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Specification & Quantities Estimating
Lecturer Eng: Eyad A. Haddad College of Applied Engineering& Urban Planning Eng: Eyad Haddad
Course Aims & Objectives
At the completion of this course, the student will: Recognize the preliminary and detailed estimating methods and focusing on the elements for construction projects To be familiar with cost analysis and preparation for bidding. Understanding and be familiar with the construction specification in particular for building. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Course Outline Part 1 : Quantity Survey
Introduction to Engineering project including project cycle, & bidding documents. Quantities surveying and calculation of different areas. Methods of measurement of the works. Pricing & cost analysis. Payment certificate. Application on Engineering project Eng: Eyad Haddad
Part 2 : Technical specification Earth works Concrete works
Masonry works Plastering Tiling Metal work Carpentry work Painting works Glazing Plumbing works Electrical works Eng: Eyad Haddad
The Engineering Project
Mechanical Works Electrical Works Structural works Architectural Works Eng: Eyad Haddad
Types of construction Engineering Projects : Building construction
Roads Construction Water Systems Sewerage and Storm water systems Eng: Eyad Haddad
Project Cycle Studies, design, tendering Taking- over, and operation
Implementation & supervision Eng: Eyad Haddad
Main stages in construction project
1- Concept : identify the project needs, and objectives 2- technical studies as feasibility study, possibility of implementation, primary cost, and possibility of financing …..etc. 3- Preliminary design 4- Detailed design including architectural , structural, electrical, mechanical. 5- Tender documents. 6 – Tendering 7- Contract Award 8- contract agreement 9- starting construction 10- Preliminary handing over the project 11- the operation of the project 12- maintenance period 13- Project final handing over. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Construction Project Cycle
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Tender Documents Invitation to bid Instruction to bidders
Information to bidders & bid data Biding Forms General conditions of contract Specific condition of contract Specification BOQ Drawings Contract forms Eng: Eyad Haddad
The Project Parties The Employer /Owner
The consultant: who appointed by the employer to do the design and bidding documents and supervise the construction work. The contractor: who was approved by the employer to implement the works according to the submitted bid. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Other Parties Municipalities, ministries, suppliers, technicians
Subcontracts, workers, Insurance companies Banks and other financing agencies. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Construction Project Teams
Main tasks for engineering teams in the project are : - design - Implementation / construction - supervision Eng: Eyad Haddad
Construction Project Teams
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Quantity Surveyor He the person who is responsible on estimating the quantities from the design drawings, and measurement of the quantities in the site during the project implementation, and preparing the current and final payments. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Quantity Surveys (take off)
It is the quantity of works/material take off , required for the completion of project implementation, and listed as items in table of quantities. In general we can describe quantity survey as follows: Description and preparation of the bill of quantities and its items required for the tender. Preparation of the site material, material types, and material distribution. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Quantity surveys (take off) .. Cont.
Describe the items and preparing BOQ Preparing of the cost estimate in BOQ. Preparation of the list of the site needs (technician / workers) Preparation of the due payment statements (contractor payments during the construction) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Tasks of the Quantity Surveyor
First : in the consultant office : Stage 1 :During the preparation of bidding documents : Preparation of the BOQ from the design drawing which part of bidding documents. Preparation of cost estimate for items listed in BOQ Review and check the bids submitted from bidders. Preparation of the lists of the contents of bids received. Sharing in evaluation and preparation of t recommendation to award the contract to be submitted to owner. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Quantity Surveyor Tasks
Stage 2 : During the supervision of the construction Review and checking the payments submitted from the contractor. Preparation of the reports about the conformity of the quantities items with contract documents. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Second : In the Contractor Company
- During the implementation : Review and checking the BOQ at the starting of the work. Prepare the eng. Measurement for the quantities of the finished works. Prepare lists of the site needs (material, workers, technicians) Calculate the remuneration of the subcontractors, workers, equipments,…etc. Prepare the payment statements Prepare the detailed reports describing the situation of the items quantities, (plus or minus the contract BOQ) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Required Skills Ability to understand the drawings details, design drawings, shop drawings, as built ). Excellent knowledge of the calculation of the areas and volumes, knowledge of fees of workers e /technicians/ , rules and law of the contracts, In addition to the knowledge of related financial issues/ taxes, banks transactions, insurances and its implication. Knowledge of the productivity of the workers and technicians. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Stages of the Quantity Survey
Stage1 : preparation of the engineering measurement and calculations of the works during the preparation of the bidding documents (consultant) and preparation of the measurement of the accomplished works in the site and prepare the payment (contractor) Stage 2 : preparing BOQ Stage 3 : review and check the financial payments. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Areas, Volumes, & Surface areas
See attached PDF file Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Next Lecture : Special calculations of the areas and volumes.
