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Welcome to Kindergarten at George Washington School!

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1 Welcome to Kindergarten at George Washington School!

2 George Washington School  Third Year of Being Open  PreK through 2 nd grade  520 enrollment  Kindergarten currently 6 classes  Reading / Writing Workshop Program  Regular Assessments  Go Math! Program

3 Programs / Classes Physical Education Media Art Music English as a Second Language Supplemental Reading Supplemental Math World Language in the Classrooms Science, Social Studies, Health

4 Lunch Hot Lunch Offered Through Maschio’s (pay online) Students can also bring their own lunch Snack time during the day as well Peanut Free School Allergy issues need to go through the nurse Make sure your child has food they are comfortable with Students also get 25 minutes for recess

5 Drop Off and Pick Up 7:55-8:15 am Drop Off in the Morning Bus Stop Lineup at 7:45 am After 8:15 am is considered late and parents must come in with the child 2:49 Dismissal Busses Leave between 2:49-3:00 Pick up at the front door at 2:49 After Care Available both in the school (YMCA program) and out of school (Primetime)

6 Notification  Packet Mailed to You in Late August with information about your child’s teacher  First Day of School – Lineup on the Playground  Teachers’ Email addresses  Conferences after end of first and second marking periods  It is imperative that:  We have your most updated contact information (address, phone, email)  Your child’s most updated health forms are with our nurse

7 Birthdays  You can send in a snack for your child’s class  Snacks must be on the school’s approved snack list in conjunction with the School Nutrition Laws (sugar not the first ingredient)  No Birthday Party Invitations

8 What Can I do to Prepare My Child?  Make sure they can identify their own names  Practice writing their names with capital and lowercase letters  Practice using bathroom appropriately  Practice self-help skills:  Tying shoelaces  Unbuttoning/re-buttoning pants for bathroom  Zipping / unzipping coats  Opening parts of their lunch  Make sure they are able to hear the word “no” and cope with it  Practice transitions – leave one activity for another easily

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