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Published byNickolas Farmer Modified over 9 years ago
Program Analysis and Verification Spring 2014 Program Analysis and Verification Lecture 10: Abstract Interpretation II Roman Manevich Ben-Gurion University
Syllabus Semantics Natural Semantics Structural semantics Axiomatic Verification Static Analysis Automating Hoare Logic Control Flow Graphs Equation Systems Collecting Semantics Abstract Interpretation fundamentals LatticesFixed-Points Chaotic Iteration Galois Connections Widening/ Narrowing Domain constructors Interprocedural Analysis Analysis Techniques Numerical Domains CEGARAlias analysis Shape Analysis Crafting your own Soot From proofs to abstractions Systematically developing transformers 2
Previously Semantic domains – Preorders – Partial orders (posets) – Pointed posets – Ascending/descending chains – The height of a poset – Join and Meet operators – Complete lattices Constructing new lattices from old Abstract Interpretation package – domains 3
Abstract domain types 4
A taxonomy of semantic domain types 5 Complete Lattice (D, , , , , ) Lattice (D, , , , , ) Join semilattice (D, , , ) Meet semilattice (D, , , ) Join/Meet exist for every subset of D Join/Meet exist for every finite subset of D (alternatively, binary join/meet) Join of the empty set Meet of the empty set Complete partial order (CPO) (D, , ) Partial order (poset) (D, ) Preorder (D, ) reflexive transitive anti-symmetric: d d’ and d’ d implies d = d’ reflexive: d d transitive: d d’, d’ d’’ implies d d’’ poset with LUB for all ascending chains
Composing domains 6
Cartesian product of complete lattices For two complete lattices L 1 = (D 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) L 2 = (D 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ) Define the poset L cart = (D 1 D 2, cart, cart, cart, cart, cart ) as follows: – (x 1, x 2 ) cart (y 1, y 2 ) iff x 1 1 y 1 and x 2 2 y 2 – cart = ? cart = ? cart = ? cart = ? Lemma: L is a complete lattice Define the Cartesian constructor L cart = Cart(L 1, L 2 ) 7
Disjunctive completion For a complete lattice L = (D, , , , , ) Define the powerset lattice L = (2 D, , , , , ) = ? = ? = ? = ? = ? Lemma: L is a complete lattice L contains all subsets of D, which can be thought of as disjunctions of the corresponding predicates Define the disjunctive completion constructor L = Disj(L) 8
Relational product of lattices L 1 = (D 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) L 2 = (D 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ) L rel = (2 D 1 D 2, rel, rel, rel, rel, rel ) as follows: – L rel = Disj(Cart(L 1, L 2 )) Lemma: L is a complete lattice 9
Finite maps For a complete lattice L = (D, , , , , ) and finite set V Define the poset L V L = (V D, V L, V L, V L, V L, V L ) as follows: – f 1 V L f 2 iff for all v V f 1 (v) f 2 (v) – V L = ? V L = ? V L = ? V L = ? Lemma: L is a complete lattice Define the map constructor L V L = Map(V, L) 10
The collecting lattice Lattice for a given control-flow node v: L v =(2 State, , , , , State) Lattice for entire control-flow graph with nodes V: L CFG = Map(V, L v ) We will use this lattice as a baseline for static analysis and define abstractions of its elements 11
Implementation 12
Software package: paver142 Built on top of the Soot compiler framework for Java Download from web-site – Includes all necessary Soot jar files 13
14 Infrastructure for implementing static analysis Example analyses Soot-specific utilities
Existing analyses 15
Implementing abstract domains 16
Variable equalities analysis 17
Today Solving monotone systems Fixed-points Vanilla static analysis algorithm Chaotic iteration 18
Abstract interpretation via abstraction 19 set of states collecting semantics statement S abstract representation of sets of states abstract representation of sets of states abstract semantics statement S abstract representation of sets of states abstraction {P}{P}S{Q}{Q}sp(S, P) generalizes axiomatic verification
Abstract interpretation via concretization 20 set of states collecting semantics statement S set of states abstract representation of sets of states abstract semantics statement S abstract representation of sets of states concretization {P}{P}S{Q}{Q} models(P)models(sp(S, P))models(Q)
Missing knowledge Collecting semantics Abstract semantics Connection between collecting semantics and abstract semantics Algorithm to compute abstract semantics 21
Review of collecting semantics 22
The collecting lattice (sets of states) Lattice for a given control-flow node v: L v =(2 State, , , , , State) Lattice for entire control-flow graph with nodes V: L CFG = Map(V, L v ) We will use this lattice as a baseline for static analysis and define abstractions of its elements 23