Measurement of the works. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Lecture # 3 Eng: Eyad Haddad 36
Method of measurements
1- Conventional measurement (الكيل البلدي) Depends on experience, and type of project. Doesn't govern by theories or engineering basics. Not considered as scientific method. Doesn't subtract the opening as windows or doors from the block, plastering, painting works and computing whole wall. Another example : as the every 3 steps in stair = 1 m3 2- Engineering measurement (الكيل الهندسي) It is calculating all the works finished after subtracting all opening. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Cont. example measurement unit
Earth work, earthling system (electrical),, Works have details difficult to be calculated Lump-sum (L.S) As pipes Works have specific length and width M.R Windows, doors, Works have 3 dim. fixed No. as plastering, painting, Works with specific thickness, M2 Footings, columns, stairs, Variable dimensions M3 As steel Have specific width Ton / kg Workers wages, equipment, Labor / equipment Day / hrs Eng: Eyad Haddad
Types of construction works
Building construction Roads construction Water Booster P.S and piping, Sewage and storm water P.S and piping. Electrical construction Eng: Eyad Haddad
Preparation of engineering measurements
measurement sheet project name _________________ contractor name ____________ engineer name _______________ Eng: Eyad Haddad
Fill with compacted clean sand 0203 Concrete Works 0300
Unit Activity Description Act. No. General Works 0100 l.s Demolition Works 0101 Earth Work 0200 m3 Excavation 0201 Fill with compacted clean sand 0203 Concrete Works 0300 Plain concrete B150 0301 R. Concrete B300 for foundation 0302 R. Concrete B250 for Ground beams and steps 0303 R. Concrete B300 for Necks and Columns 0304 R. Concrete B250 for Slaps 25 cm thick. 0305 Block Works 0400 m2 Block works for walls 20cm thick. 0401 Block works for internal walls 15cm thick. 0402 Block works for internal walls 10cm thick. 0403 Plastering Works 0500 3-face internal plastering 0501 External plastering on walls 0502 Tilling Works 0600 Pre cast terrazzo tiles 25*25 cm for floors 0601 White ceramic tiles20*30cm for walls 0602 White ceramic tiles 20*20cm for floor 0603 Painting Works 0700 Internal Painting-Poliside for Ceiling 0701 Internal Painting-Supercryle for walls 0702 Carpentry Works 0800 Metal and Aluminum Works 0900 Electrical Works 1000 Mechanical Works 1100 Isolation Works 1200 Special Works 1300 Finishing Works 1400 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Earth Work
Item unit Method of measurement Site leveling Lump sum It takes into consideration all site leveling including the excavation, fill, till reach 0+B.M according to design drawing. Excavation (cut) m3 Measured by 2 methods : 1- footings areas according to blinding area * depth of excavation according to drawings. 2- external dimensions of the building *depth of footings Fill (backfill) = excavation – concrete work for footings and columns under ground level. = ground plan *depth of ground beams – (concrete for ground beams and ground floors) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example : Measurement of Earth Work / Excavation works
Measured by 2 methods : 1- footings areas according to blinding area * depth of excavation according to drawings. 2- external dimensions of the building *depth of footings Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / concrete works
Concrete works measures engineering measurement All opening more than 0.1m2 or 0.1 m3 are deducted. The concrete works more than the areas, volumes in the drawings doesn’t included. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / concrete works
Item unit Method of measurement Blinding concrete, ground concrete, benching, and slabs concrete with fixed thickness m2 = length * width (the thickness should be specified in the drawings and specifications) Ribs blocks don’t subtract from the slabs concrete. Footings, columns, ground beams, stairs, and canopies, m3 = length*width*thickness Ground beams are measured from its connection with columns concrete stars include the stairs , steps, stair slabs, walls supporting the stairs. Concrete decoration works as curves. No. The dimensions must be specified in the drawings. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / block works
Item unit Method of measurement Block works m2 = length * width (the thickness should be specified in the drawings and specifications) - subtracting all openings more than 0.1 cm2. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Plastering/ painting works
Item unit Method of measurement Length * width M2 = length * width (engineering measurement after subtracting the openings, more than 0.1 m2) - the area is measured above the skirting (terrazzo chips) Internal plastering = walls + slabs Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / tilling works
Item unit Method of measurement Terrazzo, marble, ceramic m2 = length * width (engineering measurement) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Plastering/ painting works
Item unit Method of measurement Plastering & painting M2 = length * width (engineering measurement after subtracting the openings, more than 0.1 m2) - the area is measured above the skirting (terrazzo chips) Internal plastering = walls + ceiling Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Doors
Item unit Method of measurement Doors No. The exact dimensions should be specified in the design drawings. Sometimes carpentry works measured in m2 or m length according to the item described in BOQ. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Windows
