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Western Civilization I Part 5: The Middle Ages Medieval Feudalism Medieval Renaissances.

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1 Western Civilization I Part 5: The Middle Ages Medieval Feudalism Medieval Renaissances

2 Europe in the High Middle Ages


4 Clydesdales (Wikipedia) Paolo Uccello (1397–1475), The Battle of San Romano (1432). Uffizi Gallery, Florence (Wikipedia)


6 Battle of Crécy (1346). From a 15th-century illuminated manuscript of Jean Froissart's Chronicles. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (Wikipedia)

7 A coin of Charlemagne with the inscription KAROLVS IMP AVG (Karolus Imperator Augustus), 812-814. Cabinet des Médailles, Paris (Wikipedia)

8 Beginning of the Gospel of Luke, Letter of Jerome to Pope Damasus. Codex aureas, Carolingian. Vatican Library, Rome Charlemagne and Alcuin of York (

9 Abélard and Heloïse in a manuscript of the Roman de la Rose (14th century) A meeting of doctors at the University of Paris. Illustration from Chants royaux. 16th cent. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. (Wikipedia)

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