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Anthropogenic Biomes, Land-Use Systems

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1 Anthropogenic Biomes, Land-Use Systems
Agriculture in a Global Context Anthropogenic Biomes, Land-Use Systems Global Climate Change and Erle Ellis Department of Geography & Environmental Systems University of Maryland, Baltimore County German-US Conference Tough Choices - Land Use under a Changing Climate Berlin, Germany October 2, 2008

2 Trends in Agriculture & Global Climate Change
Overview Trends in Agriculture & Global Climate Change Agricultural Change and Global Climate Change Anthropogenic Biomes & Land Use Systems What is Agriculture? Rangelands, Croplands & Villages Measuring & modeling global changes in multi-functional agricultural mosaics

3 Cropland and Pasture 2000 Cropland Pasture 15 million km2
Ramankutty, N., A. T. Evan, C. Monfreda, and J. A. Foley Farming the planet: 1. Geographic distribution of global agricultural lands in the year Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22:GB1003. Cropland and Pasture 2000 Cropland 15 million km2 12% of ice free land Pasture 28 million km2 22% of ice free land

4 - + Changes in Cropland Area: 1960 - 1990
Ramankutty, N., J. A. Foley, and N. J. Olejniczak People on the land: Changes in global population and croplands during the 20th century. AMBIO 31: Land clearing: tropics (plantations, crops) Land abandoned: Americas, China, Eastern Europe Return to production (recent grain prices): USA

5 Agriculture Intensifies: 1960 - 2000
Changes in Management Hazell, P. and S. Wood Drivers of change in global agriculture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363:

6 Agriculture and Global Climate Change
Agricultural Change Changes in Areas: Extent and Landscape structure Changes in Management Practices: e.g. irrigation… Agriculture is a cause of global climate change Biophysical: surface heat balance, aerosols Biogeochemistry: carbon balance, greenhouse gases Agriculture is impacted by global climate change Altered environments for crops and livestock Adaptation by managers Management: irrigation practices, varieties… Extent and landscape structure: land abandonment, new irrigation systems, land clearing …

7 Climate Change and Suitability for Crops
Colder regions get better Drier regions get worse Ramankutty, N., J. A. Foley, J. Norman, and K. McSweeney The global distribution of cultivable lands: current patterns and sensitivity to possible climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography 11:

8 “Agriculture is embedded in Anthropogenic Biomes”
What is agriculture? The cropped/grazed part of landscapes Agroecosystems Part of land use systems Part of multifunctional landscape mosaics Part of human systems Part of Anthropogenic Biomes (Anthromes)

9 Anthropogenic Biomes a new framework for ecology and earth science in the 21st century Anthromes: global patterns of sustained human interaction with the biosphere.

10 Anthropogenic Biomes: An Empirical Approach
Population density (urban, rural) Croplands Pastures Irrigation Rice Tree & bare cover (Vegetation Continuous Fields) Anthropogenic Biomes Cluster Analysis Ellis & Ramankutty, 2008

11 Anthropogenic Biomes of the World (v1)
Urban & dense settlements 11 12 Dense settlements Croplands 31 Residential irrigated 32 Residential rainfed mosaic 33 Populated irrigated 34 Populated rainfed 35 Remote Wildlands 61 Wild forests 62 Sparse trees 63 Barren Forested 51 Populated forests 52 Remote forests Villages 21 Rice 22 Irrigated 23 Cropped & pastoral 24 Pastoral 25 Rainfed 26 Rainfed mosaic Rangelands 41 Residential 42 Populated 43 Remote *Mosaic: >25% tree cover mixed with > 25% pasture and/or cropland * Ellis & Ramankutty, 2008

12 Rangelands 40 million km2 0.3 billion people
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World 40 million km2 0.3 billion people Rangelands 6% global tree cover 16% global cropland Grazing land, minimal crops and forests Residential Populated Remote Ellis & Ramankutty, 2008

13 Croplands Remote Rangelands Atlas Mountains, Morocco South Dakota, USA
Credit: © Alexander Smart. <

14 Populated Rangelands Atlas Mountains, Morocco

15 Croplands 27 million km2 0.9 billion people
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World 27 million km2 0.9 billion people Croplands 25% global tree cover 53% global cropland Crops mixed with other land uses Residential irrigated Populated rainfed Residential rainfed mosaic Remote Populated irrigated Ellis & Ramankutty, 2008

16 Remote Croplands Colombia Basin, Washington, USA
Credit: © GWMA <

17 Croplands - Residential Rainfed Mosaic
Normandy, France Credit: © JH.Bernard. <

18 Villages 8 million km2 2.6 billion people
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World 8 million km2 2.6 billion people Villages 4% global tree cover 24% global cropland Densely populated agriculture rural population >100 person km-2 Rice Pastoral Irrigated Rainfed Cropped & pastoral Rainfed mosaic Ellis & Ramankutty, 2008

19 Rainfed Mosaic Villages
Jintang County, Sichuan Province, China

20 Rice Villages Danyang County, Jiangsu Province, China

21 Anthropogenic Biomes Globally
People 80% in urban and village anthromes Land 22% wild biomes, 78% anthropogenic biomes NPP 11% wild biomes, 89% anthropogenic biomes 32% in Croplands biomes 33% Forested biomes Crops Villages 24% + 50% in populated croplands (>1 person km-2) Most irrigation and rice is in villages >25% global tree cover is embedded in Croplands

22 Cultivated Anthromes Global Villages Croplands Land use (%)
Urban Land use (%) Land cover (%) Densely settled rice herb irrigated Villages irrigated crops & pasture bare pastoral < trees 8 million km2 rainfed 24% global cropland rainfed mosaic residential irrigated Croplands residential rainfed mosaic populated rainfed 27 million km2 populated irrigated 53% global cropland remote Residential pasture rainfed Rangelands irrigated Populated Remote Populated forests Remote forests Wildlands

23 Anthropogenic Biomes are
Multifunctional Land Mosaics Mixtures of different land uses and land covers. Urban areas are embedded in agricultural areas. Croplands are mixed with trees and housing. Managed vegetation is mixed with semi-natural vegetation (e.g. croplands in rangelands and forests). Hillslopes & mountains are often islands of semi-natural vegetation

24 © Erle C. Ellis, 2005

25 Jintang 500m Sample Cell R05_C12
Landsat (28.5m) © Erle C. Ellis, 2005

26 Jintang 500m Sample Cell R05_C12
IKONOS © Erle C. Ellis, 2005

27 2001 IKONOS DIANBAI 1 km2 Sample October 27, 2001
Tropical Hilly Region DIANBAI 1 km2 Sample 2001 IKONOS October 27, 2001 Ellis et al., 2006

28 1945 Aerial DIANBAI 1 km2 Sample May 14, 1944 Tropical Hilly Region
Ellis et al., 2006

29 COVER Change DIANBAI 1945 - 2001 Vegetation - Regeneration
Tropical Hilly Region DIANBAI 1 km2 Sample COVER Change Vegetation - Regeneration + Denudation Ellis et al., 2006

30 Brodie, P. 1990. Crescent over Cathay: China and ICI, 1898 to 1956
Brodie, P Crescent over Cathay: China and ICI, 1898 to Oxford University Press, New York.

31 chem fertilizer appl picture
~25% of Global N Fertilizer Use chem fertilizer appl picture © Erle C. Ellis, 2002

32 household survey © Erle C. Ellis, 2005

33 Agricultural Mosaics and Climate Change
Challenges Observing global changes in agricultural mosaics Modeling interactions between climate and management (adaptation & feedbacks) A way forward…. Global Sampling, Measurement and Modeling of Agricultural Landscape Processes

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