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Emergence of Digital Textbook: Why we need it?

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Presentation on theme: "Emergence of Digital Textbook: Why we need it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergence of Digital Textbook: Why we need it?
Emergence of Digital Textbook: Why we need it? ISODA, Masami Director, APEC Lesson Study Project Center for Research in Educational Development University of Tsukuba Affiliated Member of SEAMEO and Three Novel Prized Professors

2 Educational Software: Math. on Projector, Edited by M. Isoda
Educational Software: Math. on Projector, Edited by M. Isoda. Awarded by Minister of Education 2005

3 Awarded Most Beautiful Book of the Year 2009 In the Area of Natural Science

4 What is technology here!
Even if the tablet change, human activities have the similarity. Euclid is using the tablet and compass, isn’t it?

5 Why Japanese do not use ICT in Education?
Do not misunderstand the education. Please do not recognize a school teacher as an ICT trainer only for education.

6 How should we understand ICT?
ICT is the base for Knowledge Based Society. Tools for ICT have to revise it for new generations within at most ten years. The cost is usually getting cheaper within a few years. Developed countries already spend huge cost for revision Developing countries do not need to spend it if they select clever selection. Innovation of ICT promotes the devices, which aims to become closer to the interface of human beings. We do not need to teach how to use. ICT is hidden in the normal human activity as a part. Users could not know it because it is a kind of air in the world. Innovation with ICT is possible for users who well know what is the world and how they would like to change. For understanding the world, knowing what if is important. For innovation of the world, imaging what if not is the key.

7 The Status of ICT Education in Asia

8 Now, India developed 35USD tablet PC
Now, India developed 35USD tablet PC. Only necessary is electricity and internet line. We should focus on developing the literacy and the basic skills for developing knowledge and thinking critically.

9 What is necessary skill?
What is the difference? What is necessary for statistics? Selecting the graph and change the color? Why you spend the time for that instead of teaching statistics???

10 (50%) Interquartile range
Look at the histogram of the following two distributions. Meletiou, M., and Lee, C. (2003), Isoda, Orlando(to appear) カanswerテゴリ 頻度 C0.No 3 (3.0) 1 (1.5) 2 (2.6) C1: Select A No reason 8 (8.1) 11 (17.0) 5 (6.4) C2: Select A With Reason 31 (31.3) 24 (36.9) 25 (32.0) C3: Select B With inappropriate reason 16 (16.2) (4.6) 7 (9.0) C4 Select B Appropriate reason 41 (41.4) 26 (40.0) 39 (50.0) Which of the two distributions you think has more variability? Why do you think this? What is variability? A variability B range 6 A<B 10 Standard deviation 1.796 2.352 (50%) Interquartile range 3 4

11 Meletiou, M., and Lee, C. (2003), Isoda and Orlando(to apper) Consider the following group of histograms and a summary statistics. Each of the variables (1 – 6) corresponds to one of the statistics. Please, match each of the variables with one graph. mean median Standard deviation A 50 10 B 15 C 53 D 20 E 47 F 5 5.1% of elementary school teachers, 6.2 % of junior high School teachers and 7.7% of high school teachers gave the correct answer.

12 Statistical Literacy Iddo Gal(2004)
Statistical literacy refers broadly to two interrelated components, primarily (a) people’s ability to interpret and critically evaluate statistical information, data-related arguments, or stochastic phenomena, which they may encounter in diverse contexts, and when relevant (b) their ability to discuss or communicate their reactions to such statistical information, such as their understanding of the meaning of the information, their opinions about the implications of this information, or their concerns regarding the acceptability of given conclusions.

13 What is lesson study community?
In Japan, products of lesson study are shared through the books and Journals of lesson study. Their PCK is integrated and unified as teachers’ theories for teaching mathematics.. Participating Teachers Theories of Education Lesson study Teacher Children Subject M. Theory of Mathematics

14 Good Practices on Lesson Study: Without Professional Development
Without lesson study, Teachers do not learn from their teaching experience. Teacher educators must prepare appropriate experience.

