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Back to School Night 3 rd Grade. Correspondence Mrs. Winter(913) 993-5526, Mrs. Talbott (913) 993-5527 Mrs. Winter(913) 993-5526, Mrs. Talbott (913) 993-5527.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 3 rd Grade. Correspondence Mrs. Winter(913) 993-5526, Mrs. Talbott (913) 993-5527 Mrs. Winter(913) 993-5526, Mrs. Talbott (913) 993-5527."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night 3 rd Grade

2 Correspondence Mrs. Winter(913) 993-5526, Mrs. Talbott (913) 993-5527 Mrs. Winter(913) 993-5526, Mrs. Talbott (913) 993-5527,, Web page: go to, Click on Parents, then click on Schools, then Tomahawk, then Web backpack Web page: go to, Click on Parents, then click on Schools, then Tomahawk, then Web Stop by before or after school Stop by before or after school On Wednesdays blue/silver folder is sent home with all graded papers and notes On Wednesdays blue/silver folder is sent home with all graded papers and notes

3 Curriculum 3 nd Grade curriculum on your child’s desk 3 nd Grade curriculum on your child’s desk Math Quick Check Test – Every Friday Math Quick Check Test – Every Friday Math Weekly Review Test – Every Friday Math Weekly Review Test – Every Friday Daily math – Super Six, Power Drill, Kansas Assessment Practice (warm-up) Daily math – Super Six, Power Drill, Kansas Assessment Practice (warm-up) Occasional Envision Topic Tests Occasional Envision Topic Tests District Basic Skills Math Tests – once per quarter District Basic Skills Math Tests – once per quarter Spelling test every Friday Spelling test every Friday Open Court Reading Comprehension/Vocabulary Test Open Court Reading Comprehension/Vocabulary Test

4 Tardies In seat 8:10 and working In seat 8:10 and working So, plan to get them here about 8:00 So, plan to get them here about 8:00 If habitually late we are sending a message to the children that school is not important. It also causes disruption. If habitually late we are sending a message to the children that school is not important. It also causes disruption.

5 Arrival/Dismissal It is requested that students arrive no earlier than 7:50 a.m. unless they are eating breakfast. The cafeteria opens for breakfast and is supervised beginning at 7:40 a.m. Students will be dismissed to a grade level teacher to go to their classrooms at 8:00 a.m. It is requested that students arrive no earlier than 7:50 a.m. unless they are eating breakfast. The cafeteria opens for breakfast and is supervised beginning at 7:40 a.m. Students will be dismissed to a grade level teacher to go to their classrooms at 8:00 a.m.

6 Emergency Procedure 1. Every family will have on file emergency dismissal information alerting staff how they wish their child dismissed under emergency conditions. This information will be on file in the office and copied to the homeroom teacher and PTA room parents who will be doing the calling. 1. Every family will have on file emergency dismissal information alerting staff how they wish their child dismissed under emergency conditions. This information will be on file in the office and copied to the homeroom teacher and PTA room parents who will be doing the calling. 2. In the event of an emergency dismissal or other emergency situations, the district will make automated phone calls or send SM Alert Text messages to parents. A room parents will implement the calling tree to inform parents. 2. In the event of an emergency dismissal or other emergency situations, the district will make automated phone calls or send SM Alert Text messages to parents. A room parents will implement the calling tree to inform parents. 3. New students emergency information will be filed in office until quarterly updates in the calling tree can be done—those families will be called by office personnel. 3. New students emergency information will be filed in office until quarterly updates in the calling tree can be done—those families will be called by office personnel.

7 Emergency Procedures 4. In off-site locations, (our emergency ―go-to site is Vineyard Church– 83rd & Lamar. Any such dismissal will be conducted in an orderly way as outlined below. 4. In off-site locations, (our emergency ―go-to site is Vineyard Church– 83rd & Lamar. Any such dismissal will be conducted in an orderly way as outlined below. -Homeroom teachers will dismiss in group and wait outside with students until parent’s pick-up. -Homeroom teachers will dismiss in group and wait outside with students until parent’s pick-up. Emergency dismissal instructions for parents will be followed if situation allows it. Emergency dismissal instructions for parents will be followed if situation allows it. -Any late pick-ups will return to school building (either office area or classroom area) and wait -Any late pick-ups will return to school building (either office area or classroom area) and wait for parents to enter building to personally pick up student. for parents to enter building to personally pick up student. -Pick-ups before dismissal will follow a strict sign-out procedure. -Pick-ups before dismissal will follow a strict sign-out procedure. 5. Students in lock-down or in storm shelters will not be dismissed until threat of danger is past. 5. Students in lock-down or in storm shelters will not be dismissed until threat of danger is past.

