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Technical Writing Mrs. Burchette 2010
Technical Writing Vocabulary Test
Just a quick reminder that your technical writing vocabulary test is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th! Come in that morning at 8:15 to participate in a review game/competition. I will pick up students from study hall as close to 8:00 as I can and we will begin the game PROMPTLY at 8:15. Students arriving late will be allowed to join the review game, but they will not be included in the competition portion of the study session. You’re team can win MAJOR points for your participation if you arrive on time!!!
Technical Writing Stations
There are seven technical writing stations. You will have approximately 20 minutes at each station. Other than Station 2 (where you are working on your figurative language exercises), everyone must complete his/her own assignment; however, you are encouraged to help each other and work together. Once you’ve completed your required task at each station, you may work on your vocabulary flash cards, study with member(s) your group for the vocabulary test, read, journal, or you may complete an additional poem from that station to earn extra points for your team. All poems are due by the beginning of the next class period. Poems should be labeled using the school-wide heading. Your assignment title should be “Station ____” and should also include the poem type you chose to complete.
Technical Writing Station #4
Couplets, Quatrains, and Limericks (20 minutes)
Technical Writing Station #4 Couplet
A couplet consists of two lines that rhyme and have the same syllable structure.
Technical Writing Station #4 Couplet
True wit is nature to advantage dress'd; What oft was thought, but ne'er so well express'd. — Alexander Pope
Technical Writing Station #4 Couplet
"I cannot go to school today." Said little Peggy Ann McKay. "I have the measles and the mumps, a gash, a rash and purple bumps.“ --Shel Silverstein
Technical Writing Station #4 Limerick
A Limerick is a rhymed humorous or nonsense poem of five lines. The Limerick has a set rhyme scheme of : a-a-b-b-a with a syllable structure of: Syllable structure is the number of syllables per line!
Technical Writing Station #4 Limerick
A Good Day I love ta see the morning sun that's how I tell the days begun. Birds all singing a happy song it tis the place where I belong. Far from school without the nun.
Technical Writing Station #4 Limerick
The Man From Aruba There once was a man from Aruba, Whose favorite hobby was scuba. Every day he would wish, He could spear a big fish. But settled instead for canned tuna.
Technical Writing Station #4 Quatrain
A Quatrain is a poem consisting of four lines stanzas with a specific rhyming scheme. A few examples of a quatrain rhyming scheme are as follows: abab abba -- envelope rhyme aabb aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd -- chain rhyme
Technical Writing Station #4 Quatrain
PANIC! AT 6:00 A.M. Which should I choose, red flats or pink shoes? Shoes are better when the weather’s wetter. What do I wear, a hat or a bow in my hair? “the bow looks cute,” said the boy with the flute. Which should I use, a bag that’s small or big and blue? The blue bag holds it all. I just hope I don’t fall. What do I pick, clear gloss or lipstick? Lip gloss will shine, and that is just fine.
Technical Writing Station #4
Couplet Write 4 couplets. OR Write one eight line poem that consists of four stanzas (2 lines each) Quatrain Write a quatrain about a time when you were so happy/sad you could barely stand it. Your quatrain must be at least two stanzas. Limerick Write two limericks about anything you’d like.
Technical Writing Station #5
Free Verse, Acrostic, and Didactic (20 minutes)
Technical Writing Station #5 Free Verse
Free Verse is an irregular form of poetry in which the content free of traditional rules of versification, (freedom from fixed meter or rhyme). In moving from line to line, the poet's main consideration is where to insert line breaks. Some ways of doing this include breaking the line where there is a natural pause or at a point of suspense for the reader.
Technical Writing Station #5 Free Verse
The River's a Kaleidoscope Late on a cool fall night while sitting on the river bank I noticed how the ripples cast a different texture to the setting sun The colors of the sky just right for this season Red, orange, yellow, purple even a tinge of blue The river seems to mix them like a kaleidoscope Seems there is no end to beauty as this endless array goes on and on Then the distant sound of the frogs and crickets keeping time to this dancing spectacular Then my heart goes quiet my pulse slows down I lay back to thank my maker
Technical Writing Station #5Acrostic Poetry
Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word or words.
Technical Writing Station #5 Acrostic
C ontagious, A biding charm, R iding around, O blivious of all, U nder the carousel S miling broad, E xcitement L asting forever.
Technical Writing Station #5 Acrostic Poetry
Christmas Can I make cookies to put out for Santa? Here are the stocking’s to put on the fire place. Read the Christmas cards from mom- mom. I’m going to put tinsel on the tree. Singing Christmas carols are the best. The family is on their way to the Christmas dinner. Making the turkey is a hard task to accomplish. As Christmas day comes eagerness is a major factor. Seeing all the presents under the tree gives me butterflies in my stomach. Paige, 8th grade, Selbyville Middle School, Selbyville, Delaware.
Technical Writing Station #5 Didactic Poetry
Didactic Poetry is a form of poetry intended for instruction such as for knowledge or to teach. There are no typical rhyme schemes or other rules for didactic poetry, other than the instructional purpose.
Technical Writing Station #5 Didactic Poetry
To Spread Love First Start with acceptance. If you've done any wrongs, Then head to repentance. Second Embrace those most unique. Teach them to use their voices, And not be afraid to speak. Third Spread love to those in need. Make them feel special and open, Your kitchen, bring one in to feed. To Finish Live out your days this way, Not "an eye for an eye". Never listen to what others say.
Technical Writing Station #5
Free Verse Write a free verse poem with at least 14 lines about the topic of your choice. Acrostic Write an acrostic poem with at least 14 lines about the topic of your choice. Didactic Write a didactic poem with at least 14 lines about the topic of your choice.
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