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Published byToby Doyle Modified over 9 years ago
Date: 16 April 2013 HSRC Strategic Plan 2013/14 – 2017/18 & Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 Social science that makes a difference
Overview Vision and Mission Objects of the HSRC Act Policy Mandates HSRC research areas Strategic Goals of the HSRC Research Programmes Examples of Research Projects Performance of the HSRC Budget 2
Vision and Mission VISION: The HSRC intends to serve as a knowledge hub for research-based solutions to inform human and social development in South Africa, the African continent and the rest of the world. MISSION The mission of the HSRC is to be a research organisation that advances social sciences and humanities for public use. 3
Address developmental challenges in the Republic, elsewhere in Africa and in the rest of the world by means of strategic basic and applied research in human sciences, Inform effective formulation and monitoring of policy, and evaluate the implementation thereof, Stimulate public debate through effective dissemination of fact- based research results; Help build research capacity and infrastructure for the human sciences, Foster research collaboration, networks and institutional linkages, Respond to the needs of vulnerable and marginalised groups in society through its research, and Develop and make available data sets underpinning research, policy development and public discussion of developmental issues. Objects of the HSRC (cf. Section 3, Act 17 of 2008) 4
Policy Mandates Outcome 1 (Improved quality of basic education), Outcome 2 (A long and healthy life for all South Africans), and Outcome 5 (A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path). Strategic intent: To have addressed key priorities facing South Africa through its research, and to have generated new knowledge that helps us understand the changing human and social environment in which we live) 5
What we do ± 178 research projects, most touch people Science system and innovation Poverty, grow economy and create jobs Quality of education Human and social advancement Skills development Service delivery Crime Youth, families and social cohesion Health promotion, health systems and wellbeing HIV/AIDS and STI control Nutrition and food security 6
Strategic outcome oriented goals A – “Knowledge Advancement”: Advancing social sciences and humanities for public use by initiating, undertaking and fostering basic and applied research in human and social sciences, and geopolitical issues; stimulated public debate and disseminated research results. D – “Contribution to Development and Social Progress in Africa”: Conducting research, analysing and publishing data that aims to address developmental challenges in South Africa and elsewhere in Africa and the rest of the world. E – “Enhanced Skills”: Contribution to the development of a skilled and capable workforce in the Republic and elsewhere in Africa by providing developing research skills & capacity. P – “Preserved data & knowledge”: Digitisation and preservation of data sets. T – “Transformation”: Transformation at senior level to reflect the national demographic composition with respect to race and gender. S – “Financial Sustainability”: Improvement and implementation of effective and efficient systems of financial management and good corporate governance; and ensuring sustainability of research funding through long-term research projects and longitudinal studies. 7
Research, Development and Innovation Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (CeSTII) Democracy, governance and service delivery (DGSD) Economic performance and development (EPD) Education and skills development (ESD) HIV/AIDS, STI and TB (HAST) Human and social development (HSD) Population health, health systems and innovation (PHHSI) Research Use and Impact Assessment (RIA) 8
Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (1) Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed SASAS: Ensure sustainability for the implementation of an annual survey (as the core of the project) Continue participation in the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) On-going K2P (Knowledge to Policy) processes – data curation and dissemination Capacity development of interns Annually since 2003 3 &12 State of the nation (book series): Release of re-launched product: Mar 2013 Next editions 2014/15 and 2016/17 Provides insight to policy actors across spheres on key D&G themes Biennial since 2003 All outcomes City support programme: Working closely with the Treasury and the DBSA to provide research support to the City Support Programme Initial focus will be on the 8 metros. 28;9;11 &12 9
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Rural Innovation Assessment Tool (RIAT): Map experiences and evidence (lesson learning), Design & develop assessment tool (innovation indicators, methodology, etc); Pilot RIAT across a representative cluster (4) of the 22 + 2 Rural District Municipalities; Implement RIAT as institutionalized Innovation Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework- nationally 3 - 57 Spatial Economy: Enhancing the goals of economic development and environmental improvement to maximise decent work - the project will improve the evidence base to inform better policies by developing a set of indicators and examples of good practice by which to define economic and environmental progress at the local level. 310; 4 & 8 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (2) 10
