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Module: Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (EIAM) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Dr. Dimitra Vagiona.

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Presentation on theme: "Module: Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (EIAM) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Dr. Dimitra Vagiona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module: Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (EIAM) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Dr. Dimitra Vagiona

2 Module: Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (EIAM) Understand the advances of EIA in regard to environmental management Get familiar with National and European legislation concerning EIA Understand the elements of EIA process Understand the natural and anthropogenic components of the environment Perceive tools and techniques for EIAGet familiar with the format of an EIA Report Main goals

3 Outline of the module Definition of basic concepts: sustainability, carrying capacity of the environment, projects, programs, EIA, EIS, SEA 1st week Introduction – General concepts Purpose, scope and content of EIA policy and legislation (European Directives, National Law) Principles for a functional EIA system Introduction to EIA process 2nd week Legal framework Identification of criteria to compare alternatives Performance matrix Methods of selecting among alternatives, case studies 3rd week Alternatives

4 Outline of the module Project lists for screening Criteria for the determination of the need of EIA Preliminary EIA and other types of screening (information included, contents) Steps considered in scoping and evaluation criteria for the scoping impacts 4th week Screening procedure Scoping procedure Stakeholders involved in EIA Principles of public involvement Public involvement techniques 5th week Public participation Non-biotic characteristics of the environment (climatic and bioclimatic features, morphology, soil, visional features etc) Natural environment (flora, fauna, protected areas) Existing and potential conditions 6th week Broader definition of the environment (1)

5 Outline of the module Anthropogenic environment (land uses, built environment, socio-economic environment, historical and cultural environment, acoustic etc) Surface and groundwaters Existing and potential conditions 7th week Broader definition of the environment (2) Effects caused by projects Classification of impacts (positive/adverse, primary/secondary/tertiary, cumulative, residual, temporal, spatial etc) Case studies 8th week Impact classification Mitigation and impact management Checklists Network analysis Leopold’s matrix Flow diagrams 9th week Tools for impact identification (1)

6 Outline of the module Stepped or chained matrices Delphi method Overlays Dose – response functions 10th week Tools for impact identification (2) Case studies: Multicriteria Analysis - MCA Analytical Hierarchy Process - AHP GIS – Geographical Information System CBA – Cost Benefit Analysis RA – Risk Analysis 11th week Techniques for Environmental Appraisal (1) Case studies: IO – Input Output LCA – Life Cycle Analysis CV – Contingent Valuation CEA – Cost Effectiveness Analysis MP – Mathematical Programming 12th week Techniques for Environmental Appraisal (2)

7 Outline of the module guidelines for effective EIA report preparation and production Main difficulties encountered in EIA preparation Presentation of an integrated case study 13th week EIA reporting Assignment: Case study - Perform an EIA study (report)

8 The tutor Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Sciences Sciences of Planning The students Different educational backgrounds Different EIA regimes

9 Suggested books 1. Peter Morris and Riki Therivel, 2009, Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment, Routledge 2. John Glasson, Riki Therivel, Andrew Chadwick, 2005, Introduction to environmental impact assessment, Taylor and Francis 3. Peter Wathern, 2004, Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York 4. Nolberto Munier, 2004, Multicriteria Environmental Assessment: A Practical Guide, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London 5. Christopher Wood, 2003, Environmental Impact Assessment: A Comperative Review, Person, Prentice Hall 6. Barbara Carroll and Trevor Turpin, 2003, Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook, a practical guide for planners, developers and communities, Hobbs the Printers, Hampshire 7. David P. Lawrence, 2003, Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Solutions to Recurrent Problems, Wiley - Interscience 8. Peter Morris and Riki Therivel, 2001, Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment, Spon Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York

10 Internet site

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