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18 th & 19 th March, 2010 At : New Delhi Presentation By: Department of Agriculture Government of West Bengal National Conference on Kharif Campaign 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "18 th & 19 th March, 2010 At : New Delhi Presentation By: Department of Agriculture Government of West Bengal National Conference on Kharif Campaign 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 18 th & 19 th March, 2010 At : New Delhi Presentation By: Department of Agriculture Government of West Bengal National Conference on Kharif Campaign 2010

2 WEST BENGAL : AN OVERVIEW Geographical Area88752 sq. Km. Nos. of Agricultural Districts18 Nos. of Agricultural Blocks335 Nos. of Gram Panchayets3354 Nos. of Mouza / Village40782 Population (2001 census)8,02,21,171 Population Density903/ Sq. Km. Agro-Climatic Zones6 Nos. Gross Cropped Area9510423 ha Cultivable Area8686639 ha Net Area Sown5354196 ha Irrigated Area62% of Net Cropped Area Total Nos. of Agricultural holdings6953922 Nos Size of average Land Holding0.82 ha / Holding Cropping Intensity (Provisional, 2008)184% Total Food Grains Production (2007-2008)160.60 Lakh MT Total Food Grains Production (2008-2009)162.97 Lakh MT

3 1. Northern Hill (29.1K sq.Km) (Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri) 2. Terai Teesta Flood plain (12K sq.Km) (Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri and Uttar Dianjpur) 3. Gangetic Flood plain (16.3K sq.Km) (Dakhin Dinajpur, Malda, Nadia,Uttar Dinajpur, Burdwan, Murshidabad, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Hooghly, and Birbhum) 4. Undulating Lateritic (23.8k sq.Km) (Purulia,Burdwan, Birbhum, Bankura and West Midnapur) 5. Vindhyan Old Flood plain (17.9K sq.Km) (Murshidabad, Howrah, Hooghly, Burdwan and Birbhum, West & East Midnapur) 6. Coastal Flood plain (12.8K sq.Km) (North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, East Midnapur) 1 2 3 4 5 6 AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONES

4 Land Use Statistics (2008-09) Land use (Area in lakh ha) Geographical Area88.84113 Reporting Area86.84 Net area shown 52.94 Area under non-agril. Uses17.92 Forest Area11.73 Current fallows2.87 Land under misc. tree crops & groves not included in the net area sown 0.55098 Culturable waste land0.31605 Barren & unculturable land0.21139 Fallow land other than current fallow0.21534 Permanent pastures and other grazing land0.07198 Gross cropped area 98.01516 Cropping intensity (in percent)185.14

5 Farming Community: Composition vis-à-vis operated area (2005-06 Agri. census) Category of farmers Land ownership(%) Land under operation(%) Marginal8151 Small14.529 Semi-medium414 Medium0.42 Large0.014 In lakh 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

6 Annual growth rate (%) of yield rate of different crops in West Bengal during different years (Base year Tri-ending 2006-07*) YearRiceWheatPulsesOilseedsJutePotato 2006-07------ 2007-080.58620.4075.93010.398-4.33236.351 2008-091.8789.6885.1895.438-0.28412.670 2009-103.9354.6405.5294.3782.3147.487 2010-113.9434.4795.3794.2802.4816.146 2011-123.9594.3835.3094.2292.5905.069 Area, Production and yield rate figures of different crops corresponding to base year 2006-07 are actually the triennium ending average of three years, namely, 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07. Note: Area, production and yield rate figures for the years 2009-10,2010-11 and 2011-12 are year wise targets.

7 Crops Achievement 2008-2009 Target 2009-2010 Achievement 2009-2010 (Provisional) APYAPYAPY Summer Rice 1556.6624358.01128001400.004964.47835151450.004785.003300 Wheat306.985764.5282490400.001040.002600385.00982.002550 Maize53.931245.609455465.00293.00450060.00264.004400 Small Millets 1.5001.75111673.003.6012001.4001.6521180 Total Pulses 131.17692.898708200.00170.00850205.00156.00760 Food Grains 2053.9945467.80126622150.006437.17229942101.006188.652945 Total Oilseeds 698.880578.67828750.000757.5001010750.00 1000 Potato385.9814121.1810677385.7019747.0325271400.009500.0023750 Sugarcane17.5571638.269331125.001925.007700018.001710.0095000 A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha RABI ASSESSMENT 2009-2010

