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Transition from School to Post School Activities.

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1 Transition from School to Post School Activities

2 School District This information in this section is based upon the information contained in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

3 School District Make a referral to CCBDD for Eligibility Determination anytime after age 16. Must be done before CCBDD transition service can begin. 16 years or younger if the IEP Team determines your child needs it

4 School District If CCBDD transition services are desired, complete CCBDD transition referrals. Once transition referral is completed begin to work collaboratively with CCBDD transition staff. If appropriate, make a referral to Rehabilitation Services Commission (RSC)- (Competitive Employment/Supported Employment Assessments) 1-2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

5 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Intake and Eligibility Process the Eligibility referral from the school district. Eligibility 2 step process 1.Review evidence of Disability 2.Completion of the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (OEDI) Mobility Self-Care Self-Direction Capacity for Independent Living Learning Economic Self-Sufficiency Receptive and Expressive Language Inform Individual/Family of Eligibility Determination. Families may share this information with school district if they choose. 16 or younger if the IEP team determines your child needs it

6 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Intake and Eligibility Receive and process transition referral from school district. 1-2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

7 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Transition Staff School district makes transition referral : (allowing 1- 2 years to plan is preferred): Complete Career Plan Complete Assessments Transition Staff will attend IEP meetings. 1 – 2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

8 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Transition Staff Formulate recommendations for Post School Outcomes. Share recommendations and/or assessments with individual/family and school district (only if release of information has been obtained). 1 – 2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

9 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Transition Staff Complete Career Plan Completion of interest inventories and identification of skill sets. Development of career objectives. Assessments Inform Support Administrator that a referral needs to be made for further assessment if applicable. 1 year from graduation

10 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Transition Staff Collect completed state mandated paperwork. –Complete Physical Examination Forms and TB test within 1 year of graduation. –Emergency Medical Form –State Identification Card –W-4 and I-9 paperwork (if applicable) –Release of Information Form –Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (if not already given) 1 year from graduation

11 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Transition Staff Make a referral for Support Administrator assignment

12 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Support Administration (SA) Role of the Support Administrator Phase 1 Assist with beginning the process to prepare for placement in a day program or employment setting. This process may include preparation for a funding source, assistance with Medicaid enrollment, providing information about SSI and providing information about guardianship (if requested). 1-2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

13 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Support Administration (SA) Phase 1 (cont) Preparation for funding source / “waiver ready” –Obtain documents from transition staff or family Medical evaluation that includes diagnosis of a developmental disability. Psychological evaluation that includes diagnosis of a developmental disability. Career Plan/Assessments Verify Medicaid eligibility. 1-2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

14 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Support Administration (SA) Role of the Support Administrator Phase 2 (may run concurrently with phase 1 activities) Free Choice of Provider (OAC 5123:2-9-11) “Assuring the free choice of provider processes are adhered to and is intended to emphasize the right of individuals to choose any qualified provider” Assist with provider selection. –Develop a profile of the student and enter into the Provider Search Tool (PST) 1-2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

15 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Support Administration (SA) Phase 2 (cont) “In each instance when the provider has indicated a preliminary interest in providing waiver services to the individual the Support Administrator shall assure that the individual/guardian is aware of his/her opportunity to meet with the provider. If the individual/guardian indicates the desire for this meeting, if requested, the Support Administrator shall assist the individual/guardian to meet with the provider at a place and time acceptable to both parties.” (OAC 5123:2-9-11) 1-2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

16 Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Support Administration (SA) Phase 2 (cont) Facilitate obtaining a funding source PRIOR to starting the program. (“waiver ready”) –Assess –Plan –Authorize –Enroll 1-2 years from graduation (Ages 16-20)

17 The Provider Search Tool Leah Dalton Supervisor Housing and Placement

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