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Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Parents, You are your child ’ s first and most important teacher. Thank you for sharing your child with us this.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Parents, You are your child ’ s first and most important teacher. Thank you for sharing your child with us this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Parents, You are your child ’ s first and most important teacher. Thank you for sharing your child with us this year!!

2 Writing Workshop Writing Process Teacher Models and Genre Studies Fiction Expository (research project) Personal Narrative Essays Take a stand Independent Writing - Notebook (decorate) (Unpack Your Thinking) Teacher conferring Student conferring Read Around

3 Reading Workshop Reading Instruction –Data drives our instruction (Fountas & Pinnell) –If students read at their level, they will make meaning quicker! ~Mini-lessons ~ Reading Block ~Independent reading ~Book clubs (assigned) ~Teacher conferring Share Time ~Partner conferring ~Read Alouds ~Monthly Home Reading Assignments ~ Hot Topics ( Word Study ~ Word Masters (all students participate)

4 Math BRIDGES – Hands on, inquiry based rather than rote memorization. (Explaining your thinking) Daily Math Homework/Home Connections (Monday-Thursday) Informational handout to help your child

5 Social Studies U.S. in Spatial Terms Human Geography in the U.S. –Landform project Economics –4 th grade markets –Michigan Moolah’s (debit/credit) U.S. Government Citizenship

6 Science Topics FPS FOSS KITS: –Magnetism and Electricity –Motion and Design –Sun, Moon, Stars University of Michigan Elects Program (Potential project) –Electricity –Ecosystems

7 FYI ASSESMENTS: –MEAP: Fall –ITBS: Spring Important information: –FLE: Family Life Education is usually the week before spring break. There is always a parent preview. Stay tuned for more information. Field Trip information: –September: Rouge River Festival at Cranbrook –May: Ford Rouge Plant –Third field trip TBD Volunteer Application Forms: –Classroom and field trip –If filled out last year and nametag was issued, you are good to go for this year..

8 Snacks and BirthdayTreats Healthy Snacks Water Birthday Treats –Individually wrapped food –We are a peanut free school. Please keep that in mind when sending in treats. Read the labels and make sure that there are NO NUTS at all in any products in class. –Birthday book- In lieu of treats, students may choose to donate a class book for our library. They can autograph the book and donate it to our class and it will be here in our classroom library at Highmeadow for students to enjoy.

9 Home and School Connection Daily Folder-Homework –Math Homework –Nightly Reading (20-30 minutes) –Fast Facts (addition and subtraction should be mastered, multiplication mastery this year) Consistent after school routine –Time, place Daily Planner – signed each night Thursday Folders –HCC notes –Correspondences through emails –Fourth grade wiki-

10 Classroom Visit Tour Classroom: Child’s Desk, locker etc. Meet your teacher Thanks for coming!

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