8 Kharif Target 2010 Crops Target 2010-2011 APY Kharif Rice4300.0010750.002500 Kharif Maize70.00252.003600 Small Millets1.501.05700 Total Kharif Pulses55.0044.00800 Kharif Food Grains4426.0011047.002495 Total Kharif Oilseeds6.004.80800 Jute600.008400.00 bales14.00 bales A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha

9 Strategies to be adopted to boost up the production & Productivity of paddy in the State of West Bengal During 2010-2011 Sl. No. DetailsAmount (in crore) 1Cost of seed as subsidy I. Varieties notified within 15 years 2.98 lakh Qtls. of seed will be distributed @ Rs. 10.00/Kg. Varieties to be included are Jarava, Anjali, Gontra-Bidhan-1, PD-16, Pratiksha, Kharvela, PNR-519, WGL-14, BPT- 5261, MTU-1075, 1031, 1032, 1001, 1010, ADT-44 29.80 II. Varieties notified beyond 15 years 1.49 lakh Qtls. of seed will be distributed @ Rs. 6.00/Kg. Varieties to be included are MTU-7029, IR- 64, IR-36, Lalat, Lunisree, Annada, Parijat, CR-1017, Cr-1018 8.94 III. Hybrid seed 1.08 lakh Qtls. of hybrid seeds will be distributed with 100% subsidy to Red & lateritic zone of the state the variety is to be included are KRH-2, JKRH-401, Sahayadri-2&3, Haryana-sankar-1, DRRH-2 etc. 16.21 2Subsidy on organic manure and bio-fertilizer Rs. 2.976 lakh will be provided to each of the 336 nos. of development block for supplying organic manure and bio-fertilizer as supplement to chemical fertilizer. Fund will also provided for construction of compost pit, vermi-compost pit and super-compost pit. 10.00 3Subsidy on Diesel @ Rs. 2.00 per litter for 33.75 lakh litter 10044 liter of diesel will be supplied to each of the development block @ Rs. 2.00/Lt. as subsidy. 0.675 Contd…..

10 Sl. No. DetailsAmount (in crore) 4Farm mechanization (subsidy on power tiller, reaper, thresher, cono-weeder, knapsack sprayer etc.) subsidy as per GoI’s norms will be allowed for farm Mechanization to purchase small gender friendly implements like tiller, reaper, thresher, cono-weeder, knapsack sprayer 30.00 5Supply of Pump-set on subsidy @ Rs. 10,000.00 per pump-set for 16,800 nos. of pump-set 16800 nos. of pump-set will be supplied to 336 nos. of development block @ Rs 10000/- per pump-set as subsidy. 16.80 6Seed treatment chemicals 5.55067 Qtls of seeds which will be distributed under the scheme, will be treated with seed treatment chemical 1.00 7Supply of chemical pesticides bio-pesticides5.00 8Soil ameliorants (to be used to reduce the soil acidity, boron, zinc etc.) 5.00 9SRI Demonstration0.50 Total123.925 Strategies to be adopted to boost up the production & productivity of paddy in the State of West Bengal during 2010-2011

11 SEEDS Requirement and Production 2009-2010 & Target 2010-2011 Crop 2009-2010Target 2010-2011 RequirementProduction Deficit / Surplus RequirementProduction Deficit / Surplus Paddy626220639040 (+) 12820 768059802567(+) 34508 Hybrid Paddy1250 -5500 - Maize including hybrid 52005662.70 (+) 462.70 58406100(+) 260 Jute250801047.90 (-) 24032.1 250801387.85 (-) 23692.15 Pulses (Kharif) 5058.009442.30 (+) 4384.30 6529.009187.50 (+) 2658.50 Groundnut2535.00 2859.50(+) 324.50 25483950(+) 402 In Qtls.

