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Project INTEGRA Social partners dialoge -GWG Lindauer Wohnungsgesellschaft Public utility housing enterprise -Kulturbrücke Lindau e.V. („culture bridge“)

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Presentation on theme: "Project INTEGRA Social partners dialoge -GWG Lindauer Wohnungsgesellschaft Public utility housing enterprise -Kulturbrücke Lindau e.V. („culture bridge“)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Project INTEGRA Social partners dialoge -GWG Lindauer Wohnungsgesellschaft Public utility housing enterprise -Kulturbrücke Lindau e.V. („culture bridge“) Non-profit organisation for immigrants integration

3 GWG Lindau Housing enterprise in Lindau subsidiary of the town of Lindau 1700 flats for a very reasonable price, most of them subsidized Around 50% of the tenants are immigrants GWG Lindau supports social commitement, such as community centers Interested in Integration of immigrants

4 Kulturbrücke Lindau e.V. Founded in 2006 as a meeting place for cultural exchange between migrants and Germans. Alphabetisation courses German languages courses Computer Courses Wellness and handicraft courses Intercultural Café Contact to and support with public authorities Focus on Youth work

5 Other to the project related institutions and organisations Advisory Committee Lindau Adult education centres from the region (providing integration courses) CdJ- Catholic organisation for integration of young immigrants Intercultural meeting places in different towns

6 chosen migrant communities Spanish migrants (Spain, Kuba and South America) with spanish we cover a wide range of immigrants from different countries Russian migrants there are currently still problems with so called German-Russians

7 Results Questionnaire for Spanish speaking immigrants (15 persons)1. 9 female 6 male 2. 6 persons 21-30 8 persons 31-40 1 person 41-40 3. These immigrants came originally from Uruguay, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Spain 4. Education Non university higher education: 5 persons Bachelor degree: 6 Master degree: 3 Other university degree: 1 person 5. These immigrants came to Germany -mostly from their original country -one each from Swizzerland, Netherlands and USA 50% 2009/2010 6. To what extent did you know about the country of immigration? 1 Not at all/ 1 person 2/ 2 persons 3/ 4 persons 4/ 6 persons 5 Very great 1 person

8 7. Why did these immigrants come to Germany ? To study5 persons To find work3 persons For other reasons7 persons - my partner is German - I got married and moved after that - My husband got a contract in Germany - I got a contract in Germany - I studied there and then wanted to work

9 8. To what extent has your life in a new country met your expectations? 1 Not at all/ 1 person 2/ - 3/ 3 persons 4/ 5 persons 5 Very great/ 5 persons 9. To what extent was it difficult to adjust to a new country? 1 Not at all/- 2/ 5 persons 3/ 4 persons 4/ 4 persons 5 Very great/ 2 persons

10 10. Are you… Employed5 persons Self-employed3 persons Student5 persons Other1 person housewife

11 11. 1 person learned German before leaving, 8 persons did not, 6 learned some basic words 12. To what extent did you encounter difficulties, because you didn‘t know German? – 1 Not at all/- – 2/ 4 persons – 3/ 1 person – 4/ 7 persons – 5 Very great/ 3 persons 13. With their familiy members 12 persons of these immigrants speak their mother tongue, 4 speak the local language, 4 speak En; 14. Outside of their home 7 of the immigrants speak their mother tongue, 10 speak the local language, 11 speak En;

12 Question 15-18 German language skills ListeningSpeakingReadingWriting Very well4443 Well5255 Not well6856 Not at all111

13 19. To what extent do you find it difficult to conduct everyday financial affairs? 1 not at all3 persons 25 persons 31 person 41 person 5 very great5 persons

14 Question 20-24 about financial language knowledge Could you in German inquire about add. fees on credit card statements? open a bank account? anwser questions concerning savings, credit or other financial matters? complete bank applications or sign contracts? pay bills online or do bank transfers online? Yes785412 No87993 Other1 probably2

15 Questions 25-28 If there‘s a problem with German, -7 of these immigrants use body language - 6 persons look for assistance - 13 persons use English Only 3 of the 15 immigrants address to the following institutions for assistance: One each to Migrant community organisations Educational institutions/language training Other 100% have no language problems paying for purchases in a shop; 100% are able to understand the content of the product labels in a shop in German;

16 Results Questionnaire for Russian speaking immigrants (38 persons)1. 28 female 10 male 2. 2 under 20 years 7 between 21-30 16 between 31-40 2 between 41-49 10 between 50-65 1 over 65 3. The immigrants came originally from Russia 17 Kasachstan 11 Ukraine 6 Bulgaria, Belarus, Georgien 1 4. Education Basic education 13 Vocational education 10 Secondary education 2 Non university higher education 3 Bachelor degree 2 Master degree 4 Other 4: University 5. 95% of these iImmigrants came to Germany from the original country 6. To what extent did they know about the country of immigration? 1 not at all – 2/ 4 persons 3 / 9 persons 4 / 2 persons 5 / 1 person

17 7. Why did people come to Germany ? 12 persons came with their parents 10 persons as resettlers 7 persons for other reasons 6to get married 3 to study and 1 to find work

18 8. To what extent has your life in a new country met your expectations? 1 Not at all/- 2/ 2 persons 3/ 18 persons 4/ 10 persons 5 Very great/ 8 persons 9. To what extent was it difficult to adjust to a new country? 1 Not at all/ 1 person 2/ 7 persons 3/ 20 persons 4/ 7 persons 5 Very great/ 3 persons

19 10. Are you… Employed13 persons Self-employed 2 persons Student1 person Retired1 person Unemployed 19 persons Schoolchild 1 person

20 11. 15 persons learned German before leaving, 12 persons did not, 11 persons learned some basic words 12. To what extent did you encounter difficulties, because you didn‘t know German? – 1 Not at all/ 1 person – 2/ 6 persons – 3/ 16 persons – 4/ 6 persons – 5 Very great/ 9 persons 13. With their familiy members 30 of the immigrants speak their mother tongue, 17 speak the local language, 1 speaks En; 14. Outside of their home 26 of the immigrants speak their mother tongue, 25 speak the local language, 3 speak English, 1 Polish and 3 Russian;

21 Question 15-18 German language skills ListeningSpeakingReadingWriting Very well106 6 Well16 1413 Not well10151316 Not at all2112 1 no answer

22 19. To what extent do you find it difficult to conduct everyday financial affairs? 1 not at all/ 5 persons 2/ 10 persons 3/ 13 persons 4/ 4 persons 5/ 6 persons

23 Question 20-24 about financial language knowledge Could you in German inquire about add. fees on credit card statements? open a bank account? anwser questions concerning savings, credit or other financial matters? complete bank application s or sign contracts? pay bills online or do bank transfers online? Yes2624101817 No11132817 Other1/ so so1/ not so good 3/ not always 2 no answer 2 not always

24 Questions 25-28 If there‘s a problem with German, -18 of these immigrants use body language - 18 look for assistance - 7 use English, 4 Russian 18 of these immigrants adress of the following institutions for assistance: Migrant community organisations Educational institutions/language training: 11; Other: Church, Intercultural meeting places; 31 persons have no language problems paying for purchases in a shop; 26 persons are able to understand the content of the product labels in a shop in German;

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