Item unit Method of measurement windows No. The exact dimensions should be specified in the design drawings. Sometimes carpentry works measured in m2 or m length according to the item described in BOQ. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / electrical & sanitary works
Item unit Method of measurement Electrical and sanitary pieces / accessories No. The dimensions should be specified clearly in the design drawings as the sockets, lamps, fluorescent lighting,…etc (W.C. , washing basins, sinks, manholes, pumps…etc) piping M.R The dimension and details should be specified in the drawings, as (cables, pipes, ..etc) Works with special detail Lumps sum All details should be specified in the drawings, as earthing, gas network, Eng: Eyad Haddad
Bill of Quantities The results in the quantities book, are recorded in the BOQ table. It is preferable to add 5-10% percentage on the quantities for contingency to avoid any errors or any….. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Lecture # 4 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example 1 Estimate the quantities and prepare bill of quantities for the following works: Concrete for columns. Concrete for footings. Plastering, painting and tilting for guest room Tiling and plastering for bathroom 1, provided that the tiles will cover all the walls. Knowing that, Height of the floor is 2.95m The windows for guest room are150x120cm, 300x120cm, and the doors are 220x90 cm and 220x120 cm Bathroom1 door is 220x70 cm, and the window is 80x80cm Depth of excavation is 1.2 m Dimension of ground beams is 20x50 cm. Thickness of Blinding concrete is 10 cm and increase 10 cm in each direction. Dimension for columns and footings described in the following table: Eng: Eyad Haddad
Columns’ neck Dimension
Column number/ Description 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10, 12,13, 18,19,20 11,14,15,16,17, Columns Dimension 20*50 20*60 Columns’ neck Dimension 25*50 25*60 Footings Dimension 150*150*50 cm 160*160*50 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Columns’ neck Dimension
Item description بيان الأعمال الوحدة Unit الكمية Quant. Dimensions الأبعاد Total Quantities الكمية الكلية L الطول W العرض H الارتفاع Partially الكميات الجزئية Total الإجمالي Positive + إضافة Negative – خصم Column number/ Description 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10, 12,13, 18,19,20 11,14,15,16,17, Columns Dimension 20*50 20*60 Columns’ neck Dimension 25*50 25*60 Footings Dimension 150*150*50 cm 160*160*50 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example 2 :Estimate the quantities and prepare bill of quantities for the following works:
S.N Item description بيان الأعمال الوحدة Unit الكمية Quant. Dimensions الأبعاد Total Quantities الكمية الكلية L الطول W العرض H الارتفاع Partially الكميات الجزئية Total الإجمالي Positive + إضافة Negative – خصم Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example 3 :Estimate the quantities and prepare bill of quantities for the following works:
S.N Item description بيان الأعمال الوحدة Unit الكمية Quant. Dimensions الأبعاد Total Quantities الكمية الكلية L الطول W العرض H الارتفاع Partially الكميات الجزئية Total الإجمالي Positive + إضافة Negative – خصم Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example 4 :Estimate the quantities and prepare bill of quantities for the following works:
S.N Item description بيان الأعمال الوحدة Unit الكمية Quant. Dimensions الأبعاد Total Quantities الكمية الكلية L الطول W العرض H الارتفاع Partially الكميات الجزئية Total الإجمالي Positive + إضافة Negative – خصم Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example 5 :Estimate the quantities and prepare bill of quantities for the following works:
S.N Item description بيان الأعمال الوحدة Unit الكمية Quant. Dimensions الأبعاد Total Quantities الكمية الكلية L الطول W العرض H الارتفاع Partially الكميات الجزئية Total الإجمالي Positive + إضافة Negative – خصم Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example 4 :Estimate the quantities and prepare bill of quantities for the following works:
S.N Item description بيان الأعمال الوحدة Unit الكمية Quant. Dimensions الأبعاد Total Quantities الكمية الكلية L الطول W العرض H الارتفاع Partially الكميات الجزئية Total الإجمالي Positive + إضافة Negative – خصم Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Earth Work
Item unit Method of measurement Site leveling Lump sum It takes into consideration all site leveling including the excavation, fill, till reach 0+B.M according to design drawing. Excavation (cut) m3 Measured by 2 methods : 1- footings areas according to blinding area * depth of excavation according to drawings. 2- external dimensions of the building *depth of footings Fill (backfill) = excavation – concrete work for footings and columns under ground level. = ground plan *depth of ground beams – (concrete for ground beams and ground floors) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / concrete works
Concrete works measures engineering measurement All openinng more than 0.1m2 or 0.1 m3 are deducted. The concrete works more than the areas, volumes in the drawings doesn’t included. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / concrete works
Item unit Method of measurement Blinding concrete, ground concrete, benching, and slabs concrete with fixed thickness m2 = length * width (the thickness should be specified in the drawings and specifications) Ribs blocks don’t subtract from the slabs concrete. Footings, columns, ground beams, stairs, and canopies, m3 = length*width*thickness Ground beams are measured from its connection with columns concrete stars include the stairs , steps, stair slabs, walls supporting the stairs. Concrete decoration works as curves. No. The dimensions must be specified in the drawings. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / block works
