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Digital Footprint Paragraph Standalone Power Paragraphs Intro/Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Footprint Paragraph Standalone Power Paragraphs Intro/Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Footprint Paragraph Standalone Power Paragraphs Intro/Review

2 Writing Standalone Paragraphs Prewrite – After searching your name online and reviewing the pages and images that come up, freewrite an answer to this question: Are you leaving a positive image behind? If so, how? If not, what stands out? Draft – Use Power Paragraph guidelines (review in class today) Revise – Combine sentences, add transitions, replace vague and/or elementary language, etc. (HW) Edit – Check for proper grammar, mechanics, spelling, and punctuation. (HW) Complete Self-Reflection – see Portfolio directions, pg. 1. (HW) Publish – Post to by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday. (HW)

3 Self-Reflection Due with Every Assignment At the TOP of every portfolio document: Scoring Guidelines Identify your level of mastery (Effective, Adequate, Inadequate, or Little Success). Justify Explain how you feel. How you can improve?

4 Content – ADEQUATE I have completed the assignment as directed and the work demonstrates grade-level abilities. However, if I would have spent a little more time on this, I could have added more detail and support. My vocabulary could also be more sophisticated if I had used a thesaurus. Arrangement – EFFECTIVE I’ve provided a topic sentence and closing sentence that relate directly to the paragraph discussion and I’ve followed the “Rule of Two” by providing two main details with two supporting statements each. Mechanics – INADEQUATE I kind of had to rush through this assignment because I waited until the last minute to start it. Plus, I have a difficult time with spelling and using commas anyway. So there are a lot of mistakes. If I had time to let my dad look over this, he could have helped me find errors and fix them. Self-Reflection I am satisfied with this level of performance because this was a difficult assignment. I don’t have a computer at home so I had to go to the Media Center and I had a lot going on this week so it was difficult to schedule the time when my mom could pick me up late after school. All things considered, I think I did an acceptable job. I’m going to start the next assignment tomorrow and maybe go to the Media Center during lunch instead of after school so I don’t have to rely on my mom for a ride and so I have time to revise and edit more.

5 Paragraph Elaboration Strategies General anecdotes Descriptions Definitions Comparisons and/or contrasts Cause-effect statements Facts or data from research Common knowledge logic Expert opinion Personal experiences

6 Topic In one sentence, state your paragraph topic and comment/stance/opinion. Fruit is the perfect food. Write a topic sentence for your Digital Footprint Paragraph.

7 Explanation In one sentence explain, in more specific terms, what you mean by what you said in your topic sentence. People of all ages can enjoy it as a healthy snack, almost anywhere or anytime. Write an explanation for your topic sentence.

8 Example In one sentence, give a specific example of your paragraph topic. Busy moms, for example, often have fruit on hand to pack into school lunches, take to work, or grab on the go. Write an example of your topic/explanation.

9 Subtopic 1 In one sentence, provide a fact or comment about your paragraph topic, using one of the elaboration strategies. People often choose fruit, versus other sugary snacks, to eat because it provides various vitamins that the human body needs. (general anecdote) Write a fact or comment for your topic.

10 Subtopic 1 Elaboration In one sentence, provide an elaboration about the fact or comment in the previous sentence. One important vitamin found in many fruits, such as berries and citrus fruits, is vitamin C, which is instrumental in fighting off illness. (fact or data from research) Write an elaboration for your Subtopic 1.

11 Subtopic 1 Further Elaboration (OPTIONAL) In one sentence, provide a second elaboration about the fact or comment in the previous sentence OR write another sentence to further elaborate on Subtopic 1. In addition to vitamins that keep humans physically healthy, some fruits, like bananas, also provide nutritional sustenance for emotional well-being because they are packed with various stress-fighting vitamins and minerals. (cause-effect statement)

12 Subtopic 2 In one sentence, provide a second fact or comment about your paragraph topic, using one of the elaboration strategies. Another reason that fruit makes the perfect snack is the fact that there is little preparation needed to eat it. (common knowledge logic) Write a second subtopic for your topic.

13 Subtopic 2 Elaboration In one sentence, provide an elaboration about the fact or comment in the previous sentence. Much like more expensive, pre-packaged convenience foods, most fruits can be eaten raw and without any utensils, but at a lower cost. (comparison) Write an elaboration for your Subtopic 2.

14 Subtopic 2 Further Elaboration (OPTIONAL) In one sentence, provide a second elaboration about the fact or comment in the previous sentence OR write another sentence to further elaborate on Subtopic 2. Subtopic 3 (OPTIONAL) Subtopic Elaboration Further Elaboration

15 Closing Close your paragraph discussion by restating your paragraph topic and your two or three subtopics in one fluent statement. It is easy to see why, when looking for a quick and healthy snack to eat, people would naturally think about fruit. Write a closing for your paragraph.

16 You are NOT finished!!! Prewrite – After searching your name online and reviewing the pages and images that come up, freewrite an answer to this question: Are you leaving a positive image behind? If so, how? If not, what stands out? Draft – Use Power Paragraph guidelines (review in class today) Revise – Add elaborations, combine sentences, add transitions, replace vague and/or elementary language, etc. (HW) Edit – Check for proper grammar, mechanics, spelling, and punctuation. (HW) Complete Self-Reflection – see Portfolio directions, pg. 1. (HW) Publish – Post to by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday. (HW)

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