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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force August 6, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force August 6, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force August 6, 2015

2 Welcome & Opening Remarks Task Force Chairman Chris Hart IV

3 WIOA Task Force CareerSource Florida Enterprise Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity Florida Workforce Development Association Dept. of Education DOE Division of Career and Adult Education DOE Division of Vocational Rehabilitation DOE Division of Blind Services Florida College System Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida State University System of Florida Florida Association of Postsecondary Schools and Colleges Agency for Persons with Disabilities Dept. of Elder Affairs Dept. of Children and Families Dept. of Juvenile Justice Dept. of Corrections Florida Small Business Development Center Network

4 Task Force Charge Develop WIOA implementation recommendations by providing counsel and support to the CareerSource Florida Team, as it prepares a WIOA Implementation Plan for consideration by the CareerSource Florida Board of Directors.

5 April-Aug. 2015 Florida WIOA Task Force Meets (Two webinars and four in- person meetings) Sept. 2015 WIOA Task Force Recommendations Reviewed by CSF Board and Board Input Gathered Nov. 2015 Final Florida WIOA Implementation Report Approved by CSF Board and Submitted to Governor and Legislature Jan.- March 2015 2016 Legislative Session March 2016 Submission of State Plan to U.S. Department of Labor WIOA Timeline

6 Task Force Future Meeting Date Aug. 27: Webinar WIOA Resource Page and Comments Submission

7 WIOA Vision Needs of business and workers drive workforce solutions Superior customer service to job seekers and employers Strong regional economies

8 WIOA Goals 1.Increase access to employment, education, training and support services — particularly for people with barriers to employment. 2.Create a comprehensive, high-quality workforce development system by aligning workforce investment, education and economic development. 3.Improve the quality and labor market relevance of workforce investment, education and economic development efforts. 4.Promote improvement in the structure and delivery of workforce services. 5.Increase the prosperity of workers and employers. 6.Reduce welfare dependency, increase economic self-sufficiency, meet employer needs and enhance productivity and competitiveness.

9 Florida Vision Florida will be the global leader for talent.

10 Our Customer, Product & Shareholders Business is our customer. Existing businesses. Evolving businesses. Emerging businesses. The Floridians we serve, combined with the value-added workforce development solutions we provide to enhance their market-relevant knowledge and skills, are our product. Taxpayers are our shareholders.

11 Listening to the Voice of Business — Apprenticeships Eric D. Kennedy President of EDK Management Consultants Inc. and Florida State Apprenticeship Advisory Council Member

12 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. State Apprenticeship Advisory Council “Listening to the Voice of Business” Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Task Force August 6, 2015 – 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Betty Easley Conference Center Dr. Eric D. Kennedy State Apprenticeship Advisory Council Member Florida’s Registered Apprenticeship Programs

13 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.

14 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. Apprenticeship Fast Facts US DOL Provides credential equivalent of a 2- or 4- year degree Average starting salary: $ 50,000 Completing a Registered Apprenticeship program = $300,000 more over the course of a career Increases workforce skill, productivity and morale 150,000 employers and labor management organizations participate Nearly 400,000 apprenticeships [apprentices] are available nationwide in more than 1,000 occupations

15 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. What are the benefits of the apprenticeship model for training? Nationally recognized, portable credentials Significantly higher compensation over the course of an apprentice’s career Highly recommended by employers for: Meeting the demands for skilled workers Reliably showing which workers have relevant skills Raising productivity, strengthening worker morale and pride, and improving worker safety Apprenticeship Training/Education Model is an “earn as you learn” program that completes with nationally recognized certifications and “no financial aid debt service”.