Item unit Method of measurement Block works m2 = length * width (the thickness should be specified in the drawings and specifications) - subtracting all openings more than 0.1 cm2. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Plastering/ painting works
Item unit Method of measurement Length * width M2 = length * width (engineering measurement after subtracting the openings, more than 0.1 m2) - the area is measured above the skirting (terrazzo chips) Internal plastering = walls + slabs Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / tilling works
Item unit Method of measurement Terrazzo, marble, ceramic m2 = length * width (engineering measurement) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Plastering/ painting works
Item unit Method of measurement Plastering & painting M2 = length * width (engineering measurement after subtracting the openings, more than 0.1 m2) - the area is measured above the skirting (terrazzo chips) Internal plastering = walls + ceiling Eng: Eyad Haddad
Measurement of works / Doors
Item unit Method of measurement Doors No. The exact dimensions should be specified in the design drawings. Sometimes carpentry works measured in m2 or m length according to the item described in BOQ. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Bill of Quantities The results in the quantities book, are recorded in the BOQ table. It is preferable to add 5-10% percentage on the quantities for contingency to avoid any errors or any. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Lecture # 5 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Methods of Estimates A) Actual cost: is known at the completion of the work. B) Detailed Estimates : must known before the construction stage, and it can be prepared in four stages as follow: 1. Details of Measurements and calculation of quantities (by using Details of Measurements Form ) 2. Abstract of estimated cost (by using Abstract of estimated Form ) 3. Transfer the data to the Bill of Quantities. 4. Summary table Eng: Eyad Haddad
1. Details of Measurements Form
S.N Item description بيان الأعمال الوحدة Unit الكمية Quant. Dimensions الأبعاد Total Quantities الكمية الكلية L الطول W العرض H الارتفاع Partially الكميات الجزئية Total الإجمالي Positive + إضافة Negative – خصم Eng: Eyad Haddad
2. Abstract of estimated Form
measurement sheet project name _________________ contractor name ____________ engineer name _______________ Eng: Eyad Haddad
3. Transfer the data to the Bill of Quantities
No. Item description unit Quantity Unit price ($ or NIS …) Total amount 1 The works include…… L.S See the attached example Eng: Eyad Haddad
Bill of Quantities The items are classified into categories as shown in the next table. at the end of BOQ, summary of the items are shown as well as the total amount of the price Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example for the Bill of Quantities EXCAVATION & EARTHWORKS
NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY UNIT RATE $ TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1.1 Excavation from natural ground level for foundation up to required designed level. The selected excavated material can be used for back filling, the surplus excavated material from the site. According to Eng. Instructions. M3 1.2 Backfilling from the selected excavated material around foundation and to make up levels for the school yard in layers 25cm thick (M.D.D 98%) according to Eng. Instructions and specifications. 1.3 Supply, spread , level and compact Aproved selected Material ( kurkar ) type A in compacted layer 25 an thick 98% Max .Dry Density around foundation and as per Specification and Eng. Instructions. 1.4 Supply clean sand and fill in compacted layers 25cm thick for school yard to make up levels according to the drawings. Total Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example for the Bill of Quantities CONCRETE WORKS
NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY UNIT RATE $ TOTAL AMOUNT $ The items include shuttering, steel shaping, fixing , supplying and cast the required concrete, striping of shuttering and two coats of water proof hot bitumen layer of type 75 for foundations, necks and ground beams and all requirement as per specifications, drawings and engineer instructions. 2.1 Supply and cast plain concrete B (200) kg/cm2 for Blinding beds 5 cm thick and 15cm plain concrete of entrance ramps as per specifications and drawings. M3 2.2 Supply and cast ready mix concrete B(250) kg/cm2 for the ground slab 10cm thick with steel mesh 8mm diameter every 20cm including polythene sheets below concrete slab as per specifications and drawings. M2 2. 3 Supply and cast ready mix concrete B (250) kg/cm2 for reinforced concrete foundations as per specifications and drawings. 2.7 Supply and cast ready mix concrete B (300) kg/cm2 for reinforced concrete columns and columns necks as per specifications and drawings. 2.12 Supply and cast ready mix concrete B (250) kg/cm2 for suspended hollow block slab 20 cm thick, including the reinforced steel , drop and inverted beams, decorative arch’s , hollow cement block, 40 x 25 x 14cm and all other materials as per specifications and drawings. 2.14 B250 reinforced concrete for Apron (surface treated with mechanical steel trolled finish) the price include polythene sheets. Reinforcement I 8mm / 20 cm in both way and reinforced edge beam the price including 15cm thick compacted base coarse according to drawing and specification. Total Eng: Eyad Haddad
4. Summary table No. Item Total amount ($ or NIS …) 1-
Item description Based on drawings, specification.