12 SEED REPLACEMENT DURING - 2009-2010 & TARGET DURING 2010-2011 SL No CROP2009-2010 (%) 2010-2011 ( %) 1 Paddy29.531 2 Maize2628 3 Wheat3940 4 Jute7678 5 Mung3233 6 Khesari1920 7 Lentil2728 8 Til3334 9 Mustard3839 10 Groundnut3839 11 Potato2526 12 Piseen Pea4445 13 Gram2526 14 Urd3233.5

13 Share of different seed producing agencies of the State during XI th Plan (Target)  WBSSC = 20%  Govt. Farm = 10%  Agril. University = 10%  Other Govt. Agencies = 20% (CADC, KVK, Co-operative Societies)  Seed Village, SHG’s = 10%  Private = 30% Towards self sufficiency in seed production

14 SEED TESTING – 2009-2010 & TARGET FOR 2010-2011 SL No Type of SeedNumber of Samples Analyzed 2009-2010 Target (Number) 2010-2011 1Service4511000 2Certified1837322000 3Official24494000 Total2127327000

15 State : West Bengal Status report

16 Financial Target, Fund Allocation & Financial Progress under NFSM up to February, 2010 Component Approved Allocation by GOI Un-spent balance as on 1.4.2009 Fund Released during 2009-2010 Total Availability of Fund Financial Progress Up to February, 2010 NFSM-RICE 7201.961989.6425182.147171.782 5737.420 NFSM-WHEAT 783.2545.495726.63772.125617.696 NFSM-PULSE 2019.066747.9171256.392004.3071302.79 Total10004.2762783.0547165.169948.2147657.906 MEDIA & PUBLICITY -51.020-51.0249.812 (Rs. in Lakh)

17 Physical & Financial progress (Tentative ) 2009-2010 NFSM- Rice Sl. No. Interventions Approved rate of Assistance Unit TargetTentative Achievement PhysicalFinancialPhy. Fin 1 D.C. on improved package of practice( 1 D.C. 0.4 ha i.e., one acre) Rs. 2500/D.C.Nos9304232.609304200.60 2 D.C. on SRI( One D.C. 0.4 ha at every 100 ha area of Rice) Rs. 3000/ D.CNos300090.00300088.00 3 D.C. on Hybrid Rice( one D.C. 0.4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice) Rs. 3000/D.CNos88426.5275922.77 4.Assistance for production of Hybrid Rice Seed Rs. 1000/qtl.qtls.900090.00-- 5Assistance for distribution of Hybrid Rice Seed Rs. 2000/qtl.Qtl.25000500.00-- 6Assistance for distribution of HYV Seeds Rs. 500/qtlQtls3550001775.002000001400.00 7Seed Minikits of HYVs Full costNos125441-117811- 8Incentive for Micro-Nutrients Rs. 500/haHa2000001000.002000001000.00 9Incentive for Liming in soils Rs. 500/haHa170000850.00144800722.50 10 Incentive for Conoweeder &Other farm implements Rs. 3000/ per farmer per implement Nos12500375.0012000360.00 11Assistant on pump-set Rs. 1000/- per machine Nos.3585358.506478647.80 12Assistance on Knupsank sprayar Rs. 3000/- per machine Nos.15000450.0014396431.88 13 Assistance for Plant protection Chemical & bio- agents. Rs. 500/ha Ha145168725.84140000700.00 14 Farmers’ Training at FFS pattern( one FFS at every 1000 ha) 17,000/TrainingNos800136.00600102.00 15 Misc. Expenses for Project Management team & other Misc. expenses at District level Rs. 6.36 Lakh per district Nos. of districts 850.88848.00 16 Misc. Expenses for Project Management team & other Misc. expenses at State Level Rs. 13.87 lakh per State No. of State 113.871 State Total--6674.215737.42 (Rs. in Lakh)

18 Physical & Financial progress (Tentative ) 2009-2010 NFSM- Wheat (Rs. in Lakh) Sl. No. Interventions Approved rate of ssistance Unit TargetTentative Achievement PhysicalFinancialPhy Fin 1 Demonstration on Improved package of practices( One DC 0f 0.4 ha at every 50 ha of Rice Area) Rs.2000/= per D.C.Nos4078.144078.14 2 Increase in Seed Replacement ratio ( Seed Distribution) Rs. 500/= per Qtls.Qtls30000150.0030000102.00 3Distribution of Seed MinikitsFull costNos5037-1376- 4Incentive for MicronutrientsRs. 500/= per haHa50000250.0077392263.696 5Assistance for GypsumRs. 500/= per haHa808240.41727036.35 6 Distribution of Zero Till Seed Drills Rs. 15,000/= Per machine Nos20030.00203.00 7 Distribution of Rotavators Rs. 30,000/= Per machine Nos20060.00206.00 8Assistance on Multicrop Planter Rs. 15,000/- per machine Nos.15022.50-- 9Assitanc e on knapsack speayers Rs. 3000/- per machine Nos.50015.00182654.78 10 Incentive for Diesel pump SetsRs. 10,000/= per setNos50050.007348118.48 11 Farmers’ Training at FFS pattern(One FFS at every 1000ha) Rs. 17,000/= per training Nos254.25254.25 12 Misc.Expenses :- Project Management Team(PMT) & other Misc. Expenses at State Level Rs. 13.87 Lakh per State Nos414.36412.50 13 Misc.Expenses :- Project Management Team(PMT) & other Misc. Expenses at District Level Rs. 6.38 Lakh per District Nos18.5918.50 State Total--653.25617.696

