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Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training

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1 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Leadership Overview Junior Leader Training Troop 1600 – Jordan UCC Module: Leadership

2 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Introduction Who are the leaders of Troop 1600? Leaders make sacrifices: time, work, responsibility Who has the authority and responsibility to make decisions? Why will Scouts follow your leadership? Because you say so? Because you were elected or appointed? Because they recognize your leadership, trust your judgment? Module: Leadership

3 First – Some Simple Advice
Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Keep your word This is how you earn your Scouts’ trust Be fair to everyone Don’t play favorites Be consistent If it’s a rule, it must always be followed Scouts should know what to expect from you Be Flexible Sometimes new opportunities come up Give Praise Have fun! Module: Leadership

4 Good Leadership Practices
Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Communicate This is the most important thing you do! Give critical feedback in Private Be Organized Plan, plan, plan and then plan a little more Set the example – Be Prepared Delegate You don’t have to do everything yourself! Ask for help Module: Leadership

5 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Key Leadership Skills Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Effective Communication Effective Listening Effective Organization Efficient contact list – phone & Give as much advance notice as possible Where possible provide written copies Reminders – leverage the web site Plan, Plan, Plan Reflection – keep questions open ended Match the leadership style to the needs of the situation Module: Leadership

6 Leadership Styles - EDGE
Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training The Telling Style – EXPLAIN One way communication involving little discussion Used to give direction when someone has limited knowledge or in emergency situations The Coaching Style – DEMONSTRATE Two way communication used to teach Provides support, encouragement, instruction, and praise The Persuading Style - GUIDE Two way communication to encourage/support a scout to try something on his own The Delegating Style - ENABLE Empower others to use their skills and knowledge to complete a task responsibly and successfully Module: Leadership

7 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Remember the Titans The key is to try to match the style of your leadership to the stage of team development Forming Stage – need to use careful explaining for this group with high motivation but low skills Storming Stage – need to make things clear by demonstrating to that group that has low enthusiasm and low skills Norming Stage – need to let teams act on their own but know when to guide them as these groups have rising enthusiasm and growing skills Performing Stage – effective leaders enable team members to make decisions to keep moving forward. These teams have high enthusiasm and high skill levels. Module: Leadership

8 This is called the Leadership EDGE
Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training This is called the Leadership EDGE Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable Goal Goal Goal Goal Forming Storming Norming Performing Leader M M M M M M M M M M M M Leader M M M M M M Leader M M M M M Leader M M M M Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable Module: Leadership

9 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Communicating Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training There are four parts to effective communication Receiving Listen Carefully and remember all your senses (body language) Ask Questions, repeat, clarify and summarize Giving or Sending Speak and write clearly Use visuals and make eye contact Ask for feedback and summarize Retrieving Confirm that you got the right message Remember it. Write it down. Interpreting Filtering that occurs between the sender and receiver Affected by motivation, conflict, experience, distraction, attitude Module: Leadership

10 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Resolving Conflict Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Stay calm; focus on finding a solution Be Aware of Yourself - Do not take sides Meet privately with those that are upset Listen - Use open ended questions to explore differences Use EAR - Express – What do you want and what are you doing to get it? Address – Why is that working or not working? Resolve – What ways are available to solve the problem? Module: Leadership

11 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Resolving Conflict Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Remember to be aware or yourself and others Listen… for… Bribery, Concern, Persuasion, Interest, Straightforwardness, etc. Use Your EAR Possible Appropriate Responses… Avoiding – let the problem work itself out Compromising – simple give and take Problem Solving – both parties work towards resolving the problem Module: Leadership

12 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Valuing Others Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training The challenge is to leverage all the scouts in the troop to deliver the program – value the diversity of the group! ROPE – an effective approach to increasing the troop’s diversity Reach – Look to those who are not like you in terms of religion, race, ability, culture and tradition Organize – do all you can to help deliver the promise of the program Practice – Practice using the skills learned during this program to build on the diversity of the Troop Experience – The experiences you have as you include others in your unit can make your scouting experience richer! Module: Leadership

13 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Effective Planning Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Consider the Task What is the job? Does everyone understand? Make decisions… What must be done and Why? When – times? Who – whole troop, patrol, or selected members Where – place? Consider the Resources What do you have to work with? What knowledge and skills do the members have? Who has experience – who has done this before? What equipment, supplies and money will be needed? How much time do we have? – is it appropriate? Checkpoint – do you have what you need? Consider the Alternatives What could happen to change the plan? What problems could develop? Is there a backup plan? Checkpoint – what alternatives can be used? Module: Leadership

14 Effective Planning (cont.)
Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Communicate the Plan Review and revise the plan before you start – develop a checklist. Write it down! Commit the members of the group to the plan Share the plan with your adult leaders Checkpoint – Let’s Go! Put the Plan into Action Follow the plan as closely as possible If something happens, have the backup plan available Checkpoint – How did we do? Evaluate Was the job done as planned? How did the group do – did everyone participate? Reflect on the experience – Roses and Thorns – what did we learn that we could do better next time? Module: Leadership

15 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Setting the Example Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Follow Instructions Do things the scouting way Be guided by the Scout Oath and Law in everything you do Try Hard Do more than follow the instructions Always try your best Show Initiative Do the best that you can with what you have Act Maturely Using good judgment helps you gain respect of others There is a place for both work and fun Know Your Job Have the “Big Picture” in mind, but know the details Learn the skills of Scoutcraft and leadership – work at them Apply what you have learned and evaluate how you are doing Attitude, Attitude, Attitude If you attitude is positive, your group will be positive Even when things are difficult, your mood can make all the difference Your opinion has a real impact Module: Leadership

16 Decision Making Process
Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training Decision Making Process Define the Problem- identify the most desired outcomes Identify available alternate solutions to the problem Evaluate the available alternatives Make the decision (several tools available) Implement the decision Evaluate the decision – how did it go? Module: Leadership

17 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Decision Making Tools Brainstorming – Allows for the free flow of ideas. There are no “bad” ideas. Consensus – Occurs when a discussion leads to agreement without resorting to a vote Multi-voting – Allows team members to trim a list to a manageable size. Everyone gets several votes depending on the overall size of the list. Parking Lot – Helps team hold onto fresh ideas whose time has not yet arrived. Module: Leadership

18 Troop 1600 Junior Leader Training
Questions? Module: Leadership

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