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5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 1 Lansare in Scolile de Arhitectura din Romania: Bucuresti, Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi, Oradea.

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1 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 1 Lansare in Scolile de Arhitectura din Romania: Bucuresti, Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi, Oradea

2 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 2 VELUX România are plăcerea să anunţe lansarea concursului International VELUX Award 2010. Concursul provoacă studenţii de la arhitectură din toată lumea să exploreze lumina naturală în cel mai amplu sens, tema concursului fiind „Light of Tomorrow”. Din 1 octombrie 2009 au început înscrierile pentru concursul International VELUX Award 2010. Concursul încurajează studenţii la arhitectură să reflecteze asupra rolului luminii naturale în arhitectură, nu doar ca şi element de design sau factor extern ci şi ca element central în abordarea arhitecturii şi sustenabilităţii.

3 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 3 Ca şi student puteţi investiga rolul luminii naturale în mediul construit, fie că doriţi să puneţi accent pe lumina naturală în contexte urbane, în clădiri individuale sau în concepte abstracte. Noi vă încurajăm să puneţi accent pe importanţa luminii naturale pentru o dezvoltare sustenabilă care abordează atât nevoia umană, cât şi echilibrul natural. Concursul încurajează dialogul deschis pe tema „Light of tomorrow”, bazat pe abordări experimentale şi gândire liberă. Concursul nu implică cerinţe specifice pentru folosirea anumitor materiale sau a produselor VELUX.

4 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 4 Aşteptăm cu interes studenţii la arhitectură să ne susţină, facilitând discursul despre arhitectură şi accentuând importanţa luminii naturale. Pentru a putea participa la concurs trebuie să vă înscrieţi pe Informaţii generale despre concurs găsiţi pe pagina de internet Informaţii specifice despre International VELUX Award 2010, inclusiv termenul limită de depunere a proiectelor, vor fi publicate pe site-ul, începând cu 1 octombrie. Impresii şi interviuri cu căştigătorii şi proiectele care au obţinut menţiuni speciale la ediţia IVA 2008 pot fi vizionate pe sectiunea film clips a paginii de internet a concursului.

5 Time-line for the International VELUX Award for Students of Architecture: 1 October 2009:Deschidere inscrierilor pt. concurs 1 February 2010:Ultima data in care va puteti inscrie 1 March 2010:Termen limita pentru Q&A 3 May 2010:Termen limita de predare a proiectelor; project upload June 2010:Juriul – evaluarea tuturor proiectelor inscrise October 2010:Ceremonia de premiere, anuntarea oficiala a castigatorilor si expozitie online a tuturor proiectelor inscrise.Publicarea albumului concursului. 5 International VELUX Award 2010 for Students of Architecture - timeline

6 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 6 The award is open to any registered student of architecture – individual or team – all over the world. We encourage multi-disciplinary teams including e.g. engineering, design, landscaping. Every student or student team must be backed and granted submission by a teacher from a school of architecture. The concept of the award is that teachers nominate students' projects made during the study years 2008/09 and 2009/10

7 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 7 REGISTRATIONS 2008: 2114 registrations from 484 schools in 86 countries 2006: 2037 registrations from 496 schools in 92 countries 2004: 760 registrations from 194 schools in 34 countries SUBMISSIONS 2008: 686 submissions from 244 schools in 46 countries 2006: 557 submissions from 225 schools in 53 countries 2004: 258 submissions from 106 schools in 27 countries No of active SCo – local buy-in 33 (33) SCo No of semester programme/ projects assimilation.. (38) International VELUX Award 2010 for Students of Architecture - background

8 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 8 Award brief Prizes The total prize money is 30,000 €. The jury will award a number of prize winners and honourable mentions. 1st prize will be minimum 8,000 € for the student(s) and 2,000 € for the teacher(s). 2nd prize will be minimum 4,000 € for the student(s) and 1,000 € for the teachers(s). Up to 10 projects in total will be shortlisted for honorable mention and an award trophy. The jury may award special prizes for categories or themes. 8 International VELUX Award 2010 for Students of Architecture

9 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 9 The theme “Light of Tomorrow” is the overall theme of the International VELUX Award. An open-minded dialogue on the ”Light of Tomorrow” requires experimental approaches and free thinking. Therefore, the Award seeks to explore the boundaries of daylight in architecture, including aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and the interaction between buildings and environment. The Award is not restricted to the use of VELUX products. The Award contains no specific categories, but entries may focus on: Concepts with focus on sunlight as natural resource for light and energy The contribution of daylight to high visual quality and interior comfort that add quality to people’s lives and living conditions The rethinking of daylight in urban living contexts, revitalizing urban tissue The importance of sunlight and daylight for sustainable architecture that takes into account the rhythms and balances of nature More abstract concepts like daylight vs. artificial light, day vs. night, in vs. out Partners The Award is organised in close cooperation with the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE).

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11 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 11 New IVA website launch next week 11

12 5/11/2009 IVA 2010 Launch /Design System 12 Images from IVA 2008 Ceremony Venice 11:11 Kengo Kuma – Jury Member 2006 edition- on daylight 5:39 Premiul_International Mai multe informatii


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