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Reading Communication: no problem? Do you think all the countries have the same meaning to a same body movement?

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2 Reading Communication: no problem?

3 Do you think all the countries have the same meaning to a same body movement?

4 money in Japan zero in France. rude in Brazil & German. “great” or “good job” in the US rude in Nigeria No.1 in German & Japan. means “yes” in Bulgaria. in parts of Greece. in Iran

5 If you want to buy a digital camera in Japan, how will you make yourself understood? Unit4 Reading Communication: No problem?

6 Scanning: Read through the passage and try to answer the following questions. 1. Why are the people visiting China? 2. How many visitors are mentioned in the passage? Who are they? What countries and continents of the world did they represent? 3. Why don’t people act the same? Because they are interested in developing business in China. Six; Mr Garcia from Columbia in South America, Japan in Asia, George Cook from Canada in North America, Julia Smith from Britain in Europe.Ahmed Aziz from Jordan in Asia. Madame Coulon from France in Europe. Because different cultures have different customs, so not all cultures greet each other the same way.

7 Skimming: Divide the whole passage into some parts, and try to find out the main idea of each part. Part1(Pa1): Part2(Pa2&Pa3): Part3(Pa4&Pa5): You are sent to Pudong Airport to meet business people. Examples of learned or cultural “body language”. Different peoples have different body languages. Part4(Pa6): Summary of body language.

8 Details charactercountryaction(body language) You Mr Garcia Julia smith Mr Cook a Japanese Ahmed Aziz Madame Coulon China Columbia Britain Canada Japan Jordan France Stand watching and listening first, then introduce guests to each other. Approaches Ms Smith, touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek. Surprised at Mr Garcia’s action and takes a few steps away from him. Reaches his hand out to the Japanese. Bows to Mr Cook. Both apologize when Mr Cook’s moving hand touches the Japanese’s nose. Moves very close to you when introduced, comes closer to ask you questions, nods at women. Shakes hands and kisses each other twice on each other.

9 Person and country Suitable greeting a man from Columbia a woman from Britain a man from Japan a man from Canada a woman from France a man from the Middle East or some Muslim countries Some more about body language in different countries: the same to man and woman: touches the shoulder and kisses the cheek. to a man: not too close, shake hands to a woman: shakes hands, will get closer the same to man and woman: bows. to a man: shakes hands. to a woman: shake hands or kisses on both cheeks. the same to man and woman: shake hands, kisses twice on the cheek if known. to a man: comes close, shakes hands. to a woman: nods

10 DISCUSSION 1. Is “You” male or female? How do you know that? 2. What can we learn from the passage? Male. Because Ahmed Aziz shakes hands with him but doe not shake hands with the women. It’s very important for us learners to understand our own Body language and that of others. We should keep in mind that body language differs and we should try to react appropriately( 适当地 ).

11 Main Idea The text introduces to us some typical examples of learned or cultural body language. It’s very important for us learners to understand our own Body language and that of others. We should keep in mind that body language differs and we should try to react appropriately( 适当地 ).

12 HOMEWORK 1.Finish SB P27 Ex2. 2.WB P63 Ex2.


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