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The Authority of the Scripture Hebrews 3:6, 14 10:35.

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1 The Authority of the Scripture Hebrews 3:6, 14 10:35

2 Two Main Issues Why does God need to give man a standard of authority for his conduct? Why does God need to give man a standard of authority for his conduct? How do the Scriptures meet the criteria for that standard? How do the Scriptures meet the criteria for that standard?

3 Evidences: OT Inspiration Moses & Jeremiah (Exo 4:12; Jer 1:9) Moses & Jeremiah (Exo 4:12; Jer 1:9) Jesus spoke of Adam & Eve (Matt 19:4-8) Jesus spoke of Adam & Eve (Matt 19:4-8) Jesus spoke of Noah & Lot (Luke 17:26-30) Jesus spoke of Noah & Lot (Luke 17:26-30) Jesus spoke of Jonah (Matt 12:39-40) Jesus spoke of Jonah (Matt 12:39-40) Paul quoted from 25 of 39 OT books Paul quoted from 25 of 39 OT books John gives 505 references to the OT in “The Revelation” John gives 505 references to the OT in “The Revelation”

4 Evidences: NT Inspiration Apostles given Spirit of Truth (John 14:26) Apostles given Spirit of Truth (John 14:26) Thessalonians received Paul’s gospel as the word of God (1 Thess 2:13) Thessalonians received Paul’s gospel as the word of God (1 Thess 2:13) Paul’s gospel was not from him or taught to him (Gal 1:11-12) Paul’s gospel was not from him or taught to him (Gal 1:11-12) In 1 Timothy 5:18, Paul quoted Deuteronomy 25:4 & Luke 10:7 calling them “Scripture” In 1 Timothy 5:18, Paul quoted Deuteronomy 25:4 & Luke 10:7 calling them “Scripture” In 2 Peter 3:15-16, Peter confirmed Paul’s writings to be “scripture”. In 2 Peter 3:15-16, Peter confirmed Paul’s writings to be “scripture”.

5 Is Bible Inspiration Provable? External: historical documentation of biblical people, places & events, or archaeological artifacts that corroborate biblical statements. External: historical documentation of biblical people, places & events, or archaeological artifacts that corroborate biblical statements. Apologetics: the field of study that aims to present a rational basis for trusting Bible. Apologetics: the field of study that aims to present a rational basis for trusting Bible. Internal: testimony bearing witness to logical & verifiable statements & claims. Internal: testimony bearing witness to logical & verifiable statements & claims.

6 External: Historical Sir William Ramsey: Sir William Ramsey: Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at Oxford. Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at Oxford. Regius Professor of Humanity at University of Aberdeen. Regius Professor of Humanity at University of Aberdeen. Extensive archeological work in Asia Minor, which ultimately validated Luke historical record. Extensive archeological work in Asia Minor, which ultimately validated Luke historical record.

7 Works of Sir William Ramsey 1890 -- The Historical Geography of Asia Minor 1890 -- The Historical Geography of Asia Minor 1893 -- The Church in the Roman Empire before A.D. 170 1893 -- The Church in the Roman Empire before A.D. 170 1895 -- St. Paul the Roman Citizen and Traveler 1895 -- St. Paul the Roman Citizen and Traveler 1895 -- The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, vol 1, pt 1 1895 -- The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, vol 1, pt 1 1897 -- The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, vol 1, pt 2 1897 -- The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, vol 1, pt 2 1898 -- Was Christ Born at Bethlehem? 1898 -- Was Christ Born at Bethlehem? 1904 -- The Letters to the Seven Churches 1904 -- The Letters to the Seven Churches 1907 -- The Cities of St. Paul: Their Influence on His Life and Thought 1907 -- The Cities of St. Paul: Their Influence on His Life and Thought 1908 -- Luke the Physician 1908 -- Luke the Physician 1911 -- The First Christian Century 1911 -- The First Christian Century 1915 -- The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Test. 1915 -- The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Test. 1927 -- Asianic Elements in Greek Civilization 1927 -- Asianic Elements in Greek Civilization 1898 -- The Social Basis of Roman Power in Asia Minor 1898 -- The Social Basis of Roman Power in Asia Minor 1899 -- A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistal to the Galatians 1899 -- A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistal to the Galatians

