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Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Hubu - The Virtual Drug Information Bus Substance abuse prevention for teenagers.

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Presentation on theme: "Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Hubu - The Virtual Drug Information Bus Substance abuse prevention for teenagers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Hubu - The Virtual Drug Information Bus Substance abuse prevention for teenagers

2 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Agenda Habbo Hotel Kultakala - what is it? Hubu - presentation of the campaign Results of the campaign

3 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Habbo Hotel Kultakala is on animated chat and online game for teenages located at When arriving to the hotel, users crate a Habbo character from tens of different hair and clothes styles. Users can wonder around the hotel’s public rooms or private rooms made by users Basic usage is free and communication is anonym Habbo Hotel Kultakala

4 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Source: Habbo Housekeeping Tool, 6/2003 1,3 million Habbo characters

5 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Over 140 000 unique users/month Source: WTM, 6/2003

6 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 User profile Age:10-19 (75%) Girls/Boys:54/46 Living area: Whole Finland Interests: clothes music movies mobile phones computers and gamest sweets snacks ice cream refreshments Source: IRO -profiilitutkimus Syksy 2002, Habbo Housekeeping Tool 1/2003

7 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Hubu - The Drug Information Bus Client: Elämä On Parasta Huumetta ry (Life Tastes Good Without Drugs) Challenge: To go there, where teens spend their time and provide an easy way to get information about substances and discuss anonymously about drugs Goal: Give youth some food for thought and let them have enough reasons and understanding to resist drug use.

8 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Lähde: Habbo Housekeeping Tool, 10/2002

9 Habbo Hotel Kultakala | Hubu | 2003 Results Visits at the park: 1.000.000 19.5.2003 Unique visitors at the park: 150 000 characters Daily visitors at the bus: about 100 visiters/day All conversations are recorded and poll results saved for further analysis Still, every day when Hubu is open, there is a queue to the bus

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