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Landscape (and) Sociology Understanding Czech and European landscapes.

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1 Landscape (and) Sociology Understanding Czech and European landscapes

2 Obligatory Trips: (1) Phenomenon of Green Man: short trip in downtown, part of regular lecture (April / May) (1) Phenomenon of Green Man: short trip in downtown, part of regular lecture (April / May) (2) Closing trip - Landscape: Culture and Natural Heritage. Field landscape studies in Czech Paradise, East Bohemia. (May 9 afternoon departure from Prague, and May 11 evening – night arrival back to Prague) (2) Closing trip - Landscape: Culture and Natural Heritage. Field landscape studies in Czech Paradise, East Bohemia. (May 9 afternoon departure from Prague, and May 11 evening – night arrival back to Prague)

3 Grading System: Mandatory class attendance (2 absences allowed): 20% Mandatory class attendance (2 absences allowed): 20% Student oral presentation: 25% Student oral presentation: 25% Midterm and final tests: 25% Midterm and final tests: 25% Final paper (1500-2000 words): 30% Final papers are due the last week of class indicated in sylabus Final paper (1500-2000 words): 30% Final papers are due the last week of class indicated in sylabus

4 Courses  European and Czech traditions of landscape  Landscape as human experience and object of science  Concept of cultural landscape  Limits of bio-ecology in understanding Czech and European landscapes  Limits of sociology in understanding landscape  Landscape ecology and society  Towards landscape sustainability  European landscape typologies  Changes in European and Czech landscapes  Landscape and Globalization  Phenomenon of Green Man in Prague  Papers due, final consultation  Closing landscape studies field trip May 9 afternoon (Friday) departure from Prague, May 11 evening arrival to Prague

5 Landscape as: Culture – Nature - Continuum Natural patters Cultural patterns

6 Biology Geology landscape ecology sociology philosophy Field of Landscape sociology

7 Landscape is… P HYSICAL REALITY ………………G EOLOGY, B IOLOGY GEO - BIO - ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM …..E COLOGY Not simply what we see Way of seeing……………….ART With our eye But interpret it with our mind….PHILOSOPHY Values, symbols…………………CULTURE CULTURAL CONSTRUCT……….SOCIOLOGY

8 Problems and dichotomies (follow Jay Appleton) Fragmentation of the field of landscape studies – diversity of our origins Landscape in art and science Nomothetic and idiographic studies (general principles „lawmaking“ studies x individual cases) Theory and practice Visual and cultural approaches to the landscape studies (aesthetic appreciations, emotional response to scenic experience x imprint of communities on the landscape including social and cultural construction of landscape)

9 Problems and dichotomies Processes, perception and phenomena perceived (cultural evolutionary origins of the landscape – an eye for country) New analytical techniques x visual perception by human eye Aplication of statistics replaces automaticly subjectivity by objectivity Analysis is only a part of research x synthesis

10 Readings Berger, P. L. and T. Luckmann. The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1966. Dansereau, P. M. Inscape and Landscape: The Human Perception of Environment. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1975. Forman, R..T. and M. Godron. Landscape Ecology. New York: John Wiley, 1986. Husserl, E. The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Philosophy, English translation for example by D. Carr. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970. Klinj, J, Vos, W., eds., From Landscape Ecology to Landscape Science, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000. Lapka. M., Rikoon, J.S., Cudlínová, E., 2007: Is Globalization overpowering democracy? The challenge for ecology, economy and culture. (M.Lapka, J.S. Rikoon, E. Cudlínová editors). DOKOŘÁN, Prague. ISBN: 987-80- 7363-125-3, 288pp. Lovelock, J. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, 3rd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. Meadows D.H., Meadows D.L., Randers J., Behrens W.W.: The Limits to Growth, London: PAN Books Ltd., 1972. Meeus, Johan. Pan-European landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 31 (1995): 57–79. Sauer, C. The Morphology of Landscape, University of California Publications in Geography, 22 (1925): 19-53 Schama, S. Landscape and Memory. 1st ed. New York: Vintage Books, 1966. Wiens, John, ed., Issues and Perspectives in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

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