8 External: Historical Josh McDowell Josh McDowell “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” volumes I II “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” volumes I II “New Evidence That Demands A Verdict” “New Evidence That Demands A Verdict” “More Evidence That Demands A Verdict” “More Evidence That Demands A Verdict” THOMAS NELSON PUBLISHER THOMAS NELSON PUBLISHER

9 External: Historical Did Moses write the Pentateuch? Did Moses write the Pentateuch? Internal: Neh 13:1; Exo 17:14; Josh 1:7; John 5:46; Mark 12:26 Internal: Neh 13:1; Exo 17:14; Josh 1:7; John 5:46; Mark 12:26 External Historical: The Code of Hammurabi (c. 2000-1700 B.C.) written several hundred years before the time of Moses (c. 1500-1400 B.C.) proves the art of writing was already developed by the time of Moses. External Historical: The Code of Hammurabi (c. 2000-1700 B.C.) written several hundred years before the time of Moses (c. 1500-1400 B.C.) proves the art of writing was already developed by the time of Moses. Called Amraphel in Genesis 14:1. Called Amraphel in Genesis 14:1.

10 External: Historical Did Moses write the Pentateuch? Did Moses write the Pentateuch? Jewish historian Josephus, confirmed that Moses authored the Pentateuch (Against Apion, 1, 8). Jewish historian Josephus, confirmed that Moses authored the Pentateuch (Against Apion, 1, 8). Various non-Christian writers (Hecataeus, Manetha, Lysimachus, Eupolemus, Tacitus, Juvenal, and Longinus, to name only a few), credited Moses as having authored the first five books of the English Bible (Rawlinson, 1877, pp. 254ff.). Various non-Christian writers (Hecataeus, Manetha, Lysimachus, Eupolemus, Tacitus, Juvenal, and Longinus, to name only a few), credited Moses as having authored the first five books of the English Bible (Rawlinson, 1877, pp. 254ff.).

11 External: Historical Exodus 5 - Bricks used to build Pithom & Raamses Exodus 5 - Bricks used to build Pithom & Raamses Excavations at Pithom in 1883 by Naville, and in 1908 by Kyle, discovered that the lower layers of the structures were made of bricks filled with good, chopped straw. The middle layers had less straw with some stubble. The upper layers contained bricks that were made of pure clay, with no straw whatsoever (see Pfeiffer, 1966, p. 459). Excavations at Pithom in 1883 by Naville, and in 1908 by Kyle, discovered that the lower layers of the structures were made of bricks filled with good, chopped straw. The middle layers had less straw with some stubble. The upper layers contained bricks that were made of pure clay, with no straw whatsoever (see Pfeiffer, 1966, p. 459).

12 External: Historical Luke 2:2 - Was Quirinius governor of Syria? Luke 2:2 - Was Quirinius governor of Syria? Records discovered that he served two separate terms, the first being around the time of the census before Jesus birth. Records discovered that he served two separate terms, the first being around the time of the census before Jesus birth.

13 External: Historical Acts 13:7 - Was Sergius Paulus the “Proconsul” of Cyprus? Acts 13:7 - Was Sergius Paulus the “Proconsul” of Cyprus? Writers of history that period: Dia Cassius (Roman History); Strabo (The Geography of Strabo): record two periods of Cyprus’ history. Writers of history that period: Dia Cassius (Roman History); Strabo (The Geography of Strabo): record two periods of Cyprus’ history. First, an imperial province governed by a propraetor. First, an imperial province governed by a propraetor. Later in 22 B.C. it was made a senatorial province governed by a proconsul. Later in 22 B.C. it was made a senatorial province governed by a proconsul.

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