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1984 By Aaron Washington Chapter 10. Character Analysis Winston- Winston is the protagonist on this story. He is a very intelligent man; is enlightened.

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Presentation on theme: "1984 By Aaron Washington Chapter 10. Character Analysis Winston- Winston is the protagonist on this story. He is a very intelligent man; is enlightened."— Presentation transcript:

1 1984 By Aaron Washington Chapter 10

2 Character Analysis Winston- Winston is the protagonist on this story. He is a very intelligent man; is enlightened in a sense. Winston thinks more than he should in some cases. He is very inquisitive, which makes him doubt his government and how they operate. In this chapter a new side of Winston is revealed, a more sensitive side. Winston has a revelation in this chapter when watching the Prole women. Although she is very muscular and masculine Winston notices her beauty, and her endless potential. Also in this chapter Winston is very susceptible to the rapidly changing tone of the story; feeling a bit of empathic for the prole women to feeling a sense of shock when Winston and Julia have been discovered.

3 Character Analysis Julia-Julia is a young dark haired woman that Winston met at work. Julia is an ideal citizen in the public’s eye. She is a supporter of the junior anti sex league, and she is a very hard, determined worker. In reality Julia is very rebellious towards Big Brother, rebelling by having sex with multiple lovers, and performing other small revolts, such as wearing make-up. In this Chapter Julia also fluctuates toward the tone of the story going from being very upbeat, to very petrified at some points. Mr. Charrington- Given indirect charactization, Mr. Charrington is described as being a very quite person; isolated in his small shop. Orwell states that Mr. Charrington lives a very ghost like existence in his dark shop. Winston believes that Mr. Charraington sees eye to eye with his views and aggression towards the government. In this Chapter we find out who Mr. Charrington really is. He is a member of the Thought Police. He has been working undercover as a quite, isolated shop owner.

4 Character Analysis Prole Woman- Orwell uses the Prole woman as a direct contradiction to Julia, by her physique and her ability to have so many children. Orwell also uses the woman as a symbol; a symbol of hope. Winston has hope in the Proles, that they could overthrow the government if they worked together. Thought Police- Thought Police are an undercover association, that are trained to predict what a person is thinking and convict them if they have reason to believe that they are thinking a crime; A very cruel and ruthless association.

5 Vocabulary Luxurious-adj. characterized by luxury Julia woke at the sound, stretched herself luxuriously, and got out of bed. Bazaars-n. a marketplace or shopping quarter, esp. one in the Middle East. All round the world, in London and New York, in Africa and Brazil and in the mysterious, forbidden lands beyond the frontiers, in the streets of Paris and Berlin, in the villages of the endless Russian plain, in the bazaars of China and Japan. Toil-n. hard and continuous work; exhausting labor or effort. Everywhere stood the same solid unconquerable figure, made monstrous by work and childbearing, toiling from birth to death and still singing.

6 Vocabulary Entrails-pl n. the internal parts of the trunk of an animal body; the intestines Winstons entrails seemed to have turned into ice Truncheons-n. the club carried by a police officer; baton The room was full of solid men in black uniform s, with iron-shod boots on their feet and truncheons in their hands. Flank-n. the side of an animal or a person between the ribs and hip From the hip to the knee her flank was against his Solar plexus- n. Also called celiac plexus. Anatomy. a network of nerves situated at the upper part of the abdomen, behind the stomach and in front of the aorta.. One of them men had smashed his fist into Julia’s solar plexus, doubling her up like a pocket ruler.

7 Literary Elements Imagery- As he looked at the woman in her characteristic attitude, her think arms reaching up for the line, her powerful mare like buttocks protruded, it struck him for the first time that that she was beautiful. Orwell describes the Prole Woman very distinctly, ranging from her mare-like buttocks to her think arms. This use of Imagery is effective because, the reader can picture the physical features of the prole woman. Simile The solid, contour less body, like a block of granite, and the rasping red skin, bore the same relation to the body of a girl as the rose-hip to the rose. Orwell compares the woman’s body to a block of granite, and her rasping red skin to that of a rose.

8 Literary Elements Imagery-The flagstones were wet as though they had just been washed, and he had the feeling that the sky had been washed too, so fresh and pale was the blue between the chimney pot Orwell is successful with his use of imagery because, by stating the sky looked like it had been washed, helps the reader envision the setting of the chapter. Simile-She had had her momentary flowering, a year, perhaps, of wild rose beauty, an then she had suddenly swollen like a fertilized fruit and grown hard and red and course, the her life had been laundering, scrubbing, darning, cooking, sweeping, polishing, mending, scrubbing, laundering, first for children, then for grandchildren, mover thirty broken years. Orwell compares the Prole woman to flowers, the cycle of how flowers blossom and die in the winter just to return again in the spring. This is the life of the Prole mother from laundering to scrubbing to darning and etc.

