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Mrs. Starr’s 3rd Grade Class

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Starr’s 3rd Grade Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Starr’s 3rd Grade Class
Welcome to Back to School Night!

2 Agenda Teacher Introduction Classroom Expectations Class Schedule
Nine Weeks Homework Grading Question & Answer Contact Information

3 A Little Bit About Me… Graduated from University of Arizona with a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree from Marymount University in School Counseling. Originally from Maryland and currently reside in Sterling. 11th year teaching Enjoy reading, lacrosse, running, hiking, cooking, baking and watching college basketball.

4 Classroom Expectations
Students arrive promptly and begin morning work Students are to stay on task and not disrupt the learning process Students are responsible for their own behavior and expected to follow the school and class rules Students will copy their homework in their agenda and hand in completed homework in a timely manner Behavior: Clip-Chart behavior system Sticker Chart Beans for positive table & class behavior. Blue & Red Stars: whole class reward.

5 Class Schedule Lunch 11:45-12:15 p.m., Lunch Line B: Tables 3 & 4
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30-8:15 Unpack & Morning Work, CCE News 8:15-8:30 Math :15-9:00 Math :15-9:05 SEARCH: Mrs. Holder 8:15-9:00 Math :15-9:05 8:30-8:40 8:40-8:55 8:55-9:10 Math/snack 9:10-9:25 Music in Classroom: Mr. Fay :15-9:45 PE.: Mr. Goodwin 9:10-9:40 Art: Mrs. Pender 9:10-10:00 Music: Mr. Fay :10-9:40 Library: Mrs. Ricci 9:10-9:40 9:25-9:40 9:40-9:55 Guidance: Mrs. Bidwell 9:45-10:15 Word Study / Snack PE.: Mr. Goodwin 9:40-10:10 9:55-10:10 Reading Buddies 10:15-10:45 10:10-10:30 Social Studies/Science/ Health Class Meeting on alternate weeks Math on SEARCH Days 10:10-11:10 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 Recess 11:15-11:40 11:15-11:30 SME 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:00 Lunch 11:45-12:15 p.m., Lunch Line B: Tables 3 & 4 12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 D.E.A.R. Time: 12:15-12:35 12:30-12:45 Language Arts 12:30-1:45pm Language Arts 12:30- 2:20 pm Language Arts 12:30- 1:45 pm 12:45-1:00 1:00-1:15 1:15-1:30 1:30-1:45 Pack-up, End of the Day activities 1:45-2:00 Computer Lab :45-2:25 Word Study 1:45-2:20 Recess 1:45-2:05 2:00-2:15 2:15-2:35 Switch for Dismissal at 2:20 p.m. with Haller & Stumm. Guidance alternate weeks, starting week of Sept. 3rd SEARCH alternate weeks, starting week of Sept. 10th (A Week) Reading Buddies every other week starting Sept 12- in Rm 9. (Mrs. Hendershot's 1st Grade Class.) or in Rm. 26.

6 CCE Website Visit the Creighton’s Corner website for information.
Schedule Projects Other important information.

7 Visit the 3rd Grade Website!
Click on: Amy Starr Schedule Sign-up for Conferences!

8 The First Nine Weeks MATH SCIENCE
Place Value, Estimation/Rounding, Comparing Inverse Relationships: Addition and Subtraction Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers Patterns/Properties Patterns Line Plot, Bar Graph, Picture Graph/Interpreting Graphs SCIENCE Scientific Investigation Matter Water Cycle Natural Cycles (Sun, Earth, & Moon)

9 The First Nine Weeks (cont’d.)
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Use effective communication skills in group activities Apply word-analysis skills when reading Use strategies to read a variety of fiction and nonfiction materials Read and demonstrate comprehension of fiction Write descriptive paragraphs Edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling SOCIAL STUDIES Maps, Globes, & Communities Civics

10 Homework Students will receive approximately 30 minutes of homework every night. Students will be expected to read minutes every night. Students are expected to use their agendas daily. Homework will be written for the week on Monday. Mrs. Starr will check agenda daily and look for notes from parents. Parental supervision of agenda use is strongly encouraged.

11 Grading Things to know:
NG= Not Graded Formative Assessments: SOL objectives on Report Cards I.e., Fractions on a Brainpop quiz indicates formative assessment Summative assessments SOL stamped onto it. These contribute to the overall grade. Diagnostic Pre and Post testing to monitor learning and target areas for teaching.

12 Grading Teachers will use the following grading scale for student work: 4– Outstanding/Extends 3 – Meets SOLs 2 – Progressing towards SOLs 1– Below Grade level SOLs 0– Not performing Progress Indicators 4 = Exceeds Standard 3 = Meets Standard 2 = Progressing Towards Standard 1 = Below Standard ● = Denotes knowledge or skill not assessed at this time

13 Grading (cont’d.) Example Partial Topic Statement 1: Below Standard
2: Progressing Towards Standard 3: Meets Standard 4: Exceeds Standard Edits writing for punctuation Few or none of the sentences have correct punctuation Some of the sentences have correct punctuation Many of the sentences have correct Most of the sentences have correct punctuation

14 Peanut/Nut Free Classroom
LCPS policy states: “All students should be encouraged to eat healthy snacks, such as fruits and vegetables. Food containing allergens should not be consumed in classrooms of students with food allergies.” LCPS policy states: “Proper hand-washing techniques by adults and students should be taught and reinforced before and after meals at the elementary level.” Snack will be allowed provided that it is nut free and not made in a facility that processes nuts.

15 Class Parties LCPS policy states: “Only non-food treats will be allowed for birthday celebrations.” Possible alternative treats: Favorite book/game for classroom Fun pencils, etc. Come have lunch with your child in the cafeteria!

16 Contact Information Please feel free to contact me via: Phone at Creighton’s Corner (703) Letters sent in with your child in front pocket of their Yellow Homework Folder. Notes written in their agenda. s (the best way to contact me) Remember that all dismissal changes need to me made through the Front office.

17 Volunteers Volunteers will be needed throughout the year!
Please complete your interest inventory in volunteering in our classroom. Different volunteer opportunities are listed! You can also contribute from home! If you would like to be our room mother/father please let me know!

18 Question & Answer Please feel free to ask any questions that you have at this time.

19 Please sign-up for a conference or to be on our Class Directory!
Computers are available in the back or you can complete this process at home!

20 Fun Language Arts detail….
Students have started the “Niagara Falls” unit. They gathered clues in their reading spiral today and they have not seen all of the pictures on the Whiteboard. Writing: The students will be writing a persuasive argument about if they would or would not go over Niagara Falls in 1901. The year is heavily stressed along with no modern technology. FYI: Students will learn that it is currently against the law to go over Niagara Falls. Annie Edson Taylor was the first person and woman to go over Niagara Falls in 1901. She stated that no one should do it. Look forward to hearing about it!

21 Thank you for coming! I look forward to a great year!

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