It should be accurate and reflect the drawings and specifications, Description should include : 1- description of the works 2- unit 3- determine the method of measurement. Eng: Eyad Haddad
How to read the description
Description of the items Drawings, details Specifications General and specific conditions Instruction of the supervisor engineer Eng: Eyad Haddad
the work price should include
The description of the item should include all the work that the unit price will take account of as will be illustrated in the following Eng: Eyad Haddad
1- Earth work The unit price should include :-
Excavation in any kind of soil, rock, etc., starting at reduced level (bottom of G.B. blinding) down to bottom of foundation blinding including compacting backfill around foundations and shall be applied on layers, 200 mm thick, watered and compacted to 95 % (98%) according to modified AASHTO Density Test T-80.for the excavated foundation and removal of surplus material from site to an approved dumping area complete as per specifications. Site Leveling. (Excavation of all Site including External Works). Cut and / or fill in any kind of soil, concrete, or asphalt; to the required Levels approved by the Engineer (Reduced Level). Including scraping of top. Any damage to the external walls, fence, etc. should be maintained without any compensations.. Test of the soil (4 points at least) Safety around the site, Work according to engineer instruction and specifications Eng: Eyad Haddad
أعمال الحفر والردم والبند يشمل الآتي:-
بيان الأعمال الوحدة الكمية السعر بالدولار الإجمالي بالدولار الإجمالي بالحروف أولاً : -1 1-1 2-1 أعمال المدني :- أعمال الحفر والردم والبند يشمل الآتي:- أعمال الإزالة والبند يشمل الآتي :- 1-إزالة جميع المنشآت وخلافه القائمة والموجودة في الموقع، ونقل أي مخلفات إلى موقع بعيد عن موقع البناء والعمل حسب المخططات وتعليمات المهندس المشرف . أعمال الحفر والردم والبند يشمل الآتي :- أ-تنظيف موقع العمل وإزالة ما هو موجود ونقله إلى المكان الذي يحدده المشرف ونهو الأعمال حسب الأصول . ب-التفريغ في أي نوع من التربة دون تفرقة سواء ترابي أو حوري أو صخري للوصول إلى المناسيب الموضحة بالرسومات المرفقة ثم الحفر لزوم القواعد والأحزمة الأرضية وخلافه حسب المنسوب التصميمى وحتى الوصول إلى التربة الأصلية للموقع على أن لا يقل الحفر عن 1.50 متر وذلك حسب المخططات وتعليمات المهندس المشرف, والبند يشمل جميع ما تتطلبه أعمال الحفريات من إزالة القاذورات وإزالة جذور الأشجار أو أي عوائق أخرى تعيق العمل مثل خطوط المياه أو آبار أ و خطوط مجارى أو خطوط كهرباء وغيره على حساب المقاول . ج- الردم من الرمل السافية النظيف ونقل جميع المواد الناتجة من الحفر و الغير لازمة إلى خارج الموقع والردم يتم حتى الوصول إلى المناسيب المطلوبة والموضحة بالمخططات . مقطوعي Eng: Eyad Haddad
Concrete work Concrete works include:
All formworks and shuttering in any form, shape and size. Making chamfered and curved edges, allowing for and making grooves and sleeves and the like; removal of forms and cleaning of all exposed tie wires and rods; making good the harmed surfaces and Supplying, Casting, vibrating and curing as per specifications. Approved additives and admixtures. Incurred costs on Concrete Mix Designs, Sample taking, testing and providing test results certificates, storing and saving of samples, and preparation of bar bending schedules and workshops. Supplying reinforcement of any grade, size and length as detailed in the drawings, storing on site including cutting, bending and fixing in position and providing all tying wires, spacers, shop drawings, testing and bar bending schedules Eng: Eyad Haddad
Concrete work (cont’d)
Painting of exposed surfaces of underground reinforced concrete elements with two coats of Bituminous Emulsion. Supply of Polyethylene sheets under ground slabs. Steel bars used for alignment and fixing of reinforcement works, and extra steel added to assure proper detailing and safety. Measurement of Concrete elements shall be the net dimensions as detailed in the drawings. All recesses, openings and voids shall be deducted. Measurement shall be only for the seen surfaces of elements, overlapping and measuring items twice under separate headings shall not be allowed. Supplying and fixing of the required steel reinforcement as per drawings and specifications. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Block works Rates of Block works include
All works of the bill shall be of Concrete blocks of high quality standards and as per specifications. Vertical and horizontal joints., Cement and mortar, Galvanized angles and ties., Closed end blocks at all ends, door and window jambs, reveals and the like. Concrete filling including reinforcing steel to cavities at quoins and door and window openings. Lintels and bond beams to the full length of the wall, and all needed to complete job as per drawings and specifications concrete infill and transporting, placing compacting, curing, surface finishing, protection, construction and expansion joints and all labors and materials and tests. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Block works (cont’d) Block work shall be bonded to concrete columns, wall and the like with concrete infill B250. block must be stopped in graded shape (10-15 cm from the concrete face) one 8 mm bar must cast in columns during casting with 40 cm length fixed every 42 cm horizontally, in addition to two vertical 10 mm bars. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Plastering works, includes
