americans  Scientific bias  Chinese Exclusion Act  Angel Island  Japanese  Los Angeles  Agriculture  Mexican Immigrants  Work  Mexican Revolution

6  Migration from farms  Farmers  African Americans  Cotton Crops destroyed  Growth of the Cities  Transportation from the Suburbs  Horse Carriages, Street cars. Trolleys, Cars  Sky Scrapers  Specialized areas

7  Concerted Homes and Cheap Tenements  Soot  Cramped  Open Sewers  Out houses- animals and disease  Memphis 1870 yellow fever  New Orleans 1900 yellow fever  1,000’s die  1871 The Chicago Fire

8  Ethnic Groups-heritage  Segregation-color or race  Covenants  High Society- socioeconomic status  The Gold Coast

9  Political Machines  Rewards/welfare  William Marcy Tweed  Tammany Hall

10  Immigrant behavior  Nativism  The Role of School  Strikes  Prohibition  Vice districts

11  The worthy poor  Settlement Houses  Jane Adams Hull-House

12  Assimilation  Religious Schools  Discrimination  Number of colleges increased  Donations- Stanford  Rockefeller-University of Chicago  Women’s colleges  Coed colleges  Integrated colleges  Hard to pay, Few scholarships  Few women and African American Students  Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. Dubois

13  Farms vs. City  Saloons  Entertainment  Bonds  Politics  Dance Halls  1903 1 st moving picture show “The Great Train Robbery”  Sports  Boxing, Horse racing, baseball, football, ice skating, bicycling, and basketball  Women and clothing

14  Variety  Family  Newspapers  1870-1899 2.8-24 million readers  Sensational

15  Spirituals  Minstrel Show  Black face  Ragtime and Jazz

16  Voting restrictions  Poll tax  Literacy tests  Grandfather clauses  Jim Crow  Minstrel song and dance  Separation in- schools, parks, public buildings  Plessy v. Ferguson  Lynchings  De facto in North  1908 Springfield

17  Niagara Movement- NAACP  Paper has 30, 000 readers  Madam C J Walker  Hair products

18  Role of Women  Vote, = wages, control property/income, access to education, and free of abuse  Woman’s work  No longer made bread, butchered, etc.  1900- 1-15 homes had a live in servant  Most were foreigners or African American

19  Clubs, lectures, discuss topics  New styles of clothes  Dating  Birth control  Suffrage

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