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NORFES Co. Capt. Victor Y. Vanyukov MARITIME SAFETY SYSTEMS on Russian Pacific Coast General director.

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Presentation on theme: "NORFES Co. Capt. Victor Y. Vanyukov MARITIME SAFETY SYSTEMS on Russian Pacific Coast General director."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORFES Co. Capt. Victor Y. Vanyukov MARITIME SAFETY SYSTEMS on Russian Pacific Coast General director

2 Magadan Vladivostok Nakhodka Vanino De-Castry Olga Plastun Posyet Anadyr Nikolaevsk Providenia B e r i n g S e a Sakhalin Kamchatka P a c i f i c O c e a n S e a of O k h o t s k Sea of Japan Chukotka Primorye Vostochny Petropavlovsk Priamurye Korsakov Kholmsk Yuzno-Sakhalinsk – SAR center & subcenters – major ports – main vessel routes – NAV/MET Area XIII border Legend: – RF SAR region border Russian Pacific R u s s i a n F e d e r a t i o n

3 GMDSS shore based structure GNSS differential stations Search and Rescue (SAR) service Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) MARITIME SAFETY SYSTEMS :

4 Magadan Vladivostok Nakhodka Vanino De-Castry Kholmsk Olga Plastun Posyet Yuzno-Sakhalinsk Anadyr Nikolaevsk Providenia – SAR center & subcenters – RF SAR region border B e r i n g S e a Sakhalin Kamchatka P a c i f i c O c e a n S e a o f O k h o t s k Sea of Japan Chukotka Primorye R u s s i a n F e d e r a t i o n Vostochny Petropavlovsk Priamurye Korsakov Legend: Nevelsk Poronaisk Nogliki Okha Oktiabrsky – GMDSS A1 Base stations (operational, under trial and planned) – GMDSS A2 Base stations (operational, under trial and planned) – GMDSS A2 Area borders (operational, under trial and planned) GMDSS

5 Magadan Vladivostok Nakhodka Vanino De-Castry Kholmsk Olga Plastun Posyet Anadyr Nikolaevsk Providenia B e r i n g S e a Sakhalin Kamchatka P a c i f i c O c e a n S e a of O k h o t s k Sea of Japan Chukotka Primorye Vostochny Petropavlovsk Priamurye Korsakov Okhotsk Nogliki NAVTEX – major ports – NAV/MET Area XIII border Legend: – NAVTEX stations (operational, under trial and planned) – NAVTEX coverage

6 Magadan Vladivostok Nakhodka Vanino De-Castry Kholmsk Olga Plastun Posyet Anadyr Nikolaevsk Providenia B e r i n g S e a Sakhalin Kamchatka P a c i f i c O c e a n S e a of O k h o t s k Sea of Japan Chukotka Primorye Vostochny Petropavlovsk Priamurye Korsakov Zarubino Magadan VTS (under trial) Vanino VTS (under trial) De-Castry VTS (feasibility and design study) Peter the Great Gulf VTS (operational and extended) Aniva Gulf VTS (feasibility and design study) Petropavlovsk VTS (feasibility and design study) R u s s i a n F e d e r a t i o n VTS

7 P e t e r t h e G r e a t G u l f Vladivostok Nakhodka Vostochny Gamova cape Povorotny cape Sysoeva cape Bolshoi Kamen Slavyanka Zarubino Posiet Bryusa cape R u s s i a n F e d e r a t I o n t e r r I t o r I a l s e a b o r d e r Perevoznaya Legend: - VTS centers - VHF base stations - Radar coverage - VHF coverage - VTS sites - AIS coverage Peter the Great Gulf VTS: centers, sites & coverage

8 Peter the Great Gulf Vladivosto k Nakhodka Vostochny Gamova Cape Povorotny Cape Sysoeva Cape Bolshoi Kamen Slavyanka Zarubino Posiet Bryusa Cape Russian Federation territorial sea boarder 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 Perevoznaya Sector 1 – Open part of the Gulf & territorial sea Sector 3 – Vladivostok with approaches Sector 5 – Posiet & Zarubino with approaches Sector 4 – Perevoznaya & Slavyanka with appr. Peter the Great Gulf VTS area & sectors: Sector 2 – Nakhodka & Vostochny

9 + + VICTORIA VMS ( transport vessels monitoring) port entering & departure vessels registration (Port and Flag State Control function) N ational Fishing Monitoring System VESSEL MONITORING SYSTEM (VMS) are to provide MRSC and other authorized users with information on vessel position and movement and consist of:


11 the system is designed as a completely transparent, capable of operating with any satellite radio system later on the system was updated for low cost Inmarsat-D+ terminals as a part of ship security alert system (SSAS) the project was commenced in 2000 Inmarsat-C standard vessel terminals installed in accordance with GMDSS SOLAS regulations is mainly used in the system VICTORIA VMS MAJOR FEATURES (1):

12 vessels transmit position reports every 12 hours (or more often) automatically, without any operator assistance VICTORIA VMS MAJOR FEATURES (2): VICTORIA VMS Center processes vessel report and to make up vessel position image in WWW server every user (including ship owners) has access to the system using a standard WWW browser authorized users may request vessel report through VICTORIA VMS Center at any time


14 VICTORIA VMS SCREENSHOT (2) Дальневосточный бассейн

15 VICTORIA VMS SCREENSHOT (3) Японское море

16 using INMARSAT- BGAN и IRIDIUM satellite systems for vessel reports transmission extending user interface features data exchange with the National Fishing Monitoring System and Port State & Flag Control database compliance with draft IMO-SOLAS requirement for Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system VICTORIA VMS DEVELOPMENT:

17 NORFES Co. Capt. Victor Y. Vanyukov MARITIME SAFETY SYSTEMS on Russian Pacific Coast General director THANK YOU

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