16 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. Program Information: Data is from - REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP PARTNERS INFORMATION DATA SYSTEM (RAPIDS), the federal apprenticeship database and is for the Florida Fiscal Year (FY) of – July 1 thru June 30. State of Florida (all numbers are approximate 2011 Florida FY 2012 Florida FY 2013 Florida FY 2014 Florida FY 2015 Florida FY Active Apprentices 8,4987,5127,0026,9697,743 Completed Apprentices (DOE Data) 1,9281,3431,4761,3651,134 New Apprentices 1,2611,0241,5081,4521,603 Total Apprenticeship Programs 243228225215209 New Apprenticeship Programs (DOE Data) 9/155965 Updated: 7/7/2015

17 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. Traditional Reg. Occupations Electrical HVAC Plumbing Technology Carpentry Fire Sprinkler Sys. Tech. Sheet Metal Fabricator Industrial Pipefitter Painting and Decorating Non-Traditional Occupations Early Childhood Ed. Fire Fighter Machining/Numerical Machine Operator Cook/Culinary Information Technology Application Developer Help Desk Technician Network Support Tech.

18 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. Workforce Education Top 10 Enrolled Apprenticeship Programs, 2013-14 Apprenticeship 2013-14 Enrollment Electrician1,935 Early Childhood Education912 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology 790 Plumbing Technology694 Structural Steel Work358 Fire Fighter219 Painting and Decorating210 Carpentry206 Commercial Sign Design and Fabrication157 Machining155 District Apprenticeship 2013-14 Enrollment Electrician971 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology 430 Fire Sprinkler System Technology218 Plumbing Technology147 Industrial Pipefitter137 Culinary Operations111 Early Childhood Education78 Brick and Block Masonry52 Heavy Equipment Operation35 Machining29 Florida Colleges

19 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. How do employers become apprenticeship sponsors/employers? Visit for a complete listing of participating Florida employers interested in sponsoring an apprenticeship program should contact the Apprenticeship Section within the Division of Career and Adult Education. Will provide information about new and existing programs throughout the state. Employers can participate in an existing program or can work with apprenticeship training representatives to develop a new program. Sponsors of new programs define their own training standards with the assistance of experienced apprenticeship training representatives who monitor and coordinate the development and implementation of registered programs. Two additional points: a) employers are deliberately contributing to the professional development, b) each makes an investment

20 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. Apprenticeship Program Enrollment, 2013-14

21 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act, signed by the President on July 22, 2014 The law reinforces connections with Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Integrating RA programs into workforce planning and policy Promoting work-based learning and using WIOA resources to support RA Creating new RA opportunities through focus on services to employers Supporting career pathways for youth through RA Recognizing RA in WIOA performance measures

22 © 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Specifically, this will mean that: RA programs are included on the eligible training provider list for the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs as long as they remain registered, providing access to high-quality training. State and local boards will have representatives of RA programs as members, ensuring that a key employer voice contributes to strategic planning activities for the workforce system. RA completion certificates will be recognized as a post- secondary credential, providing job seekers with flexibility. The Youth program may offer pre-apprenticeship training to prepare youth for RA or other career opportunities.

23 Task Force Charge Develop WIOA implementation recommendations by providing counsel and support to the CareerSource Florida Team, as it prepares a WIOA Implementation Plan for consideration by the CareerSource Florida Board of Directors.

24 Recommendations from Task Force Members WIOA Task Force 1.What follow-up or additional recommendations do you have from the topics addressed during the July 16 meeting? 2.How should WIOA-required Career Center partners share infrastructure costs? 3.Since WIOA requires common measurement and planning for the core programs, what governance or organizational structure would lead to the best outcomes? 4.What resources or relationships do you need to implement WIOA?

25 Public Comment

26 Closing Comments Chris Hart IV, Task Force Chairman

27 Task Force Future Meeting Date Aug. 27: Webinar WIOA Resource Page and Comments Submission

28 April-Aug. 2015 Florida WIOA Task Force Meets (Two webinars and four in- person meetings) Sept. 2015 WIOA Task Force Recommendations Reviewed by CSF Board and Board Input Gathered Nov. 2015 Final Florida WIOA Implementation Report Approved by CSF Board and Submitted to Governor and Legislature Jan.- March 2015 2016 Legislative Session March 2016 Submission of State Plan to U.S. Department of Labor WIOA Timeline

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