The price shall include, all narrow widths, for taking out joints on block walls or backing concrete face for key, for making good to frames around pipes and other fittings , plastering to jambs and reveals of openings (جانب من النافذة بين اطارها وبين السطح الخارجى للجدار), side of columns, window sills; all of which shall be included Price shall also include Expanded metal lath, angle beads at all corners and plaster stops at opening edges, expansion joints, sills, labor, curing, erecting and dismantling of scaffoldings سقالات), additives, pigments and all incidentals required as specified Material, workmanship, Galvanized mesh, or plastic mesh, False ceiling from galvanized mesh and plastering (fixing mesh , covering it by 3-coats of rough plaster) reinforcement of the joints between different material as the joints between the wall and columns. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Tilling works Rate shall include preparation of surfaces under tiles, special tile peace’s for edges and the like, tile surface finishing, Plastic spacers. Pointing and cleaning and all incidental as per specifications. Supply, Install and Terrazzo Tiles, include, bedding and jointing in cement and sand mortar, pointing with white cement, required sand fill, and polishing, workmanship, and all incidental as per specifications Isolation works for kitchen and bathroom (layer of fiber glass, and bitumen layers) Marble includes connections, joints, mortar, and any other needed work. Supply and install a layer of cement and sand under marble and porcelain , ceramic, according to specification and engineer instruction. Supply and spread a layer of sand under the tiles. Any decoration works as drawings Eng: Eyad Haddad
Painting works All Paints shall be supplied to site in sealed container, as approved by the Engineer, and site mixing shall not be permitted. The Contractor rates shall include for supply of all materials, workmanship, samples, surface preparation , protection of painted surfaces , application to all heights as required of works, repair of all damaged surface, as per specification. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Sizes of carpentry works given in the Bills of Quantities are finished sizes and shall be as per Drawings. Sizes of doors and other items mentioned in the Bills of Quantities shall allow for tolerance to suit the structural openings shown in the Drawings. Wooden doors and pair of doors shall be measured in square meter for each structural opening, unless stated otherwise in the Bills of Quantities. Rates for carpentry and joinery work shall include : Shop and coordinated drawings. frames, architrave (عارضة ), and other holders Allowance for plastering and tiling and the like. Cutting and fitting around obstructions, Bedding and painting. Grounds, blocking and backings. Plugging concrete, block work, and stone work , and making good. Ironmongery including cylindrical locks, handles, stoppers, screws, temporary fixing, re-fixing, oiling and adjusting. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Rates for metalwork shall include for : Preparing shop drawings, Drilling, counter sinking, screwing, bolting and riveting. Sub frames, including galvanized steel frames for Aluminum windows and architrave. Gaskets, sashes, double weather strips and external and internal approved quality silicon filling around frames. Ironmonger including cylindrical locks (Union or equal) , stoppers, handles, temporarily fixing, refitting, oiling and adjusting. Providing two keys for each lock . Glass and glazing including cutting to size, putty and rubber. Preparing surfaces for and painting one coat of primer before fixing. Sealing and Painting to any area or width in any location including work in multicolor and cutting in edges. All other accessories and incidentals required to execute the work. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Electrical works All items price to include Supply, Installing, Connecting and testing unless otherwise indicated, the contractor are requested to have approved full coordinated work shop drawings before starting contract activities, the price also includes all works necessary to implement electrical works in approved manner. The contractor intended to order main and final distribution panel boards according to approved manufacturer drawings. The price to include submittals, catalogs, any manufacturer instruction . The contractor should install and construct all works according to drawings , specification tender documents, and requirement of Electrical Co. Contractor should also test & submit the electrical Work to the Electricity Co. & Municipality. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Rates shall include all fittings , fixtures , appliances and pipe laying Supply of material, workmanship, installation, testing and commissioning. Rates to include also all peaces and fittings, including by passes , floats, cleaning outlets , automatic vents, vents and stack covers, valves and non return valves and the like needed to complete works as per specifications. Insulation and painting as called for in specifications. Excavation and cutting for all pipe laying works, bedding back filling and all works connected with pipe laying. All ties, sleeves, joints, tie bolts and rods, brackets and the like. Rates to include Workshops, Coordinated and as- built drawings as approved by the Engineer Eng: Eyad Haddad 96
Lecture # 6 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Pricing & price analysis
Before construction three types of pricing : 1- cost estimate 2- pricing 3- cost analysis Eng: Eyad Haddad
Eng: Eyad Haddad Preparation of prices contractor Cost analysis
pricing engineer Cost estimate Eng: Eyad Haddad
Factors affecting the pricing
