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CAMPUS DE POUILLÉ Angers - FRANCE. Campus de Pouillé - PRESENTATION Campus de Pouillé is situated in Les Ponts-de-Cé (western France), only 5 kms away.

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2 Campus de Pouillé - PRESENTATION Campus de Pouillé is situated in Les Ponts-de-Cé (western France), only 5 kms away from Angers (200 000 inhabitants), between town and country. The area is well-known for its wide range of crops (cereals, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers, mushrooms and vines) in the Loire Valley (part of the UNESCO Heritage). Campus de Pouillé is part of Végépolys (international French high-tech cluster focused on horticulture) based in Angers and has a wide network of institutions and companies within the agricultural and horticultural field.

3 Campus de Pouillé - PRESENTATION Campus de Pouillé opened in 1934 and since then remains a well known institution for agricultural and horticultural education. Campus de Pouillé aims at developing students’ skills and personal knowledge through a variety of courses. There are 4 departments within Campus de Pouillé : HIGH SCHOOL HIGHER EDUCATION CONTINUING EDUCATION PLANTS EXPERIMENT As a member of the Salesian network, Campus de Pouillé offers teaching methods based on the work of Don Bosco giving young people full attention and opportunities to develop their skills.

4 Campus de Pouillé -

5 Campus de Pouillé has a wide range of means (buildings, equipements, machineries and facilities) to provide students an ideal place to learn and practice. - greenhouses- parks - orchards- practicing grounds and fields - agricultural grounds

6 Campus de Pouillé - PRESENTATION Currently, around 620 learners attend courses at Campus de Pouillé - around 520 young people (aged from 14 to 18) taking high school courses (90% of them are boarders and stay the whole week in the school) - around 100 students (aged from 18 to 21) attending higher education degrees

7 Campus de Pouillé - HIGH SCHOOL The high school of Campus de Pouillé offers a wide range of courses for young people (aged from 14 to 18) interested in the following fields : AGRICULTUREHORTICULTURELANDSCAPING FRUIT GROWINGENVIRONMENT

8 One specific course among the high school degrees is the « Baccalauréat STAV ». The “ Baccalauréat Technologique STAV ” is a French secondary school leaving exam in Sciences and Technologies about Agronomy and Living Organisms. When entering this course, students are asked to choose between 2 options: - Agricultural Productions- Landscape Management and Improvement Campus de Pouillé – BAC STAV

9 Agricultural Productions option - Animal productions - Horticultural productions Landscape Management and Improvement option - Discovery and improvement of the natural spaces (forests, rivers and ponds, wild and natural resources) Campus de Pouillé – BAC STAV Although these 2 options are different, there is a common learning based on sustainable development and the discovery of the environment in general. All through the year, students discover and learn how to protect natural resources and help improve their preservation. In this 2 year course, a 3 week project is organised in a French region where young people are to study a specific territory and its process, its natural spaces and its urban landscapes.

10 Campus de Pouillé – BAC S Campus de Pouillé also offers General degrees such as « Baccalauréat Scientifique ». This course is based on more scientific topics such as Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. However, it also deals with environmental topics and includes a lot of teaching based on sustainable development : -Environment -Landscape Management -Agronomy -Waters Management

11 Campus de Pouillé also offers higher education courses (for students aged from 18 to 21 and more) in the following areas : - Horticultural Productions -Plants and SeedsTechnologies -Landscaping Campus de Pouillé – HIGHER EDUCATION

12 Campus de Pouillé offers 4 new higher education degrees in : -Business Management - Plant Innovation Management - Quality, Security, Environment - Supply Chain Campus de Pouillé – HIGHER EDUCATION

13 There are multi-skill projects in order for the students to gain more knowledge of the European Union. Campus de Pouillé is very dynamic and encourages all students to go abroad and discover other cultures. Campus de Pouillé - INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIPS Higher education – MANDATORY Students taking higher degrees at Campus de Pouillé have to find and go in a foreign country for their internships. (In the past years, students have found placements in Canada, US, England, Netherlands…) High school – OPTIONAL In high school, going abroad is not mandatory but we strongly encourage young people to find a placement in close foreign countries to get a first look at other European cultures.

14 Campus de Pouillé - INTERNATIONAL TRIPS IN EUROPE Each year, a 2 week-trips to different European countries are organised for several classes. It is a great opportunity for young people to go out of France and get familiar with travelling and discovering new cultures. Examples of destination : -Poland -Morocco -Netherlands-Spain -England-Italy -… INTERNATIONAL ACTIONS Campus de Pouillé actively takes part in several projects to help and support actions in countries in need like Haïti and Burkina. (Recently, the money that has been raised has helped build a bakery and buy equipments in Haïti).

15 Campus de Pouillé PARTNERSHIP EXPECTATIONS Campus de Pouillé wishes to set up a partnership with 2/3 agricultural or horticultural secondary schools or colleges, welcoming students of the same age (16-18). The school should be in a rural or suburban area regarding the educational programmes (environment/agricultural productions). EXCHANGE THEMES Themes like the environment, landscape development and improvement can be the basis of the partnership. Interaction between economy and the environment as well as landscape management are essential themes for students’ training. The following themes could be tackled together with our European partners: Renewable energies Water quality conservation Drainage basins Sensitive natural spaces management (endangered species…) Common cultural heritage in the European Union

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