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Agricultural development support options to expand marketable surpluses of smallholder farmers in South Africa: Generate evidence to inform state funded farming assistance packages for smallholder farmers: Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) and the Land Reform Recapitalisation and Development Programme (RECAP). Economy wide impact of state funding of farming assistance 37 Poverty, inequality and employment impacts of the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy in South Africa: To investigate how the transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient economy can improve prospects for economic development, support the structural transformation of the economy to achieve more productivity and value addition as well as address distributional impacts. 310 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (3) 11
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed TIMSS Achievement and assessment studies: TIMSS 2012 & 2015 & International Citizenship and Civic Education Study (ICCES) in 2015 3 - 51 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (4) Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed SABSSM IV To have produced a report on the maternal and child health mortality and morbidity as well as on the health of South African children by end of the financial year 2012/13, and will have completed the fifth wave of population-based survey by end of the financial year 2015/16. 32 12
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Methods of Prevention Packages Program (MP3) for men who have sex with men (MSM) in Southern Africa - Pilot Study: A formative study of the combination package of biomedical, behavioral and community-level HIV prevention interventions and services for MSM in Southern Africa; produced a report on the mathematical modeling of HIV transmission in Southern African MSM during the financial year 2013/14; and produced a report on the feasibility, acceptability and outcomes of the combination prevention package intervention during the pilot study by end of the financial year 2015/16. 32 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (6) 13
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Climate change: Investigating the extent to which the Sustainable Development Principles (SDPs) of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) that relate to the local communities are being put into practice. 210 Sport and social cohesion: A research-driven set of activities that will document, monitor and provide a longitudinal assessment of the sub-programme (School Sports) by qualitatively and quantitatively mapping the strategic objective and objective statement of the Directorate to measure the impact of the SRSA National mandate. 511 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (7) 14
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Adolescent psychosocial health and mental health: The urgent need for theory-driven, empirically-informed, effective, and sustainable HIV prevention and care approaches for the unprecedented numbers of perinatally HIV-infected (PHIV+) youth in South Africa. The NIH funded study will examine the impact of a family/household-level intervention, the VUKA Family Program (VUKA) – developmentally-timed family psychosocial intervention, to promote youth overall health and mental health, and reduce behavioral risk. 52 & 11 Navigational capacities for youth employment: Strategies to tackle the issue of youth unemployment-- need to address the attitudes, aspirations and all-round capabilities of young people, as well as to create relevant jobs. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that facilitate and frustrate the transition from school into work for people living in poor communities, as well as those factors needed to both acquire and keep employment once obtained. 3 - 55 & 11 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (8) 15
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Social and emotional learning (SEL): Very little research has been conducted on the relationship between SEL skills and risk-taking behaviours. This project aims to address this gap in the literature focusing primarily on SEL skills and risky sexual behaviours. This qualitative study will explore and understand the ways in which these two concepts are related and will seek to examine the SEL skills needed to reduce risk taking behaviours and inform directions for intervention programmes targeted at vulnerable youth. 32 & 11 SANHANES: A surveillance programme that will continuously assess selected aspects of the health and nutrition status of the South African population in line with the identified priorities of the national DoH. Annual/ Biennial 2 Global Adult Tobacco Survey South Africa (GATS): Tobacco use prevalence, South Africas’ capacity to design, implement and evaluate tobacco control programmes and to assess its fulfilment. Every 5yrs 2 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (9) 16