Raw material Workmanship, labor, sub-contractors Administration cost including direct cost as salaries, equipments, transportation ..etc. and indirect cost as electricity, communication cost, banks , municipality fees, ,,,etc. Unforeseen expenses & risk (3-5%) Insurances Taxes as income tax, V.A.T, Profit (7-10%) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Productivity of labor It is necessary to calculate the productivity for the work teams either worker or technicians / equipments to calculate wages, for workers / subcontractors. Productivity is measured per hour or per day. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Pricing analysis stages :
Estimate the price for raw material and workmanship. Estimate the percentage of the specified work from the total project work . (work item/total work *100%) Estimate the cost of administration / management , tax, insurances, risk, and profit. Estimate the total cost for all works item. Estimate the unit price for each item. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Example: Analyze the prices, and find the unit price for the following, knowing that, 1- Administrative expenses is fixed (1000$) for project 2- Unfixed expenses / indirect (400$) 3- Insurance 200 $ Eng: Eyad Haddad
ID Description of work unit quantity
1 Concrete footings M3 78 2 Block works for wall (20*20*24cm) M2 100 3 Internal plastering 200 4 Wooden door 90*220 No. 10 Eng: Eyad Haddad
1- Price for raw material and workmanship - Concrete footing (B250)
ID Description Raw material per m3 price workmanship 1- Concrete footings (B250) Concrete 190 100 Steel 170 Wires 5 Nails, bolts 2 Water 1 isolation 3 total 371 Total price (NIS) 471 Total price ($) 134$ Total for 78 m3 134*78 = 10,960 $ Eng: Eyad Haddad
Block work (20*20*40 cm) ID Description Raw material per m2 price
workmanship Block 20*20*40 block 12.5*2=25 6 Morter 3 Moving the blocks 2 Joints, concrete fill 5 total 35 Total price (NIS) 41 Total price ($) 11.7 Total for 78 m3 11.7*100= 1170$ Eng: Eyad Haddad
Internal plastering ID Description Raw material per m2 price
workmanship Internal plastering scaffolding o.5 6 Morter 4 Angles, metal grid, ..etc 0.5 water total Total price (NIS) 12 Total price ($) 3.4 Total for m2 3.4*200= 680$ Eng: Eyad Haddad
Wooden doors 220*90 cm ID Description Raw material per m2 price
workmanship Wooden door 220*90 material 400 50 Misce. 20 total 420 Total price (NIS) 470 Total price ($) 135 Total for 10 doors 135*10 =1350$ Eng: Eyad Haddad
percentage of the specified work from the total project work
ID Description Total work price % from total work 1 Concrete footings (B250) 10960 77.40% 2 Internal plastering 680 4.80% 3 Wooden door 220*90 1350 9.53% 4 Block 20*20*40 1170 8.26% 5 Total 14160 100.00% Eng: Eyad Haddad
administration expenses
2- the cost of administration / management , tax, insurances, risk, and profit. administration expenses ID Description fixed (1000$) variable (400$) tax (10%) Insurance (200$) risks (5%) profit (10%) Total 1 Concrete footings (B250) 774.01 309.6 1096 154.8 548 3978.4 2 Internal plastering 48.02 19.21 68 9.61 34 3 Wooden door 220*90 95.34 38.14 135 19.07 67.5 490.04 4 Block 20*20*40 82.63 33.05 117 16.53 58.5 424.70 Eng: Eyad Haddad
total cost for all works item
ID Description stage (1) stage (2) total 1.00 Concrete footings (B250) 10,960.00 3,978.42 14,938.42 2.00 Internal plastering 680.00 246.84 926.84 3.00 Wooden door 220*90 1,350.00 490.04 1,840.04 4.00 Block 20*20*40 1,170.00 424.70 1,594.70 Eng: Eyad Haddad
unit price for each item
ID Description unit quantity unit price total 1.00 Concrete footings (B250) m3 78.00 191.52 14,938.42 2.00 Internal plastering m2 200.00 4.63 926.84 3.00 Wooden door 220*90 no 10.00 184.00 1,840.04 4.00 Block 20*20*40 100.00 15.95 1,594.70 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Estimating & Evaluation
Lecture # 7 Estimating & Evaluation Eng: Eyad Haddad
Form of evaluation based on cost per unit
ID Description unit Unit price 1 Concrete footings m3 200 2 Block 20*20*40 m2 20 3 Wooden door 220*90 cm no 300 4 Internal plastering 6 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Cost per m2 of floor area (residential building)
Description (m2) stores Ground floor First floor Structural elements 70 80 60 finishing 40 total 110 160 140 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Cost of housing unit = cost of m2 * the areas of the unit
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Analysis of quantities
Analysis to raw material quantities for example : Concrete : cement, water, aggregate, steel, Cement in 1m3: Mixing proportion (4:2:1) = 300kg, 6:3:1 = 200 kg, 8:4:1 = 150 kg 1m3 concrete = 80% aggregates, 40% sand 1m3 (footings) = 60kg Eng: Eyad Haddad
Miscellaneous works 1m2 block (40*20*20) = 12.5 block
1m2 tiling (25*25) = 16 1 sack of cement = 1 m2 plastering 1 sack cement = built 100 blocks Eng: Eyad Haddad
Estimation of Concrete price
1 m3 concrete consist of : 350 kg cement 1.2 ton aggregates 0.8 ton sand Price of mixing and pouring, transportation The total price will be = 0.35 *300NIS+1.3*40+0.8* (mixing) Eng: Eyad Haddad
Ground beams, stairs,= 80kg/m3 Slabs = 17kg/m2
Steel reinforcement In general and according to practices, the following elements contains , Steel reinforcement Footings = 60kg/m3 Columns = 200 kg/m3 Ground beams, stairs,= 80kg/m3 Slabs = 17kg/m2 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Payment certificate Financial Request for payment, prepared by contractors, and approved by consultant / owner , describing the actual achieved works , by calculating the unit price by the quantity of item done. It is important for the contractor as well as for the owner. For the contractor, he gets the value of works done, and save to him liquidity for the owner , he become aware of the progress, achieved (actual) and planned, therefore, he can know if there is any obstacles or delay. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Preparation of payment
