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Galileo The Example of the Church Being Opposed to Science or is it Something Else?

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Presentation on theme: "Galileo The Example of the Church Being Opposed to Science or is it Something Else?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Galileo The Example of the Church Being Opposed to Science or is it Something Else?

2 Overview The trial of __________ is the main piece of evidence used to show that the Church is against __________ In this PowerPoint we will look at Science before Galileo The issue that drove and continued the affair Each of the three periods of the Galileo affair The finding of the Inquisition The Catholic Church after Galileo’s Trial

3 Before Galileo Science was done __________ Start with a general principle and connect this principle to the phenomena being studied – Galileo and others argued for experimentation, to do science __________ – The goal was to preserve the __________ There was not an attempt to explain it.

4 Before Galileo __________ followed the Ptolemaic system – The universe was big (but not as big as we think it is today) – The earth was the __________ of the solar system – The earth was a round sphere The misunderstanding people have is that the Church taught the world was flat. It never did.

5 Before Galileo 1543 Copernicus argues for heliocentrism-- that the sun is the __________ of the solar system – There is no observational data in the work He was urged to publish by people in the church The work was __________ to Pope Paul III

6 The Galileo Affair The Galileo affair can be seen as three distinct but ______________phases – 1613-1616 The 1 st phase – 1623-1624 The 2 nd phase – 1630-1633 The 3 rd phase Each phase has its own unique __________, but together they tell the story of a transition in philosophy and science and an ongoing struggle in __________.

7 The 1 st Phase - 1613-1616 A __________ wrote to Galileo asking him to explain how the sun could stand still if the sun is the center of the __________ system? – The answer is easy if the earth is the center of the solar system Joshua prayed to the LORD, and said in the presence of Israel: Sun, stand still at Gibeon, Moon, in the valley of Aijalon! The sun stood still, the moon stayed, while the nation took __________ on its foes – (Joshua 10:12-13)

8 The 1 st Phase - 1613-1616 1613 Galileo writes a letter to the woman explaining his view and how to interpret __________. – Scripture must be interpreted in light of scientific knowledge – Scriptural language was accommodated to the original audience and the literal meaning Galileo was called in front of the __________ for the first time

9 The 1 st Phase - 1613-1616 1615 The __________ finds Galileo’s letter had some “Bad Expressions” but no serious objections __________ of heresy were found groundless The __________ did not reject Copernicanism

10 The 1 st Phase - 1613-1616 Cardinal Bellarmino warned Galileo not to teach Copernicanism as __________ true Galileo agreed Bellarmino cautioned another person that if there were an __________ demonstration of the earth’s motions then scripture would have to be __________ carefully

11 The 1 st Phase - 1613-1616 What was Galileo’s “Proof” of the earth’s __________? – Telescopic proof--the phases of Venus and Jupiter’s moons orbit Jupiter--inconclusive – Tides are caused by the earth’s rotation Galileo considered this his best proof, but he was wrong Galileo was right about __________ but wrong about his __________ of it. – The interpretation of scripture must be understood in the light of proven science

12 The 1 st Phase - 1613-1616 Is this the __________ verses __________? No – Church men were on both sides of the issue Dominicans opposed Galileo Jesuits supported him and confirmed his telescopic observations. The issue was interpreting scripture in the light of __________ and when to change how we understand what scripture says – Galileo heard rumors of his being condemned so he asked Bellarmino for a certificate setting out exactly what had been done.

13 The 2 nd Phase - 1623-1624 In 1623 Galileo’s friend is elected __________ – Pope Urban VIII Galileo published Il Saggiatore, dedicated to the __________ Galileo is called before the __________ for the second time. The I __________ dismissed implications about Galileo and Eucharist as groundless

14 The 2 nd Phase - 1623-1624 1624 The Pope gives permission for Galileo to write on the earth’s __________ as long as he included one epistemological argument. – Because God is all powerful, determination of ultimate __________ can never be certain. – In other words, God may have done what he did in a way that we do not know. Galileo begins On The Tides; he later calls it A Dialogue on the Two Chief World __________.

