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Rose Asera, Ph.D Rethinking Pre-college Math Summer Institute Aug 22, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Rose Asera, Ph.D Rethinking Pre-college Math Summer Institute Aug 22, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rose Asera, Ph.D Rethinking Pre-college Math Summer Institute Aug 22, 2012

2 Move into a situation with questions: starting with questions will take you places that starting with answers won’t. Formal inquiry: an organized form of professional development that involves forming questions, gathering and analyzing data, and acting on and sharing results Informal inquiry: nurturing your intellectual curiosity and asking questions. Inquiry becomes a habit of mind.

3  Your college ?  Your department ?  Your classroom ? What do you pay attention to in order to describe these cultures ?

4  Culture is the connective tissue between formal changes (policy, structure, content) and individual experiences  Can someone ‘change’ culture? (Can someone ‘culture’ change?)  What are the levers of culture change?  How are the characteristics of the culture a resource to you? an obstacle to you?  What is the relationship of culture change to changing policy/ structure/ individuals?  What are the characteristics of a culture of inquiry?

5  What have you done that has shifted the culture in your department?  How is the departmental culture communicated to new people or part-time faculty? to students?  What do you do to establish the culture in your classroom?  Has changing instruction changed the way you see students and learning?

6  What works /for whom /under what conditions ?  What do you know about your students’ lives, aspirations, & challenges? What strengths do students bring to the classroom?  How does knowing your students affect your teaching?  What does learning look like?  How do students view mathematics?  What is the relationship between the data patterns and your observations in the classroom?

7 Besides colleagues in your department, whose work is affected by changes you are making in developmental math?  Who are your allies? Do you have connections across campus boundaries and silos? Why is this important?  Who needs to be involved in the changes? Who needs to be aware and informed?

8  Community & colleagues  Collaboration & conversation  Students as Co-inquirers


10  Taking your teaching sensibility--  Intuition  Hunches  Observations  Puzzles  Dilemmas  Questions Seriously and systematically pursuing evidence to gain more insight into student learning & Sharing it

11 Who are my students?  Katie Hern’s students at Chabot College 12639508781

12 What are we teaching?  Jay Cho & Friends at Pasadena City College 43081975303&id=87553800444634

13  How do we know they are learning?  Laura Graff and friends at College of the Desert 32740290866&id=34947815104339

14 The cycle of inquiry: An outcome of inquiry is more inquiry …. GATHER DATA ANALYZE DATA ACTION MAKE YOUR WORK PUBLIC SHAPE QUESTION

15  What is?  What’s the problem?  What works? How?  What’s possible?  Why?

16  Campus data– trends, patterns, big pictures  Classroom observations  Examples of student work  Results of a common assessment  Think-alouds  Student surveys, interviews and focus groups  Looking outward as well as inward: evidence from other educational settings (research literature, cases, etc)

17  Finding patterns  Quantitative analysis- when are statistics useful?  Qualitative analysis – beyond anecdotes - what are the patterns of response?  Finding outliers: when are outliers worthy of attention?

18  How does what you have learned affect the situation?  What actions do your data indicate?  Are there changes that can be made?  How is inquiry part of implementation? Of ongoing improvement?

19  To reflect and reconstruct the process  To critically reexamine data  To tell the story  To make public and invite conversation  To share ongoing questions  For others to build on

20  To gain different perspectives on the problem  In isolation (classroom/office/campus) you can’t see the dimensions or magnitude of the problem  You understand more about your context by seeing other contexts  The problems we are addressing are bigger than any one person “I never think it’s my problem alone”

21 Students  bring a new perspective to data gathering and analysis  have access to informal aspects of other students’ lives  can translate across cultures  may have tech savvy

22  Increased local knowledge of teaching and learning & common language  Greater understanding of students and their learning process  Shared responsibility for student learning  Integration of professional learning in work responsibilities  Analysis to action  More inquiry  Inquiry becomes a habit or mindset

23  It doesn’t all work  Finding things that don’t work is part of inquiry  Sharing mistakes is part of learning and is very valuable (and not always easy)

24  Teacher as Researcher  Faculty Learning Communities  Reflective Inquiry  Scholarship of Teaching and Learning  Faculty Inquiry Groups  Formative Evaluation

25 SPECC work/undergraduate-education 08673732&id=94404660812025 Faculty Inquiry Network Contact:

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