1- preparation by contractor Review and approved by the consultant/ supervisor engineer Pay the amount of the payment request Eng: Eyad Haddad
Types of payment certificates
1- interim payment certificate 2- final statement / final payment certificates Eng: Eyad Haddad
1- interim payment certificate
It is request for payment, contains quantity survey for the accomplished works , and other supporting details submitted by contractor over the progress period of the project, . The amount of each request should not be less than 10% of the contract value or according to contract conditions Eng: Eyad Haddad
Contents of the payment certificate
1- Financial Payment Certificate: it is a survey of the accomplished works (actual done), multiplied by its value according to the contract. 2- Measurements : 3- Drawings : as built drawings. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Content of the Payment Certificate
It contains : 1- summary, describing the commencement date, project end date, in addition to other data as contract value, variation order, percentage of the accomplished works, value of the current payment, and due payment, any amount to be deducted for retention, Percentage of retention stated in the Contract Data to the total of the above, and Retention Money (if any) stated in the Contract Data; any amounts to be added and deducted for the advance payment , the deduction of amounts certified in all previous Payment Certificates. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Payment Certificate 2- total price of the accomplished works, and percentage of the work done in relation to total project. 3- other supporting documents including the description of the items, progress in each item previously and also current, unit price, total percentage of the project progress. Second : measurements And it is table of actual quantity survey accomplished, including item description, number, volume (length, width, height) and the total. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Payment Certificate Third : As build drawings, describing the details of the work done, Eng: Eyad Haddad
Final payment certificate
It is called the final payment / certificate after the primary taking over the project. The process of approval as follows: 1- after taking over the project, final request for payment is prepared, the contractor signed the request for payment and the measurement sheet, and submitting it to engineer / owner. 2- to be paid the following documents should be attached : Eng: Eyad Haddad
Copy of taking over certificate signed form the committee
Copy of the bid submitted from the contractor after considering the prices in the request for payment defect liability security All tests results Deduction of the works that mentioned in the taking over or any liquidated damages. Letters of project extension if it was extended. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Final payment certificate
Contents of the final payment certificate : Application for the request List of the actual accomplished works and its value. List of measurements As build drawings as it was approved from the engineer. Eng: Eyad Haddad
Lecture # 8 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Estimating of reinforcement steel for footings & columns
Eng: Eyad Haddad
Table of reinforcement steel weights :
Diameter Wt of 1m length (kg) Area of section (mm2) Perimeter (mm) 6 0.222 0.283 1.884 8 0.395 0.502 2.521 10 0.617 0.785 3.14 12 0.888 1.13 3.768 14 1.209 1.539 4.396 16 1.58 2.01 5.024 18 1.999 2.543 5.652 20 2.468 6.28 22 2.986 3.799 6.908 25 3.856 4.906 7.85 28 4.837 6.154 8.792 32 6.318 8.038 10.048 36 7.996 10.174 11.304 40 9.872 12.56 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Weight of 1m of steel bar = (diameter, cm)2 * 0.617
Area of section = π r2 Perimeter (mm) = 2 π r Eng: Eyad Haddad
Footing table F4, C4 F3, C3 F2, C2 F1, C1 Eng: Eyad Haddad
Length of steel Bars : F1 : 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.45 m, Reinforcement = 11φ12 , & 9 φ12 F2 = 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.45 m, Reinforcement = 13φ12 , & 11 φ12 F3 = 1.9 x 1.7 x 0.45 m, Reinforcement = 14φ12 , & 12 φ12 F4 = 2.1 X 1.9 X 0.5 m, Reinforcement = 16φ12 , & 14 φ12 Concrete cover = 5 cm Eng: Eyad Haddad
For F1: Length of steel in longitudinal direction:
Ls = *2 =1.4 m In vertical direction at both sides = ( *2)/3 *2= 0.24 m The total for bar in longitudinal direction = *2=1.88 m The total length for all steel in longitudinal direction = length of 1 bar *number of bars in the direction = 1.88*11=20.57 m In traverse direction: = 1.3 – 0.05*2+0.12* = 1.68m Total length for all steel in the short direction = 9 *1.68 = m The total in both direction = m WT of steel for one foot type F1 = * 0.888= kg For all F1 = *4 = kg. Eng: Eyad Haddad
31.693 126.77 ID Item description unit Diam. Length of bar
Total length Wt of 1m Total Wt No. of footings Total WT for all F1 drawings 1 Reinforcemen t steel for footings : F1 Kg Φ12 In long directio n = 1.88 In short directio n = 1.68 1.88* *9 = m 0.888 31.693 4 126.77 Eng: Eyad Haddad
For column neck: C1 = 25*60, 6φ14 (F1 : 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.45 m, Reinforcement = 11φ12 , & 9 φ12) Length of one bar: Excavation depth = 1.5 m, floor height = 0.48 m Steel leg = 1.5 – (0.05*2)/4 = 0.35 m The total length = – 0.1 – 0.05 – = m Eng: Eyad Haddad
Concrete cover for column = 2.5 cm For C1 = 25*60
For stirrups: If length of column section <60cm, one stirrup is needed, but if it is > 60cm, two ties is needed Concrete cover for column = 2.5 cm For C1 = 25*60 Length of stirrups= (0.6 – 0.05)*2 = 1.1m Width of stirrup= ( )*2 = 0.4m Total length of the stirrup= *2 = 1.66m Eng: Eyad Haddad
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