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Presentation on theme: "PREPLANNING FREEDOM MIDDLE SCHOOL 2015-2016 PREPARED BY QUINTON WARD Instructional Concurrent Session."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Our Mission Our Goals Making the Connections: Instruction and our Goals Lexile Leapers, Ram Lexile Club, Math/ELA/Sci/Risers Club Lessons Plans Subfolders Entering and Posting grades Classroom set up: The Standards based classroom Parent Communication Data Talks

3 Our Mission “The mission of Freedom Middle School is to provide a conducive learning environment where teachers can teach and students can reach and exceed their potential, so they may compete in a global society.”

4 Our Goals For the 2015-2016 school year 1. Reduce the number of disciplinary referrals from 2,400 by 5% by the end of the 2015-2016 school year 2. Increase the percentage of ELL students moving from one performance band to another on the ACCESS test by the end of the school year 3. Decrease the achievement gap from ELL and all students by 2% in all content areas as Measured by GA Milestones.

5 Our Goals cont’d 4. Increase the percentage of students who achieve typical/high growth in each content area by 3% as measured by SLOs/GA Milestones with all students. 5. Increase the percentage of students reading on grade level as measured by STAR and/GA Milestones Lexile scores by 3% with all students.

6 Hmmmm. I can……..and I can also…… So how will we reach our goals????

7 PREPARING AND EXECUTING ENGAGING LESSONS How will we achieve our goals? “The single most important thing impacting student achievement is the quality of the teaching in the classroom.” Linda Darling-Hammond, 2003

8 We believe We believe that effect lessons are engaging This simply means that the lesson should be alluring, interesting, interactive, captivating, appealing, and academically sound. We understand that no matter how rich a lesson is, if the lesson never gets the attention of the student, then the substance of the lesson will be missed.

9 Lesson plan components Standard-What exactly will the students be learning Opening- a good opening has a hook, an appropriate introduction of the standard, a mini lesson, and clear directions leading to the work period Work Period – should be student centered and collaborative in nature. The Closing- should provide a review of what was learned via presentations, student lead discussions, etc. SWIRL-Speaking, Writing, Illustrating, Reading, Listening Lesson Differentiation-How will you ensure that all levels of learner have access to your lesson

10 The 3 Part Lesson Your hook is how you are going to get the children to initially focus (interested) in your standard for the day Each teacher shall monitor the progress of their students during the work period segment of the lesson. As the teacher monitors progress, they check the quality and accuracy of the work being completed, making sure students are on task, and/or the teacher conducts student conferences. They are clearing up misconceptions. At no time should the teacher be engaged in planning preparations or grading papers. The teacher should be directly engaged with the learner. The Closing should be used for the students to display, demonstrate, or communicate what they have learned. This is a good time for the teacher to clear up any misconceptions.

11 Lesson Plans Should be posted in Outlook. More details will follow. All lesson plans should be posted each Thursday by 4:30 p.m. Place a copy of your lesson plan in your green lesson plan folder.

12 Green Lesson Plan Folder Each teacher will be assigned a green folder to place their weekly lesson plans in. This green lesson plan folder should be placed in the basket on the inside wall of the classroom door. If your room is missing a basket mounted on the wall at the door, please email Mr. Pope

13 Hmmmm. I can……..and I can also…… how will we reach our goals????

14 Celebrating student success Ram Lexile Club- Students whose Lexile score is on grade level. Lexile Leapers- Students whose Lexile score has grown by 5% between STAR administrations Math/ELA/Sci/SS Risers Club-Students who have scored 85% or greater on his her most recent common assessment We will track this data and display it in our Data Room and Data Notebooks


16 Reporting an Absence In the event of an absence, each teacher is required to report the absence in subfinder system at the time the absence in known. There are 2 ways to report the absence in the subfinder system: By calling 678-874-7827 and by reporting the absence online If calling the subfinder system within 24 hours of the absence, the teacher is required to also call Mr. Ward (770) 823-4807and make him aware of the absence.

17 Reporting an Absence The teacher is also to let their team know that you will not be in Upon your return fill out the appropriate paper work with Mrs. P. Smith Please note that teammates are not responsible for passing on messages to Mr. Ward for the absent teacher

18 Subfolders Each teacher will maintain one subfolder The subfolder will be kept in the teacher’s classroom on his/her desk in the upper right hand corner of the desk at all times Each subfolder will have a section in it designated for emergency lessons in the event of an unforeseen absence. Please refer to your faculty hand manual for the specific documents that should be found in the subfolder. All required documents can be found in the weekly Instructional Reminder.

