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R1 GOLD Training Uri Moszkowicz 2008 Region 1 GOLD Coordinator 2008 R1 GOLD/SAC/WIE Conference April 26, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "R1 GOLD Training Uri Moszkowicz 2008 Region 1 GOLD Coordinator 2008 R1 GOLD/SAC/WIE Conference April 26, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 R1 GOLD Training Uri Moszkowicz ( 2008 Region 1 GOLD Coordinator 2008 R1 GOLD/SAC/WIE Conference April 26, 2008

2 Session 1 Introductions Events Membership Committees Tools Region Events Initiatives


4 Introductions Name Section Position Employer Conference goals

5 EVENTS Topic

6 Event Types Educational Home buying seminar Investing Professional development Career decisions Project management Social Skiing Bowling Technical Video over IP Future of Verification Administrative Planning meetings

7 Event Anatomy Initial planning Pick topic, date, and location Define budget Assign organizer(s) Consider cosponsorship Advertise Execute plan Finalize event

8 Initial Planning Topic Sources Brainstorm Database Diversity Date Avoid conflicts IEEE, sports, major holidays Diversity Location May cost money Sources Cosponsorship Section Commercial locations Diversity

9 Initial Planning Budget Simple refreshments usually enough Reimbursement implies risk Run by section Assign organizers Consider volunteer timelines Diversity Cosponsorship Other GOLD groups Technical chapters Student branches Other affinity groups Other professional associations

10 Advertising IEEE Section newsletter 60 days notice Section webpage Your webpage Your listserv E-notice Other Facebook Newspapers Craigslist Flyers Cosponsors Podcast

11 Execute plan Arrive early What to Bring Signin sheet Signs Refreshments Camera Recognition gift (for speaker) Minimum attendance Coworkers Family and friends Committee members Cosponsors What to expect 10 – 30 members Clean up Advertise future events

12 Finalize Event File L31 report Request reimbursements Write / update event planning guide Send to region GOLD coordinator Post online Pictures Presentations Process signin sheet Add to listserv Followup e-mail Publish articles Builds awareness Where? Section newsletter GOLDrush The Institute Region newsletter

13 Event Best Practices Allow time for networking Engage attendees Introduce Yourself Speaker GOLD Budget time

14 Mandatory Events Elections Planning meetings Consider using free service like Foonz Area event Graduation reception IEEE requires two events per year!

15 Elections What is it? Annual meeting to fill committee When is it? End of year How is it funded? From the GOLD AG budget Goals Introduce committee members Approve budget Approve schedule of events and organizers Convey goals for upcoming year Provide training Committee positions Chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, activity coordinators, student activities coordinator, membership development, publicity coordinator, webmaster Submit results to Section secretary Region GOLD coordinator

16 Area Event What is it? Event planned by all GOLD chapters in area When is it? Once per year How is it funded? From the region GOLD budget Goals Team building Mentoring opportunity Maintains momentum Networking

17 Graduation Reception What is it? Celebration of graduation and introduction to IEEE When is it? Once per year, April - September How is it funded? From the GOLD AG budget Goals Capture new IEEE/GOLD members Notes Invite section officers and chapter representatives Start cheap and small Order recruitment kit Invite last year’s graduating seniors Get list from section secretary

18 Sample Events Speaker Distinguished lecturer Free speakers Science museum Second Life workshop / networking Paintball, bowling, skiing, rock climbing, rafting, beach volleyball, sports game Visiting a casino Pool or bar night Star gazing Company facility tours Investing seminar Home buying seminar Introduction to Entrepreneurship Graduation reception Roundtable

19 Budgeting Revenue Quickstart funding (QSIF) Section funding Expenses Events Other notes Ask, but don’t require, for RSVPs Plan on ½ RSVPs, ¼ non-RSVPs, plus a little more For expensive events, don’t give out location Submit to section for approval


21 Finding Members SAM-IEEE Cosponsorship Facebook Organize graduation reception Encourage e-mail circulation (friends, family, coworkers) Focus on member value Perform surveys and polls Electronic resources SurveyMoney Zoomerang Website Get linked

22 Recruiting Best Practices Maintain Momentum 1 event / quarter Professional and regularly updated website Minimum attendance Engage members Regular but limited e-mail traffic Make events free Advertise events everywhere Sell IEEE/GOLD at every event Recruitment kit (free)


24 Why Build Committee? Create future leaders Delegate responsibilities Build leadership skills Increase member value Build useful network

25 Why Volunteer? Meet more people Increase your profile Have fun Develop leadership skills Help your profession Improve your resume Because of my friends Build track record Move to section positions

26 How To Build and Maintain a Committee Engage members Especially regulars Explicit invitation Ask for volunteers Website Forums Listserv Ask friends and coworkers Emphasize volunteer benefits Recognize and reward volunteers Establish minimal requirements As time available Learn what drives each volunteer! When are they free What type of events they prefer Where do they want to go Reimburse promptly

27 Rewarding Volunteers Provide full support Volunteers like hearing that they did a good job Constructive feedback is generally welcome Maintain momentum Keep assigning tasks Expose them to greater IEEE Nominate for conferences Invite them to section meetings Give them titles Buy meals and/or snacks Provide lunch at elections Take the committee out for coffee Help build their networks Introduce them to section members Award instruments Nominate for awards

28 Building Leaders Define growth plans Rotate positions Nominate volunteers Build shared ownership Develop common vision Invite feedback Strategically assign events Build profile

29 TOOLS Topic

30 Website Primary view of group to members Simple is usually better IEEE provides hosting Don’t reinvent wheel Use IEEE templates Use Wiki or CMS Dokuwiki Joomla Create page for committee resources

31 Listserv Primary method of advertising IEEE provides hosting Takes a few days to setup Don’t spam Provide unsubscribe link Keep member list up to date from SAM-IEEE Create prolifically


33 Events: EWB Engineers without Borders (EWB) – Improve quality of life in developing countries Partnership – Collaborate on open projects – Identify interested IEEE members – Create awareness among young professionals Workshop – Location Boston, MA – Date August 2008 – 170 participants

34 GOLD Summit Location – Sections Congress (Sept 19 – 22 in Quebec City) Purpose – Celebrate GOLD achievements – Develop GOLD leaders – Leverage networking and training Attendees – 3+ R1 GOLD


36 Initiatives Form new GOLD AGs – New Hampshire Improve existing Ags – Many are borderline inactive – Stale leadership Recover arrears Fill section positions – Membership development Organize more Graduation Receptions

37 R1 GOLD Resources Document repository (wiki) – Training materials – Event planning guides Default tools – Website – Mailing lists Mailing lists for GOLD chairs Newsletter for GOLD chairs

38 Questions?

39 Session 2 Pictures Individual Group Workshop Events Action items Round table Best / worst events Lessons learned Region support

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