19 Physical & Financial progress (Tentative ) 2009-2010 NFSM-Pulse (Rs. in Lakh) Sl. No. Interventions Approved rate of AssistanceUnit TargetTentative Achievement PhysicalFinancialPhyFin 1Purchase of Breeder seed from ICARAppox. Rs.5234/qtl..qtls40020.936-- 2 Production of Foundation & Certified seedsRs. 1000/qtl.Qtls.800080.00-- 3Production of certified seedRs. 1000/- per Qtls.Qtls.660066.00-- 4Distribution of Certified seeds 50% cost limited to Rs.1200/qtls. Qtls.25000300.0089.36105.06 5Strengthening of Seed certificationRs. 25 lakh per yearNos.125.001 6 Distribution of Lime/Gypsum 50% of cost limited to RS.750/ha Ha20000100.002000099.84 7Distribution of Micro-Nutrients 50% of cost limited to Rs. 500/ha Ha20000100.002000099.84 8 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 50% of cost limited to Rs. 750/ha Ha30000225.0030000224.79 9 Distribution of Sprinkler Sets 50% of cost limited to Rs. 7500 /ha ** Ha---- 10 Farmers’ Training on FFS pattern (One FFS at every 1000ha) Rs. 17000 Per TrainingNos.15025.5015025.50 11Assistance on pump sets Rs. 10000/- per machines Nos.3000300.004135413.25 12Assistance on knapsack sprayersRs. 3000/- per machineNos.8600258.008645259.35 13Misc. expenses at districts levelRs. 4.47 lakh/dist.Nos.518.63- 14Misc. expenses at state levelRs. 6.28 lakh/StateNos. State Total 1572.0661302.79

20 Quantifiable increase in Food Crop under NFSM Sl. No. CropYearQuantity of production in lakh MT. (%) increase in production 1Paddy2008-09 (actual)61.59312 2009-10 (actual)63.132952.5% (over 2008-09) 2010-2011 (anticipated)65.342603.5% (anticipated over 2009-10) 2Wheat2008-09 (actual)1.57614 2009-10 (actual)1.615542.5% (over 2008-09) 2010-2011 (anticipated)1.672083.5% (anticipated over 2009-10) 3Pulses2008-09 (actual)0.096586 2009-10 (actual)0.0990012.5% (over 2008-09) 2010-2011 (anticipated)1.024663.5% (anticipated over 2009-10)

21 State : West Bengal Status report

22 Strategy for Production & Productivity Enhancement of Agril Allied Sectors Institutional Capacity Building of Agril & Allied Departments Seed Production Strategy Focus on SHGs & Co-ops Improving the absorptive capacity of the Marginal & Small Farmers Income Generation Strengthening Research – Extension linkage & emphasis on Agri. Research Projects Greater role of SAUs and KVKs Technology Up-gradation Extension Services and working together Emphasis on rain water harvesting, soil and water conservation Integrated Farming approach demos. through KVKs, Govt. Agril. Farms & CADC Farms Convergence of BRGF & NREGA with RKVY RKVY FOCAL THEMES OF WEST BENGAL