Collecting semantics as equation system A vector of variables R[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] R[0] = { x Z} // established input R[1] = R[0] R[4] R[2] = R[1] {s | s(x) > 0} R[3] = R[1] {s | s(x) 0} R[4] = x:=x-1 R[2] A (recursive) system of equations 24 if x > 0 x := x-1 entry exit R[0] R[1] R[2] R[4] R[3] Semantic function for assume x>0 Semantic function for x:=x-1 lifted to sets of states
General definition A vector of variables R[0, …, k] one per input/output of a node – R[0] is for entry For node n with multiple predecessors add equation R[n] = {R[k] | k is a predecessor of n} For an atomic operation node R[m] S R[n] add equation R[n] = S R[m] Transform if b then S 1 else S 2 to ( assume b; S 1 ) or ( assume b; S 2 ) 25 if x > 0 x := x-1 entry exit R[0] R[1] R[2] R[4] R[3]
Static analysis Given a system of equations for the collecting semantics A static analysis solves a corresponding system of equations over an abstract domain Questions: – What is the relation between the solutions? Next lecture – How do you solve the second system? This lecture 26 R[0] = { x Z} // established input R[1] = R[0] R[4] R[2] = assume x>0 R[1] R[3] = assume x 0 R[1] R[4] = x:=x-1 R[2] R[0] # = { x Z} # R[1] # = R[0] R[4] R[2] # = assume x>0 # R[1] R[3] # = assume x 0 # R[1] R[4] # = x:=x-1 # R[2]
Solving equation systems 27
Equation systems in general Let L be a complete lattice (D, , , , , ) Let R be a vector of analysis variables R[0, …, n] D … D Let F be a vector of functions of the type F[i] : R[0, …, n] R[0, …, n] A system of equations R[0] = f[0](R[0], …, R[n]) … R[n] = f[n](R[0], …, R[n]) In vector notation R = F(R) Questions: 1.Does a solution always exist? 2.If so, is it unique? 3.If so, is it computable? 28 For R[i]=f[i] R Usually f[i] reads only a small subset of R – D[i]. We say that R[i] depends on D[i] R[0] = { x Z} // established input R[1] = R[0] R[4] R[2] = R[1] {s | s(x) > 0} R[3] = R[1] {s | s(x) 0} R[4] = x:=x-1 R[2]
Equation systems in general Let L be a complete lattice (D, , , , , ) Let R be a vector of analysis variables R[0, …, n] D … D Let F be a vector of functions of the type F[i] : R[0, …, n] R[0, …, n] A system of equations R[0] = f[0](R[0], …, R[n]) … R[n] = f[n](R[0], …, R[n]) In vector notation R = F(R) Questions: 1.Does a solution always exist? 2.If so, is it unique? 3.If so, is it computable? 29 If it does – it is a fixed point of this equation
Monotone systems 30
Monotone functions Let L 1 =(D 1, ) and L 2 =(D 2, ) be two posets A function f : D 1 D 2 is monotone if for every pair x, y D 1 x y implies f(x) f(y) A special case: L 1 =L 2 =(D, ) f : D D 31
Monotone function 32 f 1 x L1L1 L2L2 2 y 3 f(x)f(x) 4 f(y)f(y) f
Important cases of monotonicity Join: f(X, Y) = X Y is monotone in each operand – Prove it! Set lifting function: for a set X and any function g F(X) = { g(x) | x X } is monotone w.r.t. – Prove it! Notice that the collecting semantics function is defined in terms of – Join (set union) – Semantic function for atomic statements lifted to sets of states Conclusion: collecting semantics function is monotone 33
Fixed points 34
Extensive/reductive functions Let L=(D, ) be a poset A function f : D D is extensive if for every x D, we have that x f(x) A function f : D D is reductive if for every x D, we have that x f(x) 35
Fixed points L = (D, , , , , ) f : D D monotone Fix(f) = { d | f(d) = d } Red(f) = { d | f(d) d } Ext(f) = { d | d f(d) } Theorem [Tarski 1955] – lfp(f) = Fix(f) = Red(f) Fix(f) – gfp(f) = Fix(f) = Ext(f) Fix(f) 36 Red(f) Ext(f) Fix(f) lfp gfp fn()fn() 1.Does a solution always exist? Yes 2.If so, is it unique? No, but it has least/greatest solutions 3.If so, is it computable? Under some conditions…
Fixed point example R[0] = { x Z} R[1] = R[0] R[4] R[2] = R[1] {s | s(x) > 0} R[3] = R[1] {s | s(x) 0} R[4] = x:=x-1 R[2] 37 if x>0 x := x-1 1 2 entry exit xZxZ xZxZ { x 0}{ x 0} 4 if x>0 x := x-1 1 2 entry exit xZxZ xZxZ { x 0}{ x 0} 4 { x >0} F(d) : Fixed point = d 0 3 0 3 { x> 0}
Pre-fixed point example R[0] = { x Z} R[1] = R[0] R[4] R[2] = R[1] {s | s(x) > 0} R[3] = R[1] {s | s(x) 0} R[4] = x:=x-1 R[2] 38 if x>0 x := x-1 entry exit xZxZ xZxZ { x <-5} if x>0 x := x-1 entry exit xZxZ xZxZ { x 0} F(d) : pre-fixed point d 44 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 { x 0} { x> 0} { x 0} { x >0}
Post-fixed point example R[0] = { x Z} R[1] = R[0] R[4] R[2] = R[1] {s | s(x) > 0} R[3] = R[1] {s | s(x) 0} R[4] = x:=x-1 R[2] 39 if x>0 x := x-1 entry exit xZxZ xZxZ { x <9} if x>0 x := x-1 entry exit xZxZ xZxZ { x 0} F(d) : post-fixed point d 44 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 { x 0} { x >0} { x 0}