19 Substitute Folder Welcome Letter Lesson plans Seating Charts Schedule Class sign-in sheets School map List of students who may need to leave the class 504/BIP information Directions for Emergency evacuation Your duty assignments Names of helpful students Sub Feedback form


21 Grade Books 2 grades per week must be posted in Infinite Campus Grade distribution - minimum of 4 grades per category How to transfer a grade. Please see the directions written in your faculty Hand manual All students should receive a grade (per DCSD) Refer to the Progress/Report Card dates section of our important dates document for a grade posting calendar How to make grade corrections

22 Grades/Grade Book Projects Provide a rubric and written directions on the day that the project is announced. Break down the project grade in segments to ensure that all students have a project on the due date. Contact the parent if you see that the student has completed no work during a designated check point Return all projects with a graded rubric in a timely manner Discuss the results of the project with the student

23 Grades/grade book Students who earn a score of 75 or lower should receive a deficiency notice. Students who earn a score of 75 or lower should receive a plan of remediation The parent must be notified that the student is in danger of failing. Document all contacts. The communication should take place prior to the progress report Effective communication is communication that can be proven if challenged

24 Grade book Errors, errors, errors 2 Grades are to be posted each week:  To prevent large numbers of assignments being posted right before a grade reporting period  To prevent typos  To keep parents and students informed of the weekly progress of the student throughout the grading period  To give students timely feedback on work completed  To prevent drastic shifts in the student’s grade

25 Grade books Reporting a grading error  Fill out the change grade form  Report the error to Mr. Ward with the completed form  Please note, Mrs. Golston is not authorized to make changes in the student’s schedule or grades without prior authorization  On the day prior to grades being posted, I will publish via Outlook all classes that have not been posted so you can see if you grades went through.


27 Whiteboard example Posted Standards Opening Work Period Closing Homework Essential Question Upcoming Events

28 The White board The following items should be found on the white board daily:  Standard (written out, legible, and large enough to be read from the rear of the room)  Essential question  3 Part lesson (Opening, Work Period, and Closing) What will be taking place during these segments of the lesson. Please include your standard and 3 part lesson for your ILT class as well  Assignments

29 Standards Based Classroom (SBC) - Instructional Board - Whiteboard (completed) - Word Wall - Classroom Library - Team Data Wall - Portfolio Station - Each day the 3 part lesson model will be used

30 The Instructional Board The purpose of the instructional board is to inform students of the following:  The standard that they are learning  To inform student’s of what mastering that standard looks like

31 The Instructional Board cont’d The purpose of the instructional board is to inform students of the following:  The Rubric spells out to the child the criteria which determines whether they have met the standard, exceeded the standard or did not meet the Standard

32 The Instructional Board cont’d The purpose of the instructional board is to show the student how their work should look  Student exemplars are examples of student work. The student exemplar should be graded work which provides examples of students who have met and exceeded the standard. Please refrain from posting work that has not met the standard.

33 The Standard The Task Student Exemplar Circumstances Rubric

34 Standards The standards refers to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and Georgia Performance Standards which is our curriculum. The standard defines what is to be taught in a particular subject and what a child should be able to know and do. An element is a component or subsection of that standard.

35 The Task The Task refers to the specific assignment given by the classroom teacher to develop the students comprehension of the targeted standard.

36 The Circumstances  Circumstances are the specific instructional methods used to accomplish the task. For example Think Pair Share, Small Group work, or Jig Saw to name a few.

37 The Rubric The Rubric spells out to the student the criteria which determines whether the student has met the standard, exceeded the standard or did not meet the Standard.

38 Student Exemplar Teacher Commentary, is the most important component of the instructional board. The teacher commentary gives detailed explanation of what was done correctly and why as well as what was done incorrectly and an explanation as to why it was incorrect. The statement, “Good Job!” is not adequate commentary because it does-

39 Student Exemplar cont’d not explain to the child what was good and why it was good. The student should be able to obtain a good understanding of what meeting or exceeding the standard is and is not. Samples of student work relevant to the standard being introduced should be available as the teacher is introducing the standard. The exemplar should be created by the teacher until actual student work is available. Use subfolder object lesson------

40 Student Portfolios/Lesson Plans A designated area should be reserved for student portfolio’s More information will be forth coming concerning the contents of the portfolio Current Weekly or Biweekly lesson plans should be posted in your lesson plan folder and placed in the tray on the wall near your front door in the lesson plan folder tray.

41 Word Wall/Data Wall Each room is to have a word wall which displays content specific vocabulary relevant to the current unit of study. Usage of the terminology relevant to the standards should be spoken in class daily. Each room shall have a section of a wall designated as the team data wall. Team specific benchmark data should be posted. No student scores should be posted.

42 ELT (Extended Learning Time) The purpose of ELT is to either remediate or to enrich Lessons are to be prepared each day using the 3 part lesson model Lesson Plans should be posted each Thursday by 4:30 pm ELT is not to be used as free time The standard for the day and 3 part lesson for ELT should be posted somewhere in the class room (provide demo for the session) The 5 man team

43 Building Schedule Please refer to the building schedule Building movement Lunch times

44 Data Data notebooks  Please refer to the table of contents in the doc share  Magic numbers will still be calculated  Data Walls  Benchmarks  Data Room  Data Delve Sessions  Data Talks

45 Data Talks Please refer to the Data Talk Rubric

46 Parent Communication Each teacher must choose a means by which he/she will communicate with parents weekly. This communication should state clearly what is being taught in your class, assignment information, project information, tutorial information, etc. The goal is to communicate what is going on in your class. Effective communication does not rely on a student to deliver the message. Examples of effective communication:  EDMODO  Personal Website  Mass Email  Remind 101  Etc.

47 Benchmark/Common Assessment Periodically throughout the year a benchmark will be given to students All benchmark common assessments will be recorded in the grade book It is the expectation that all students take each common assessments

48 Other Documents Information concerning your course syllabus will be communicated to you via your department chair. Your course syllabus should be issued within the first week of school. Team logs are to be submitted weekly in Outlook each Friday by 4:30 Content Planning logs should be submitted Friday by 4:30 weekly.

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