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Improving Community Health Reporting : The case of m-JALI, Makueni County Mbinda, M (AMREF Kenya) Gitimu, A (AMREF Kenya) Ofware, P (AMREF Kenya)

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Community Health Reporting : The case of m-JALI, Makueni County Mbinda, M (AMREF Kenya) Gitimu, A (AMREF Kenya) Ofware, P (AMREF Kenya)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Community Health Reporting : The case of m-JALI, Makueni County Mbinda, M (AMREF Kenya) Gitimu, A (AMREF Kenya) Ofware, P (AMREF Kenya)

2 Background Information -CHS seeks to strengthen linkages between communities and the formal health systems -Within its framework lies the CBHMIS – for providing information to monitor and evaluate the CHS -Policy makers and health service providers at all levels need accurate data in order to gauge the effectiveness of existing policies and programs and to shape new ones

3 -This information needs to be – not only accurate – but also reach the decision maker(s) soon enough to be meaningful (timeliness) Time lapses Background Information (cont.)

4 Issues -Accuracy and timeliness of community health reporting has been one of the primary challenges – hence a major drawback for the CHS -Structures for capturing this data have been largely manual and where efforts have been made to automate, these efforts have been partial -In most cases the time lapses indicated in the figure above range between a few days to several months -There have been calls for efforts to improve efficiency of the systems by innovating to cut these time lapses

5 Description -AMREF has designed and developed an initiative aimed at further cutting these time lapses -Working within a MNCH project being implemented under 3 building blocks -HRH -CSS -HMIS -Mobile technology has revolutionized nearly every area of life – from health to education to finances…..

6 -Recent advances in mobile technology have made it practical to automate some aspects of health care delivery in low-income countries -With universal coverage and decreasing costs, mobile phone access and use has substantially improved over the past half decade (ITU, 2014). -The use of mobile phones to support the practice of medicine and public health (m-Health) has seen an increase in intervention in the past few years -One of the objectives of the HMIS building block is to improve reporting rates and timeliness of information to support planning and decision making Description (cont.)

7 Approaches for Automating CBHMIS DHIS2

8 CBHMIS on Mobile (M-JALI) -M for Mobile and JALI for (Jamii Afya LInk) -The software package consists of two applications Device-sideServer-side Transmission Retrieval

9 Device-side application -Easy to use application (running on Android platform) incorporating all tools for CHS data -Capture, transmission and retrieval of data to and from the server/web database -Runs on both 2G and 3G networks – with best performance on 3G -Offline capability – access network, download existing data to the phone memory, go to the field -Timed synchronization to the CBHMIS database/web application CBHMIS on Mobile (M-JALI) …….cont.

10 Server-side application -Runs on a web server with a SQL Server database and application code in ASP.NET -The API handles device authentication and provides a set of functions for devices to transmit data to and from the server -Web pages enable users at higher levels to monitor, view and verify data uploaded to the database CBHMIS on Mobile (M-JALI) …….cont.

11 -Application has been developed, tested, commissioned and fully functional -1 CU is fully implementing paperless reporting (50 CHWs, 3 CHEWs trained and using the application and implementing paperless reporting for CHS data -Substantial improvement on timeliness, accuracy and mechanisms for validating data collected by CHVs CBHMIS on Mobile (M-JALI) …….cont.

12 Sample Screen-Shots – mobile application Home ScreenLogin Screen Tools Home

13 Sample Screen-Shots – mobile application Household List previewSpecific household summary

14 Sample Screen-Shots – mobile application

15 Sample Output Screen-Shots – Web Application

16 Lessons Learnt -Solutions developed for communities need to offer more value than merely automating manual processes -Wide opportunity for incorporating other functions of community health e.g. diseases surveillance to benefit from improved timeliness of reporting -On-ground support can be better managed by building champions from among the users (CHWs and CHEWs)

17 Next Steps -Roll-out to other CU’s -Complete reporting cycle – production of MOH 515 summary (automated) through the web-based CBHMIS under development -Web-API to push/pull data to/from DHIS -Research to gather scientific evidence on the cost- effectiveness of the three approached for managing community health data – in progress


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