23 RKVY in West Bengal Allocation of fund & utilization 2007 - 2008 Sl. NoName of the Department SLSC Approved financial outlay Fund Allocation by GOI 90% (of proposed outlay) Expenditure incurred Achievement (%) With respect to SLSC approved outlay 1Agriculture2225.4272002.88162225.427100 2Animal Resources Development 1603.0801442.77201603.080100 3Fisheries562.000505.8000562.000100 4Agriculture Marketing 485.600437.0400485.600100 5Forest264.250237.8250264.250100 6FPI & Horticulture675.795608.2155675.795100 Sub Total5816.1525234.53415816.152100 Administrative cost / Contingency 120.848103.4659 90 Grand Total5937.005338.005919.6179100 Preparation of District Agriculture Plan (DAP) - 150.00 100 (Rs. In lakh) N.B. 1. Fund for Preparation of DAP received from GOI separately in addition to SLSC approved outlay 2. GOI has released 90% but expenditure incurred in 100%. GOI is requested to release the rest 10% amount (Rs.5.99 crore) 3. Planning Commission, GOI has not released any fund towards preparation of C-DAP to the pilot districts (Bankura, Purba Medinipur & Jalpaiguri) which has been paid from Rs.150 lakh. As such each district has received Rs. 8.5 lakh instead of Rs.10 lakh for the preparation of C-DAP.

24 Sl. No. SECTORSLSC Approved financial outlay Fund released by GOI Expenditure incurred Achievement (%) With respect to SLSC approved outlay 1Agriculture Department4187.9315 100 2Animal Resources Development3405.3449 100 3FPI & Horticulture1183.9740 100 4Co-operation1087.4800 100 5Agri. Marketing1097.0000 100 6Fisheries1123.9620 100 7Water Resources Development1043.4800 100 8Panchayat & Rural Development411.0000 100 9Forest (Soil & Water Conservation only)477.4100 100 10SAU74.4500 100 11Agril. / P & RD / SAU170.0000 100 12Fishery / Minor irrigation350.0000 100 Total14612.0324 100 13Administrative cost147.0000125.9676 100 Grand Total14759.032414738.0000 RKVY in West Bengal Allocation of fund & utilization - - 2008 - 2009 (Rs. In lakh)

25 Sl. No. SECTORSLSC Approved financial outlay Fund sanctioned & released by GOI Expenditure incurred As on 28.02.2010 Achievement (%) 1Agriculture Department5266.901 4246.61280.62 2Animal Resources Development3617.469 2661.29473.57 3Co-operation1328.000 1068.0780.42 4Fisheries1134.310 855.2675.40 5Agri. Marketing1121.000 785.7170.10 6FPI & Horticulture1112.940 774.5469.59 7Panchayat & Rural Development533.000 378.5571.02 8Forest (Soil & Water Conservation only) 477.000 370.9577.76 Grand Total14738.000 11140.98675.59 RKVY in West Bengal Allocation of fund & utilization - - 2009-2010 (Rs. In lakh) N.B. Allocation of Agriculture Department includes SAUs. KVKs, NGOs & administrative cost for Nodal Department.

26 Proposed Sectoral Requirement of Fund under RKVY for the year 2010-2011 in West Bengal Sl. No. SECTORRequirement of fund (Rs. in crore) Total Requirement of fund (Rs. in Crore) Sectoral Share (%) Stream-IStream-II 1Agriculture Department67.0122.3489.3535.74 2Animal Resources Development46.0315.3461.3724.55 3Fisheries14.444.8119.257.70 4FPI & Horticulture14.154.7218.877.55 5Agri. Marketing14.274.7619.037.61 6Co-operation16.895.6422.539.01 7Panchayat & Rural Development6.772.259.023.61 8Forest (Soil & Water Conservation only) 9Administrative cost for the Nodal Department -2.50 1.00 Grand Total185.6264.38250.00100 * I. Administrative cost for the Nodal Department, as per para 3.6 of the RKVY guide linees. II. 25% of the proposed fund is meant for Stream-II projects, as per para 3.6 of the RKVY guide lines.

27 RKVY- Sectoral Share of Stake Holder Department (year 2009-10) State : West Bengal 8.75% Agriculture ARD Fisheries FPI & Hort. Agri. Mkt. Co-op P & RD Forest 25.75% 34.85% 8.46% 7.82% 7.37% 3.51% 3.49% 8.75%

28 Sectoral Highlights – Agriculture Department (2009-10)  Varietal replacement (28 Nos. of new Varieties)  Establishment of Integrated farming system demonstration centre (in 17 Districts) Implementing Agency: Agriculture Deptt. (4 nos.), P&RD Deptt. (8 nos.) & KVKs under SAUs (7 nos.)  Establishment of Seed Bank (6 Nos. in selected District)  Introduction & Popularization of combine harvester ( 4Nos.)  Hybrid Paddy & Maize Seed Production (405 acres)  Subsidy for power Reaper (118 Nos.)  Green manuring & Seed production through SHGs (24500 Nos.)  Agri. Research projects on -  Climate change vis-à-vis development of appropriate crop varieties by 2 SAUs.  Screening low arsenic genotypes of Paddy.