8 Grading Scale Receive S+, S, S-, N, and U on report cards in 3 rd grade until 4 th quarter. On 4 th quarter report receive letter grades (A-F.) 96% to 100% S+ 96% to 100% S+ 80% to 95% S 80% to 95% S 70% to 79% S- 70% to 79% S- 60% to 69% N 60% to 69% N Under 60% U Under 60% U

9 Homework Homework contract Homework contract 2 mandatory items: 60 minutes reading and practice math facts-either flashcards or online 2 mandatory items: 60 minutes reading and practice math facts-either flashcards or online Choose 2 other activities for the week Choose 2 other activities for the week Parent/daycare provider signature required each week Parent/daycare provider signature required each week

10 Homework cont. First Spelling test next week (Friday, Aug 31 st.) First Spelling test next week (Friday, Aug 31 st.) Spelling books Spelling books

11 Flashcards Please buy your child a set of addition/subtraction for review and multiplication/division flashcards for mastery. Please buy your child a set of addition/subtraction for review and multiplication/division flashcards for mastery. Inexpensive place to purchase them is dollar store Inexpensive place to purchase them is dollar store They need to study these on a regular basis. They need to study these on a regular basis.

12 Traveling Scientist 1 student per week takes science suitcase (kit) home on Monday and develops experiment throughout week. 1 student per week takes science suitcase (kit) home on Monday and develops experiment throughout week. On Friday, they perform experiment in front of class during science time right before lunch On Friday, they perform experiment in front of class during science time right before lunch Parents welcome come assist or watch experiment and then stay for lunch. Parents welcome come assist or watch experiment and then stay for lunch. Please use resources in kit or from home, don’t spend any $. Please use resources in kit or from home, don’t spend any $.

13 Positive Behavior Intervention Supports PBIS provides clear expectations for Staff and Students while providing explanations of what behaviors look like at Tomahawk Elementary School.

14 Our focus will be on three behavior expectations. Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible

15 Lessons teaching specific building wide expectations will be taught and reinforced throughout the year. Students will earn Tiger Tokens for demonstrating positive behaviors. Any staff member can recognize positive behavior. Tokens earned by students will be placed in daily classroom and weekly/monthly school-wide drawings (rewards).

16 Birthdays No Birthday treats please No Birthday treats please Can purchase birthday book from our school librarian, Mrs. Love in honor of your child’s birthday Can purchase birthday book from our school librarian, Mrs. Love in honor of your child’s birthday

17 Tomahawk Birthday Book Club Students can celebrate their birthday by providing a book for the school library. Students can celebrate their birthday by providing a book for the school library. Please send $10.00 cash or check Please send $10.00 cash or check Students will be able to choose a book from the collection of new books kept on hand for this purpose. Students will be able to choose a book from the collection of new books kept on hand for this purpose. A sticker with the donor’s name inscribed on it will be afixed in the book, and then it will be placed in circulation for the enjoyment of all Tomahawk children. A sticker with the donor’s name inscribed on it will be afixed in the book, and then it will be placed in circulation for the enjoyment of all Tomahawk children. An announcement will also be made thanking the individual who has donated. An announcement will also be made thanking the individual who has donated.

18 Water Bottles and Healthy Snacks Water bottles are acceptable Water bottles are acceptable Bulk crackers Bulk crackers Individual healthy snacks Individual healthy snacks

19 Conferences Sign up for conferences outside classroom Sign up for conferences outside classroom I will leave the conference schedule posted outside my door so you can come by and sign up at a later time if need be. I will leave the conference schedule posted outside my door so you can come by and sign up at a later time if need be. I will send a reminder of conference time/date a few weeks before conferences. I will send a reminder of conference time/date a few weeks before conferences.

20 Closing Thoughts Sign up for class parties Sign up for class parties Lots food allergies so room parents check with nurse Lots food allergies so room parents check with nurse No nuts, no dairy, no raw eggs No nuts, no dairy, no raw eggs Thanks for coming!!! Thanks for coming!!!

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