15 The 3 rd Phase - 1630-1633 1630 Galileo received approval to publish the book in Rome from the __________ Chief Censor. – Problems caused delayed publication – A __________ caused the city to be quarantined. 1632 Galileo publishes in Florence.

16 The 3 rd Phase - 1630-1633 A Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems – The book presents a discussion of the solar system by a holder of the __________ system and a holder of __________ system. – The dialogue is moderated “A Fool” – The Pope’s argument is the last statement the fool makes

17 The 3 rd Phase - 1630-1633 Pope __________ is furious with Galileo, “I have been deceived!” His epistemological argument is put at the end of the book, in the mouth of the __________. – At no other point in the book does the fool show any sense or knowledge at all. Galileo is called to Rome to face the __________.

18 The 3 rd Phase - 1630-1633 The Inquisition produced a document from 1616 ordering Galileo not to teach __________ Galileo produced the document from Cardinal __________. A lenient plea deal is reached. The Pope rejects the plea deal.

19 The 3 rd Phase - 1630-1633 June 1633 Galileo is convicted of “vehement suspicion of __________.” Galileo abjures the earth’s __________. Any decision by the __________ had to be signed by all the inquisitors. – 3 of the 10 Inquisitors do not sign the conviction – The Lead Inquisitor, who is also the Pope’s nephew does not sign the conviction

20 The Transitions and Struggle There were at the time of the Galileo affair two major transitions and an ongoing struggle – A Transition in __________ – An ongoing Struggle in __________

21 The Transition in Philosophy The Galileo Affair took place during the philosophical shift from __________ to __________ Instrumentalism claims that scientific theories are __________ used to explain and save the phenomena but the theory may not accurately tells us about the world – Realism claims that scientific theories are true depictions of the world

22 The Transition in Science The Galileo Affair took place during the scientific shift from a __________ to an __________ approach to science – Deductive starts with general principles and attempts to explain and predict phenomena based on __________ – Inductive starts with observable data and does experiments to discover the __________ of the data. – This period is the labor pains to the birth of the scientific method.

23 The ongoing Struggle in Religion The Religious __________ at stake during the Galileo Affair is an ongoing issue or even a current event – How do we interpret __________ in the light of science? – When should we change our interpretation of scripture in the light of __________? Think of those who push for creationism or intelligent design as a competing scientific theory

24 After Galileo Where the __________ comes from How the Galileo affair gets used Catholic Church and Science Pope John Paul II and his __________

25 Where the Misinformation Comes From During the 19th century, the __________ conception of a European "Dark Age" gave much more prominence to the Flat Earth model than it ever possessed historically Some historians consider that the early __________ who projected flat Earth upon Christians of the Middle Ages were highly influential – Recall the book by Andrew Dickson White There were ongoing polemics that wanted to show that __________ stood against the world

26 How the Galileo Affair gets Used The common acceptance of the __________ allows for a false dilemma (a rational fallacy) that religion and science are __________ to each other Thus people think they are being __________ by rejecting religion and God – No fallacy is rational

27 How the Galileo Affair gets Used Notice in this painting how Galileo is standing, the strong __________ in the face of a close minded Church This panders to the view that by simply rejecting __________, a person is being true to __________

28 Catholic Church and Science The Catholic Church wanted to go out of the way to show how the Faith and Science were __________ Catechisms listed the names of Catholic __________ – These pages come from a Catechism first published in 1936 and reprinted in 1961 – It is call “My Catholic Faith”

29 Pope John Paul II and his Apology 1979 John Paul II convened a commission to __________ the Galileo case. In his __________ he makes an admission of “errors committed” and also affirms Augustinian principles of __________ Which were also held by Galileo.

30 Conclusion The Galileo Affair is one page in a long history of the Church’s respect for and use of science Due to __________ and rationale a false dilemma, this affair is used to show that the Church is anti-science The Truth is that we are not. We make __________, but the Church stood on both sides of the Galileo Affair. We have apologized, lets see if those who use this affair to reject religion are __________

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