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Communicating Chapter 15 Copyright © 2011 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating Chapter 15 Copyright © 2011 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating Chapter 15 Copyright © 2011 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin

2 Learning Objectives LO 1 Discuss important advantages of two-way communication LO 2 Identify communication problems to avoid LO 3 Describe when and how to use the various communication channels LO 4 Summarize ways to become a better “sender” and “receiver” of information 15-2

3 Learning Objectives (cont.) LO 5 Explain how to improve downward, upward, and horizontal communication LO 6 Summarize how to work with the company grapevine LO 7 Describe the boundary less organization and its advantages 15-3

4 Interpersonal Communication  Communication  The transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols 15-4

5 Interpersonal Communication  The sender initiates the process by conveying information to the receiver —the person for whom the message is intended.  The sender has a meaning he or she wishes to communicate and encodes the meaning into symbols (the words chosen for the message).  Then the sender transmits, or sends, the message through some channel, such as a verbal or written medium. 15-5

6 Interpersonal Communication  The receiver decodes the message (e.g., reads it) and attempts to interpret the sender’s meaning.  The receiver may provide feedback to the sender by encoding a message in response to the sender’s message. 15-6

7 Interpersonal Communication  Noise  interference in the system  blocks perfect understanding.  Examples of Noise  ringing telephones  thoughts about other things  simple fatigue or stress. 15-7

8 One-Way versus Two-Way Communication  One-way communication  A process in which information flows in only one direction—from the sender to the receiver, with no feedback loop. 15-8

9 A Model of One-Way Communication 15-9 Figure 15.1

10 One-Way versus Two-Way Communication  Two-way communication  A process in which information flows in two directions—the receiver provides feedback, and the sender is receptive to the feedback. 15-10

11 Question ___________ is the process of withholding, ignoring, or distorting information A.Perception B.Filtering C.Acuity D.Discernment 15-11

12 Communication Pitfalls  Perception  The process of receiving and interpreting information  Filtering  The process of withholding, ignoring, or distorting information 15-12

13 What Do I Do if They Don’t Speak My Language? 15-13 Table 15.1

14 What Do I Do if They Don’t Speak My Language? 15-14 Table 15.1

15 Oral and Written Channels  Oral communication  includes face-to-face discussion, telephone conversations, and formal presentations and speeches  Written communication  includes e-mail, memos, letters, reports, computer files, and other written documents 15-15

16 Oral Communication Advantages  Questions can be asked and answered  Feedback is immediate and direct  More persuasive Disadvantages  It can lead to spontaneous, ill- considered statements (and regret)  There is no permanent record of it 15-16

17 Written Communication Advantages  Message can be revised several times  Permanent record that can be saved  Message stays the same even if relayed through many people  Receiver has more time to analyze the message Disadvantages  Sender has no control over where, when, or if the message is read  Sender does not receive immediate feedback  Receiver may not understand parts of the message 15-17

18 Information Overload 15-18

19 Electronic Media  Web 2.0  A set of Internet-based applications that encourage user-provided content and collaboration  social networking, podcasts, RSS, and wikis 15-19

20 Advantages of Electronic Communication 1.The sharing of more information 2.The speed and efficiency in delivering routine messages to large numbers of people across vast geographic areas 3.Can reduce time and expenses devoted to traveling, photocopying, and mailing 15-20

21 Disadvantages of Electronic Communication 1.Difficulty of solving complex problems that require more extended, face-to-face interaction 2.Inability to pick up subtle, nonverbal, or inflectional clues about what the communicator is thinking or conveying 3.Electronic messages sometimes are monitored or seen inadvertently by those for whom they are not intended 15-21

22 Virtual Office  Virtual office  A mobile office in which people can work anywhere, as long as they have the tools to communicate with customers and colleagues. 15-22

23 Media Richness  Media richness  The degree to which a communication channel conveys information. 15-23

24 What Communication Channel Would You Use? 15-24 Table 15.2

25 Suggested Media Choices 15-25 Table 15.3

26 Adding Power to Your Presentation 15-26 Table 15.4

27 Adding Power to Your Presentation 15-27 Table 15.4

28 Nonverbal Skills 1.Use time appropriately 2.Make your office arrangement conducive to open communication 3.Remember your body language 15-28

29 Listening  Reflection  Process by which a person states what he or she believes the other person is saying 15-29

30 Ten Keys to Effective Listening  Find an area of interest  Judge content, not delivery  Hold your fire  Listen for ideas  Be flexible  Resist distraction  Exercise your mind.  Keep your mind open  Capitalize on thought speed  Work at listening 15-30

31 Organizational Communication  Downward communication  Information that flows from higher to lower levels in the organization’s hierarchy 15-31

32 Information Loss in Downward Communication 15-32 Figure 15.2

33 Organizational Communication  Coaching  Dialogue with a goal of helping another be more effective and achieve his or her full potential on the job. 15-33

34 Organizational Communication  Open-book management  Practice of sharing with employees at all levels of the organization vital information previously meant for management’s eyes only 15-34

35 Organizational Communication  Upward communication  Information that flows from lower to higher levels in the organization’s hierarchy. 15-35

36 Question What is the social network of informal communications? A.Second Life B.Facebook C.Grapevine D.Scuttlebutt 15-36

37 Informal Communication  Grapevine  the social network of informal communications.  provides people with information  helps them solve problems  teaches them how to do their work successfully 15-37

38 Boundarylessness  Boundaryless organization  Organization in which there are no barriers to information flow  implies information available as needed moving quickly and easily enough so that the organization functions far better as a whole than as separate parts. 15-38

39 Organizational Communication  Horizontal communication  Information shared among people on the same hierarchical level  allows sharing of information, coordination, and problem solving among units  helps solve conflicts  provides social and emotional support to people. 15-39

40 Destination CEO: Bank of America  What communication pitfalls might exist at Bank of America?  What communication issues will Bank of America deal with as they expand internationally? 15-40

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