15 Various Challenges in the world lesson study movement.
How teacher changed by textbooks with guidebooks by Open A.

16 Through the self-evaluation each other in whole school LS
The power of School Level Lesson Study Approach for improvement of the quality of whole education through mathematics 図2. 地域平均と大曽根小学校学力比較 数学的な考え方問題群(100点換算)における平均の差 数値は地域平均点とのポイント差 Figure 5. Ozone Elementary School’s Academic Abilities Compared to the Regional Average Figure 6. Ozone Elementary School’s Academic Abilities Compared to the Regional Average 6th Graders 5th Graders 4th Graders Year before Implementation 1st Year 2nd Year Difference from average in mathematical thinking problem set (converted to 100 points) Numerical values are point differences from regional average points 6th Grade Mathematic 6th Grade Japanese 6th Grade 4 Subjects 5th Grade Mathematics 5th Grade Japanese 5th Grade 4 Subjects before 2nd year

17 Through the self-evaluation each other in whole school LS
Through understanding the Prob. Sol. Approach: Promised Approach if whole teachers challenge 自力解決の指導 比較検討の指導 まとめの指導 Figure 7. Improvements in Teacher Instruction as Measured with the Lesson Planning Checklist Problem Posing Comparison and Discussion Independent Solving Instruction Summary Achieved Not Achieved Start Time After 1.5 Years

18 Improvement of Children's Achievements through the 2 years
Difference with Regional Average for Problems in Mathematical Thinking Improvement in Grade A to 6th grade Improvement in Grade B to 5th grade Year before Implementation 1st Year 2nd Year Improvement in Grade C to 4th grade

19 Importance of the Textbook
We have the data to show better ways of lesson study. ‘Lesson Study using Fraction Resource Kit developed by Japanese Mathematics textbook in English, shows significant difference when it is compared with the results of Lesson Study activities without specific subject or ordinary lecture style teacher training. We can improve teachers content knowledge if we support their learning with good resource kit.’ By Catherine Lewis (2011)

20 Textbook and teachers are keys.
Object and content are keys.


22 Textbook for Problem Solving Approach(GakkoTosho)
Four phases for teaching approach: Problem Posing : what we learned before. Independent Solving: Patients, representation Comparison and Discussion: Knowing and developing ideas Summary and Integration: Value, Leaning how to Powered by dbook Textbook for Problem Solving Approach(GakkoTosho)

23 Please complete the blackboard plan
Why we have to compare? Task is given by teacher Various Solutions and Comparison <Fill in 2 > <Fill in 4 > How much Area? Let ‘s use! <Fill in 7> <Fill in 3 > <Fill in 5 > <Fill in 8> <Fill in 1 > <Fill in 6> Problem/atic is posed from children, if possible Resume the result of comparison and selection based on generality Why we need problematic?

24 Are You Sure? from the Academics
The countries in East Asia that have Nobel prize winners are only Japan, China and Taiwan. In the case of Fields prize “Nobel prize in mathematics”, only Japan and Vietnam obtained winners in Asia. The quality of academic research in Japan led the world during the 20th century. 1: Do not let the introduction of digital textbook affect the actual amount of time on experiments and observations 2: Focus on learning scientific facts rather than just watching pictures and images. 3: Do not reduce the time of constructing diagrams and/or calculating done by students themselves with paper and pencils due to the use of digital textbook 4: Afford the opportunities that students take notes to record the classes. 5: Do not concentrate heavily on exercises with filling blanks and choosing the right options. 6: Encourage the exchange of thoughts among students. 7: Do not concentrate much to prepare a beautiful presentation in class sessions and do not discourage to grow the skills of writing 8: Continue improving the individual teaching skills as well as teaching materials. 9: Use ordinary paper based textbooks along with digital textbooks for the time being and adopt paper based textbooks for administering evaluation.

25 In Japan, 7,000 teachers participated on Feb. 18-19.
Problem Solving A. is: Collaborative Children centered Constrictive .... In Japan, 7,000 teachers participated on Feb Aimed and preferred for: Developing children who learn mathematics for/by themselves. Developing Mathematical Thinking Teaching how to develop mathematics. Teaching values of mathematics As well as developing knowledge and skills

26 Freeware “dbook Pro” for e-textbook
The biggest feature of digital textbooks made from “dbook Pro” is that they look the same to the paper based textbooks. Therefore, they can be utilized in the same way of using paper based textbooks, when some digital functions are not required. Using it as blackboard by highlighting the particular parts of text or writing in blank page, Reading textbook together in a class while showing the particular parts in the screen, Showing the contents attached to digital textbooks, such as pictures, movies and computer simulations, Showing other information by linking to the web contents to digital textbooks, and Renewing any information attached to digital textbooks when required.

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