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Global Youth Tobacco Survey and Youth Risk Behaviour Survey 2014 (GYTS): To have conducted the 5th GYTS and the 4th YRBS amongst grades 8-11 in South Africa in 2014. Every 5yrs 2 Flagship Projects for 2013/14 (10) Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed MIMMS: To strengthen the maternal and child morbidity and mortality surveillance system in South Africa 53 & 2; Millenium goal 4 & 5 Development of a sustainable model for selling healthful and safe street food: To develop an operational, community based model for selling and promoting healthful, safe street food in urban areas of the Western Cape 42 17
CESTII flagship projects R&D survey Aim: A regular annual survey that measures and records all research and experimental development (R&D) activities, including expenditure, human resources and fields of research, in South Africa Innovation Survey Aim: A national survey of the business sector that measures and records all innovation activities in South Africa and related aspects of innovation such as barriers and promoters of innovation and sources of information and funding for innovation 18
Overall achievement 113% (Achieved 195 out of 172) A-Advance 70% (Achieved 7 out of 10) D-Develop 106% (Achieved 49 out of 46) E-Enhance 128% (Achieved 105 out of 82) P-Preserve 104% (Achieved 22 out of 21) T-Transform 80%(Achieved 4 out of 5) S-Sustain 104% (Of 5 targets, 1 met & 4 exceeded) Performance Indicators 2012/13 19
HSRC 2012/13 Performance against targets: Publications as at 31 March 2013 Policy Briefs 20
HSRC 2012/13 Performance against targets: Research Capacity Enhancement as at 31 March 2013 Snr African Researchers Post Docs PhD Interns Master’s Interns 21
HSRC 2012/13 Performance against targets: Collaboration, Public Dialogue & Data Preservation as at 31 March 2013 Preserved Datasets 22
HSRC 2012/13 Performance against targets: Financial Sustainability as at 31 March 2013 Extra-Parliamentary Funding Multi-year grants 23
HSRC 2012/13 Financial Performance, March 2013 NarrationTarget Achieved 31 March 2012 (Audited) Target Achieved 31 March 2013 (Preliminary) Parliamentary Grant received and recognized 100% External Income Target achieved102%115% Other Income Target achieved127%124% Actual Expenditure/ Budgeted Costs101%102% Actual Total Revenue/Budget102%101% 24
Budget 2013/14 2013/14 R’000 Income401 888 Parliamentary Grant223 630 Research Income151 469 Other income26 789 Expenses401 888 Salaries200 194 Overhead34 764 Project related expenses166 930 Surplus / deficit- 25
Budget: Ratios Budgeted income : R 401 088 000 External research income target: R 151 469 000 Other external income target: R 26 789 000 Staff costs: R 200 194 000 Ratio between Parliamentary grant and (total) external income: 56:44 Direct staff costs as percentage of total expenses: 50% 26
Budget: Challenges Capital Expenditure: Building, IT, other critical infrastructure that requires upgrading Budgeting for performance targets “Knowledge hub” for dissemination Future growth of the HSRC is dependent on growth in Parliamentary grant Salary absorbs 100% of total Parliamentary Grant Cash flow constantly under pressure 27
Significant critical needs that are underfunded Introduction of sustained national funding to create an empirical base for evidence based policy development/ implementation Infrastructure (ICT) and non-infrastructure support for longitudinal and regular cross-sectional studies Capacity enhancement, staff establishment and capacity building (new and emerging researchers) 28
Support for new initiatives (1 – 3 years impact) Infrastructure and non-infrastructure support for existing longitudinal and regular cross-sectional studies [South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS), South African Behaviour, Sero-Status and Mass Media Impact (SABSSM) surveys, the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES) R&D survey, Innovation Survey, Maternal and Child Mortality Survey, TB Prevalence], Infrastructure and non-infrastructure support for new longitudinal and regular cross-sectional studies [ youth employment, migration and spatial development, social cohesion] South African Social Science and Humanities Data Archive [SASSHDA] Rural Innovation Assessment Tool (RIAT), and work in the field of integrated district development planning 29
Support for new initiatives (7 - 10 year impact) Green economy initiative (job creation and skills development), State intervention in the economy (mining sector, State- owned Enterprises, land reform), African Studies Centre (revival of a humanities-centred research agenda and contributing to Africa agenda and BRICS), Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation (job creation, skills development, rural development), Process (implementation) and impact (focused on poverty and inequality) evaluation of the National Development Plan (Vision 2030). 30
Appreciation Minister, Deputy Minister and Department of Science and Technology Portfolio Committee of S&T, chair and members Board chair, members, committees Staff of the HSRC 31
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