9 Discussion Questions What is the Prole Woman's value to the story? And what does this make Winston realize? The Prole Woman's value to the story is, that she is hope for Winston. The Proles symbolize hope. They have the ability to rapidly reproduce, they are strong physically and mentally, and they can be hard workers. Once they realize what potential they have they could overthrow Big Brother. Winston realizes this when watching the Prole mother wash clothes, he also realizes that Goldstein had discovered the same thing within the Proles.

10 Discussion Questions What does the voice from behind the picture knowing the end of the song symbolize? Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to cut off you head. The voice knowing the end of the song symbolizes that the voice is of a very familiar person. A person that Winston thought he could trust; a very quite and isolated elderly man. The only person that could know the end of the rhyme, Mr. Charrington.

11 Discussion Questions What is the irony between the bird and the Prole Woman singing? And what does the singing mean to Winston? The irony between the Prole women and the bird singing is that they are doing it because it is they're nature. They sing because that’s is what they enjoy to do. This shows a sense of freedom and how the two totally different species are more closely related then Winston thought before. It also shows a sense of relaxation, with nothing to worry about and very little responsibilities. The singing shocks Winston and helps him realize the responsibilities and worries of the Proles are very low and less stressful.

12 Discussion Question When the Thought Policeman shatters the paperweight off the ground; what does this symbolize? When the thought police catch up to Winston and Julia, one of the thought policemen shatters the paperweight off the ground. This symbolizes that the past is vanishing. The paperweight was a sign that the past actually did exist and by the Policeman shattering it, it shows that the past is being erased before their eyes, and they can do nothing to stop it.

13 Discussion Question What does the Prole women stop singing and hearing the wash bucket being kicked along the street foreshadow? The Prole women singing symbolizes hope for the future generation. Her being silenced symbolizes Winston's destiny. It symbolizes to Winston that he has no hope, that the thought police are coming and he can do nothing to stop them.

14 Chapter Summary At the beginning of the chapter Winston and Julia are sleeping. Julia is woken up by the Prole mother outside singing. Winston goes to the Window to look at the muscular creature singing. Winston studies the setting in grave detail. He notices that the day is very calm and surreal. Winston also stares at the Prole woman looking at all of her physical masculine features. He notices how red her arms are and how bulky she is, but yet he sees her as being beautiful. At this point Winston has a revelation; he realizes the truth, the truth lies behind the Proles. He realizes that the Proles have all the qualities needed to overthrow Big Brother and the government. Julia meets Winston at the Window, she is also studying the Prole mother. At this point they both know they're future, they both know that they are dead. As they repeat out loud that “we are dead”, a familiar voice from behind the picture interjects “you are dead”. They both suddenly realized that the telescreen was behind the painting of the church. After they both notice the telescreen they hear footsteps. Not just any footsteps they heard iron-clods “clacking” on the stone outside and iron clods inside the house as well.

15 Chapter Summary (continued) A voice sprang out “you are surrounded”. The voice from the telescreen recited the last lines of the Saint Clements rhyme “Here comes a candle to light you to bed, Here comes a chopper to chop off your head!” The window behind them shatters as a man in a back suits comes in. More Though Police come in from the door, as they come in one of them shatters the paperweight. They get a hold of Julia and Winston. Winston knows not to move to avoid getting battered and maimed. One of the men had violently kicked Winston in the ankle which nearly flung him to the floor. Another man had punched Julia right in the breast, knocking the wind right from her lungs. The men then hoisted Julia out of the room, and Mr. Charrington enters the room. Mr. Charrington looked different then before, his eye brows were trimmed, he became taller, his wrinkles were gone, and most of all at this point Winston finally realizes Mr. Charrington is not an old quite man that owned a small shop, but was a member of the Thought Police.

16 Chapter Analysis Chapter ten, book two is a very crucial chapter, it brings great excitement and suspense to the book. This chapter is also crucial for Winston’s and Julia’s future in Oceania. Orwell uses a diverse variety of literary elements to depict Winston’s and Julia’s final hours before being capture by Mr. Charrington and the Thought Police. Orwell spends most of the chapter describing the Prole Woman, and the setting. He sets the overall tone as being a very peaceful chapter, until the thought police come. When they arrive Orwell changes the tone into complete paranoia and terror. Overall this chapter is very well put together and brings many different elements to the story that are needed.

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