29  Establishment Bio-safety Laboratory (1 Nos.)  Development of Pig breeding unit (29 Nos.)  Establishment of bulk milk cooler unit (5 Nos.)  Establishment of milk collection unit (150 Nos.)  Livestock insurance support to poor farmers (10,000 farmers)  Community development programme for Leprosy patients (At Bankura) Sectoral Highlights – Animal Resources Development (2009-10)

30 Sectoral Highlights – Fisheries Department (2009-10)  Construction of Block level laboratory, training centre, communication & information technology centre  Brood stock management in selected progressive hatcheries  Maintenance & management of Large water bodies  Research work for fisheries research station  Up-gradation of fish technology station  Up-gradation of training centre  Renovation & reconstruction of model fish farm

31 Sectoral Highlights – FPI & Horticulture Department (2009-10)  Establishment of modern flower & vegetable market  Construction of green house  Cashew nut processing unit  Construction of Drip irrigation system  Tissue Culture Laboratory  Seed production of vegetable seeds  Establish of mini cold storage

32 Sectoral Highlights – Agri. Marketing Department (2009-10)  Construction of Go-down  Development of Rural & Primary Market  Construction of Auction Platform  Construction of Shops & Stalls  Development of Regulated Market

33 Sectoral Highlights – Co-operation Department (2009-10)  Construction of Rural Go-down by PACS  Agro processing unit with SHGs  Establishment of soil testing laboratory  Establishment of Customs Hiring units  Establishment of Bio-fertilizer production unit

34 Sectoral Highlights – P & RD Department (2009-10)  Formation of Seed Village  Establishment of Progeny orchards  Rain Water Harvesting & Micro- irrigation system  Establishment of Seed Processing units

35 Sectoral Highlights – Forest Department (2009-10)  Soil conservation works for the fragile ecosystem  River training works to prevent damage to the agricultural field  Scheme on Afforestation  Creation of Plantation

36 Convergence of BRGF and NREGA work with Agriculture Convergence with BRGF  The P & RD Dept’ has recruited about 1200 nos. of “Jeebika Sahayak” in rural areas as livelihood support worker.These “Jeebika Sahayaks” and Panchyat Executives will be trained for Agril. Development of the rural areas. They will assist in transmission of new Agril. technology to the farmers.  The training module and the training will be conducted by the Agril. Dept’.  The landless cultivators will be provided with 16 decimal of land, of which 2 decimal of land will be utilized for homestead purpose and the remaining 14 decimal will be utilized for crop production. The planning of crop production will be prepared by Agril. Dept’, Land Reforms, Horticulture & Rural Development Department together. Contd……

37 Convergence with NREGA  Under NREGA “Renovation of Traditional Water Bodies” was undertaken. Irrigation sources created from these water bodies are being utilized for crop husbandry & Pisci-culture under convergence with Irrigation, Agril. & Fisheries Dept’s.  Through NREGA the programme of drought proofing has been undertaken. Agril. & Horticulture dept’. are jointly engaged for the preparation of cropping programme in those areas.  A number of water harvesting structures have been created under NREGA. Agril. Dept’. is engaged in preparation of cropping pattern as per the Agro- climatic zone and Micro-irrigation facilities in those areas.  A considerable area land has been developed for cultivation through NREGA. Agriculture, Horticulture & Sericulture Dept’s are engaged in preparing the cropping pattern.

38 Status of District Agriculture Plan (DAP) & State Agriculture Plan (SAP) for West Bengal Sl. No. Funds released for preparation of DAP No. of District DAP prepared SAP prepared Confirmation of Status in column 3 to 6 Expected date of completion of remaining DAPs Expected date of submission of SAP 1Rs. 1.50 Crore 1817yesAll C-DAPs has been prepared and awaiting for approval of DPC -1 st week of April, 2010

39 CONSUMPTION OF FERTILIZERS – KHARIF - 2009 & REQUIREMENT - KHARIF - 2010 YEARNPKTOTAL 2009-2010 7964645268144021001725378 2010-2011 (Requirement) 341854248094163886753834 In Mt.

