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The Crusades Compiled by Amy. Alexios I Komnenos Byzantine Emperor from 1081-1118 His lands were being torn apart by raiding warriors known as the Seljuq.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crusades Compiled by Amy. Alexios I Komnenos Byzantine Emperor from 1081-1118 His lands were being torn apart by raiding warriors known as the Seljuq."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crusades Compiled by Amy

2 Alexios I Komnenos Byzantine Emperor from 1081-1118 His lands were being torn apart by raiding warriors known as the Seljuq Turks and the Normans from the Western Balkans In 1095 he sent a letter to Pope Urban II He asked for simple mercenary forces to help him drive out the raiders.

3 Pope Urban II Pope Urban receives the letter from Alexios. Alexios is of the Greek Orthodox Church Pope Urban wants Constantinople, Sicily and Italy to be under the Catholic church. Pope Urban preaches the First Crusades Promised the Crusaders great wealth Promised remission of sins People come forward and the pope places strips of cloth over their hearts Thousands answer the call in 1095

4 Be Careful What You Ask For Alexios asked for mercenaries Wanted a small fighting force to protect Constantinople There were over 60,000 crusaders They used up the natural resources Alexios thought that maybe Pope Urban was trying to wage war on him to claim Constantinople for the Church Pope Urban sent crusaders Pope Urban was able to get all his noble men to stop fighting by banding them together for a common purpose The crusades drew people closer to their faith Pope Urban sent so many people that Alexios decided to undermine him.

5 Fortifications of Constantinople During the Middle Ages

6 Siege of Nicaea The crusaders crossed the Bosphorus and headed to Nicaea. They set up a siege for over 6 weeks. They had decided to attack the city in full force the following day. Alexios had a secret agent contact the city leaders and they peacefully surrendered to him in exchange for their lives. By morning the Imperial flags were flying along the walls and the crusaders were angry. They were hoping to fight infidels and take spoils of war.

7 Why Jerusalem? The temples of Herod and Solomon were in Jerusalem and they are sacred to the Jews. The prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven from the city of Jerusalem making this city sacred to the Muslims. Christ was crucified and rose again in the city of Jerusalem making it sacred to the Christians

8 3 rd Crusade Taking Jerusalem Battle of Dorclarn The crusaders encountered archers on horseback. Archers on the their backs using the Nokia When the Crusaders got to Jerusalem, they were merciless. They killed over 30,000 people. There was incredible mourning of all the people.

9 Knights Templar Mission to Protect the Pilgrims Acted as a Bank Accept donations of land and money Hold property under the Knights Templar Tax Exempt Could charge interest on loans. Eventually spanned the entire route to the Holy Lands.

10 Knights Hospitallers Provide Care The Knights Hospitallers provided care for the poor, sick, or injured pilgrims in the Holy Lands. It was founded around 1023 but established itself in Jerusalem after the 3 rd Crusade.

11 Saladin Muslims Leader The leaders were divided and could not agree on anything. Saladin was able to reunite the Sunni and the Shia which are the two largest groups of Islam. Saladin invoked Jihad or spiritual war. He was able to take back Jerusalem.

12 Philip IV of France “The Fair” Knight’s Templar Destruction Huge debts to the Templars Could not afford to pay them Arrested Templars and charged them with treason and heresy

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