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1.Bacteria engineered to do a better job of decomposing oil are important to the field of ___________. A. Agronomy B. Bioremediation C. Oncology D. None.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Bacteria engineered to do a better job of decomposing oil are important to the field of ___________. A. Agronomy B. Bioremediation C. Oncology D. None."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Bacteria engineered to do a better job of decomposing oil are important to the field of ___________. A. Agronomy B. Bioremediation C. Oncology D. None of the above.

2 B. Bioremediation Bioremediation is the use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms or other forms of life to consume and break down environmental pollutants, in order to clean up a polluted site.

3 2.The restriction fragment length polymorphisms can be separated from one another by _____________. A. Autoradiography B. PCR C. Gel Electrophoresis D. Vectors

4 C. Gel Electrophoresis This process uses an anode and cathode to separate fragments based on size and electrical charge.

5 3. 1998 By using the techniques of genetic engineering, scientists are able to modify genetic material so that a particular gene of interest from one cell can be incorporated into a different cell. a. Describe a procedure by which this can be done.

6  a. Describe a procedure by which this can be done. First, the gene of interest must be isolated and cut using restriction enzymes. Using polymerase chain reaction, copy the gene until there is enough. Then, using a bacterial plasmid as the vector, cut out the unnecessary parts using the same restriction enzymes. To be useful, plasmids must minimally have an origin of replication, a region containing many restriction sites, and genes that enable screening of cells that have successfully taken up the plasmid; this gene is usually an antibiotic resistant gene. A marker gene must also be inserted. When the modified plasmids are finished, they are placed in an antibiotic solution. The bacteria that die did not successfully incorporate the gene. The remaining bacteria that are alive have the gene of interest in them. The last step is to insert the bacteria into the plant using organogenesis or animal of choice using embryogenesis. The plants or animals that show the marker gene are the ones that have successfully incorporated the genes.


8 The use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of human life. It can be broken down into 4 sub disciplines characterized by color: 1. Medical Processes (Red) 2. Industrial Processes (White/Gray) 3. Agriculture (Green) 4. Marine and Aquatic Environments (Blue)


10 The application of computer technology to the management of biological information. For example, using computers to gather, store, analyze, and integrate genetic information so that it could be used for gene-based drug discoveries and developments.

11 Human Genome Project The goal of this project was to determine the sequence of the entire human genome (about 3 billion base pairs) and identify and map all of the genes from both a physical and functional standpoint. It was accomplished by 2002.

12 The biopharmaceutical field produces biologic medical products that are extracted from biological sources.

13 Vaccines Substances used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against diseases. They are prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute. Vaccines act as antigens without inducing the disease.

14 Biorobotics is the use of biological characteristics in living organisms as the knowledge base for developing new robot designs and the use of biological specimens as functional robot components. Biorobotics intersects the fields of cybernetics, bionics, biology, physiology, and genetic engineering.

15 In the 1970s, leading Japanese robotics engineer and researcher, Ichiro Kato, worked with robot substitutes for human body parts to construct a full-sized android called WABOT-1.

16 Agricultural engineering applies technology to agricultural production and processing. Agricultural engineering combines the disciplines of mechanical, civil, electrical and chemical engineering principles with a knowledge of agricultural principles.

17 What are some examples you can think of for agricultural engineering?

18 Bioprocessing Engineering involves using organisms, tissues, cells, or their molecular components to act on living things and to intervene in the workings of cells or the molecular components of cells, including their genetic material (NRC, 2001).

19 High-Fructose Corn Syrup and Bioethanol In 1957, scientists at USDA reported the discovery of an enzyme that could transform glucose to fructose. In 1965, a version of this glucose isomerase enzyme that did not require arsenate was discovered in a species of Streptomyces. Once it was possible to grow this organism using corn- steep liquor to produce a thermally stable enzyme in a cost-effective way, sugars from corn with sweetness similar to sugar from sugar cane became feasible. Bioprocess engineers invented systems of fixed beds of the glucose isomerase enzyme and demonstrated the utility of biocatalysts for the large-scale industrial production of biochemicals. They also adapted industrial-scale liquid-chromatography separations used in the petrochemical industry to enrich the fructose content in corn syrup from 42 percent to 55 high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). A “taste challenge” sponsored by a soft-drink company showed that consumers preferred soft drinks made with 55-percent HFCS.

20  chapter14/post-test.html chapter14/post-test.html     /TheRoleofBioprocessEngineeringinBiotechnology.aspx /TheRoleofBioprocessEngineeringinBiotechnology.aspx

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