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NSHMBA 2015: Student Chapter Launch. DISCUSSION OVERVIEW I.NSHMBA Strategy – Old and NEW II.New Student Chapters & Initial Market Launch III.About University.

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Presentation on theme: "NSHMBA 2015: Student Chapter Launch. DISCUSSION OVERVIEW I.NSHMBA Strategy – Old and NEW II.New Student Chapters & Initial Market Launch III.About University."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSHMBA 2015: Student Chapter Launch

2 DISCUSSION OVERVIEW I.NSHMBA Strategy – Old and NEW II.New Student Chapters & Initial Market Launch III.About University Chapters IV.Opportunities: Partnership Scholarships Conference Attendance/Participation V.Q & A

3 VISION NSHMBA Strategy (1988 – 2014) To be THE premier organization for Hispanic business professionals Increase Hispanics graduating with MBA’s Enhance opportunities via leadership positions, job placement & professional development Choice Partner for Hispanic talent Recruit & Retain MBA members MISSION


5 PROFESSIONAL CHAPTER LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT 10 Member Governing Boards (incl. 4 executive officers) Dedicated National Staff Support by Region Nationally Supported Shared Services – Finance/Accounting – Marketing – Events – Membership Management – Web & Intranet

6 Current Hispanic Trends in the U.S. The NSHMBA Challenge Largest & fastest growing minority group Highest drop-out rate Only 49% go to college (½ to Community College) Only 13% have a Bachelor’s Degree Only 4% have a graduate or professional degree Severely underrepresented in professional employment Hispanics will drive 60% of U.S. labor force in 2025 Projection… Source: PEW Hispanic Research & Excelencia in Education

7 VISION NEW NSHMBA Strategy 2015+ Be the leading catalyst for Hispanic achievement by 2025 MISSION Empower Hispanic business professionals to achieve their full educational, economic and social potential

8 NSHMBA Commitment Drive Education Evolve Leaders Develop Talent Create Positions Unlock Opportunities Increase Scholarships Engage Public Community Service Lengthen Reach EDUCATIONSOCIALECONOMIC Professionals University High School

9 NEW Student Chapter Launch

10 Selective Market Identification RESEARCH & CRITERIA: -Population: largest Hispanic population -Accredited and well-known institutions -Programs: All Business (incl. STEM) -Strong Hispanic supporting organizations Dallas/Ft. Worth Chicago Los Angeles

11 Student Chapter START-UP MEMBERS 10 Member Roster LEADERSHIP 4 Identified Volunteer Leaders EVENTS Minimum of 2 Events / Academic Year SUPPORT Signature and Commitment of 1 University Faculty/Staff Member

12 Infrastructure & Support 4 Member Governing Board Dedicated National Staff Support Nationally Supported Shared Services – Finance/Accounting – Marketing – Events – Membership Management – Web & Intranet – Social Media Accounts

13 Chapter Unique Opportunities: Partnerships – Access to 350+ Corporate Partnerships – Inclusion & Access to Job Board Resources and Opportunities Scholarships & Programs – Information about University Partner scholarship opportunities – Inclusion in opportunities for NSHMBA program scholarships – Access & Inclusion to Internship and Mentorship program Conference & National Event Participation – Sponsored opportunities for leadership to be present at 2 national annual events

14 Interested in Starting a Chapter in your University? Submit a NSHMBA University Chapter Interest Form HERE.HERE

15 QUESTIONS…COMMENTS  Final Thoughts  Next Steps


17 Contact Information Angela Tristan, VP of Operations Tel: 214-524-7527 Email: Mónica González, University Chapter Relationship Manager Tel: 214-524-7553 Email:

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