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To Parent Orientation 2014-2015 Ms. Wilton Room #12.

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1 To Parent Orientation 2014-2015 Ms. Wilton Room #12


3  Classes begin promptly at 8:00  Lunches, folders, snacks, birthday treats, etc. must be dropped off at the office  Phone calls will be transferred to voicemail during instructional hours  Early checkouts need to be kept at a minimum (try to schedule appointments after school hours)

4  Copies of our class schedule and C.A.M.P. schedule are located on the Midway I.S.D. website Click on “select a campus” Select: Woodway Click on Staff Select: Wilton, Jana

5  Listen while your teacher is talking.  Follow directions the first time that they are given.  Respect yourself, classmates, and teacher.  Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.  Be safe. Be kind. Be honest.  Always do your best!

6  Behavior Calendar White – Great Day! Yellow – Student/Conference (sit out 5 minutes from recess) Blue – Student/Teacher Conference (sit out 15 minutes from recess and copy classroom rules) Orange – Parent Contact (sit out all of recess, copy classroom rules, create a behavior contract) Red – Office Referral – Parents will be notified by principal

7  Scheduled lunch time 10:55-11:25  Procedures for adding money to lunch account (please send lunch money in the zipper pouch of the student’s homework folder)  Procedures for eating with student

8  First grade car riders dismissal: 3:17  Older siblings are released to younger siblings: 3:14  Procedures for a change in afternoon dismissal  What to do if you need extra car pickup signs

9 First Grade will be using standards based report cards  Additional information can be found on the Midway I.S.D. website under Curriculum and Instruction/Standards Based Report Cards

10  Homework reinforces what we are learning in class for that particular day  Homework assignments will be given daily  Assignments will also be assigned over the weekend if I feel that extra practice is needed

11  Class begins promptly at 8:00  Any students arriving after 8:00 will be marked as tardy  Excessive absences or tardy students will be addressed through administration  Excessive early check outs of students will also be addressed through administration

12  Phonics – Johnny Can Spell  Reading – McMillan McGraw Hill  Math – Envision (digital component)  Writing – Writer’s Workshop  Social Studies - Houghton Mifflin  Science – Houghton Mifflin (digital component)

13  C.A.M.P. Schedule is located on class website  Updated every six weeks  Students must wear tennis shoes during P.E. – crocs, flip flops, sandals, etc. will not be permitted.  Please have your students wear their tennis shoes to school

14  There will be 2 scheduled field trips for First Grade  If you would like to attend any of our scheduled field trips you must complete a volunteer application located on the Midway I.S.D. website  Go to http://www.midwayisd.org  Select a school: Woodway  Click on Parents  Click on Volunteer

15  I love celebrating birthdays!  Please bring enough birthday treats for 20 students.  Please provide plates, napkins, utensils, etc.  Please NO COOKIE CAKES or items that need to be refrigerated. Birthdays

16  Our designated snack time will be approximately 1:15  Snacks must be healthy in nature.  No chocolate, candy, cookies, potato chips will be allowed.  Snack time will be 10 minutes so please send snacks that can be consumed in that amount of time.  No juice or drinks are allowed during snack time. Snacks

17  Early Dismissal – 12:00 Oct. 2 nd  Fall Pictures – Friday, Oct. 10 th  Fall Fest – Oct. 24 th  Red Ribbon Week – Oct. 20 th - 24 th  Thanksgiving Break – Nov. 24 th – 28 th

18  Email o I will check email until 6 p.m. daily excluding weekends  Phone: 254-761-5740 ext. 5412  Remind 101: @ff6cbd Email Or send a text to (972) 347-0848

19 Thank you room moms for all of your help this upcoming year! I could not do it without you! Our classroom room moms are: Kim Gooch Roxanne Klepper Melissa McKenzie Jasca Coleman

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