40 USE OF BIO – FERTILIZER & MICRO – NURIENT & ORGANIC MANURE YearBio – FertilizerMicro –Nutrient Fertilizer Organic Manure 2008-0980018110125 2009-1095019818175 2010-2011 (Target) (Kharif) 115013790275 2011-2012 (Target) (Kharif) 145016346390 In Mt.

41 Target (Number) 2009-2010 Anticipated Achievement (Number) 2009-2010 Up to 28/2/2010 Non – Standard (Number) Up to 28/2/2010 45002241231 Target (Number) 2010-2011 -- 4500-- FERTILIZER TESTING DURING 2009-2010 & TARGET 2010-2011

42 (INM) National Project on Management of Soil Health & Fertility Year2008-09 (Revalidated during 2009-10) Approved fundRs. 365.00 lakh Fund released asRs. 168.75 lakh 1 st Installment state Designated Agency (SDA) West Bengal State Food Security Agency Bank Account Details a) Name of the Bank United Bank of India, Calcutta Stock Exchange Branch, Kol-1 (UTBI OCSEA19) b) Account No.086801 0052012 Fund utilizedRs. 24.00 lakh (As the state PSMC has decided to release the fund in phased manner in order to monitor the progress as well as to ensure proper fund utilization, the entire fund couldn’t be utilized so far but expected to be utilized soon)

43 Physical & Financial progress New Static under PPP mode 1. Physical a) Approved 1 no. b) Sanctioned 1 no. Remarks :- The beneficiary has placed the supply order for AAS and other equipment etc. and the fund for first installment will be released very shortly. 2. Financial a) Approved Rs. 30.00 lakh b) Sanctioned Rs. 30.00 lakh Fund utilized NIL Name of the Beneficiary Implementing Agency : 1.Tagore Society for Rural Development, 2.Rangabellia Project, 3.Rangabellia, South 24-Pgs.

44 New Mobile STLs under PPP mode 1. Physical a) Approved 7nos. b) Sanctioned 3 nos. Remarks :- Jalpaiguri Vivekananda Education Society has already received the chasis of mobile the chasis very shortly. 2. Financial a) Approved Rs. 210.00 lakh b) Sanctioned Rs. 90.00 lakh Fund utilized Rs. 24.00 lakh Name of the Beneficiary Implementing Agency : 1.Jalpaiguri Vivekananda Education Society, Jatiakali, Phulbari, Jalpaiguri 2.Vivekananda Institute of Biotechnology, Nimpith Ashram, 24-Pgs(S) 3.Shamayita math, Ranbahal, Amarkanan, Bankura

45 Strengthening of State owned FQCLS 1. Physical a) Approved 3 nos. b) Sanctioned 3 nos. Remarks :- Fund has already been placed to the DDOs of the concerned laboratories and they have started the official paraphernalia for procurement and installation of instruments, equipment etc. and expected to be completed shortly. 2. Financial a) Approved Rs. 75.00 lakh b) Sanctioned Rs. 43.75 lakh Fund utilized NIL Name of the Laboratories 1. FQCL, Berhampore 2. FQCL, Midnapore 3. FQCL, Tollygunj

46 Strengthening of State existing state owned STLs 1. Physical a) Approved 5 nos. b) Sanctioned NIL Remarks :- A new Head of Account has already been opened to place the State Share of Rs. 151.00 lakh for installation of ICP. 2. Financial a) Approved Rs. 50.00 lakh b) Sanctioned Rs. NIL Fund utilized NIL Name of the Laboratories 1.STL, Midnapore 2.STL, Bankura 3.STL, Tollygunj 4.STL, Berhampore 5. STL, Purulia

47 Agril Marketing Sl. No. Market infrastructureNumber 1Rural Huts & Bazars3309 2Whole sale markets199 3Cold storages405 4Multipurpose cold storages60 5Air-cargo complex2 6Port-cargo complex1 Reform of the Agricultural Produce Marketing Act, in the line suggested under Model Act, 2003 of the Government of India, is under active consideration of the State Government.


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