Recap A system of equations of the form R=F(R) where R draws its elements from a complete lattice L = (D, , , , , ) Tarski’s fixed point theorem ensures us that there exists a least fixed point: lfp(f) = Fix(f) However, it is not an algorithm since D is often infinite – Ineffective when D is finite We need a more constructive way of computing lfp(f) 40
Computing the least Fixed point 41
Continuous functions Let L = (D, , , ) be a complete partial order – Every ascending chain has an upper bound A function f is continuous if for every increasing chain Y D*, f( Y) = { f(y) | y Y } Lemma: if f is continuous then f is monotone Proof: assume x y Therefore x y=y Then f(y) = f(x y) = f(x) f(y), which means f(x) f(y) 42
Kleene’s fixed point theorem Let L = (D, , , ) be a complete partial order and a continuous function f: D D then lfp(f) = n N f n ( ) That is, take the ascending chain f( ) f(f( )) … f n ( ) … and return the supremum – Why is this an ascending chain? But how do you know if a function f is continuous 43
Continuity and ACC condition Let L = (D, , , ) be a complete partial order – Every ascending chain has an upper bound L satisfies the ascending chain condition (ACC) if every ascending chain eventually stabilizes: d 0 d 1 … d n = d n+1 = d n+2 = … Lemma: Monotone functions on posets satisfying ACC are continuous Proof: We need to show that f( Y) = { f(y) | y Y } 1.Every ascending chain Y eventually stabilizes d 0 d 1 … d n = d n+1 = … hence d n is the least upper bound of {d 0, d 1, …, d n }, thus f( Y) = f(d n ) 2.From monotonicity of f we get that f(d 0 ) f(d 1 ) … f(d n ) = f(d n+1 ) = … Hence f(d n ) is the least upper bound of {f(d 0 ), f(d 1 ), …, f(d n )}, thus { f(y) | y Y } = f(d n ) 44
Resulting algorithm Kleene’s fixed point theorem gives a constructive method for computing lfp(f) over a poset with ACC when f is monotone 45 lfp fn()fn() f()f() f2()f2() … d := while f(d) d do d := f(d) return d Algorithm lfp(f) = n N f n ( ) Mathematical definition
Our very first generic static analysis algorithm 46
Vanilla algorithm Problem Definition: 1.Lattice of properties L of finite height (ACC) 2.For each statement define a monotone transformer Preparation: 1.Parse program into AST 2.Convert AST into CFG 3.Generate system of equations from CFG Analysis: 1.Initialize each analysis variable with 2.Update all analysis variables of each equation until reaching a fixed point 47 Non-incremental. Most variables don’t change.
Chaotic iteration 48
Chaotic iteration 49 Input: – A cpo L = (D, , , ) satisfying ACC – L n = L L … L – A monotone function f : D n D n – A system of equations { X[i] | f(X) | 1 i n } Output: lfp(f) A worklist-based algorithm for i:=1 to n do X[i] := WL = {1,…,n} while WL do j := pop WL // choose index non-deterministically N := F[i](X) if N X[i] then X[i] := N add all the indexes that directly depend on i to WL (X[j] depends on X[i] if F[j] contains X[i]) return X
Chaotic iteration for static analysis Specialize chaotic iteration for programs Create a CFG for program Choose a cpo of properties for the static analysis to infer: L = (D, , , ) Define variables R[0,…,n] for input/output of each CFG node such that R[i] D For each node v let v out be the variable at the output of that node: v out = F[v]( u | (u,v) is a CFG edge) – Make sure each F[v] is monotone Variable dependence determined by outgoing edges in CFG 50
Static analysis example: constant propagation 51
Constant propagation example 52 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit x := 4; while (y 5) do z := x; x := 4
Constant propagation lattice For each variable x define L as For a set of program variables Var=x 1,…,x n L n = L L … L 53 0-212... no information yet not-a-constant
Write down variables 54 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit x := 4; while (y 5) do z := x; x := 4
Write down equations 55 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R2R2 R3R3 R4R4 R6R6 R1R1 R5R5 R0R0 x := 4; while (y 5) do z := x; x := 4
Collecting semantics equations 56 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R2R2 R3R3 R4R4 R6R6 R 0 = State R 1 = x:=4 R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 R 2 R 4 = z:=x R 3 R 5 = x:=4 R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 R 2 R1R1 R5R5 R0R0
Constant propagation equations 57 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R2R2 R3R3 R4R4 R6R6 R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R1R1 R5R5 R0R0 abstract transformer
Abstract operations for CP 58 R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 Lattice elements have the form: (v x, v y, v z ) x:=4 # (v x,v y,v z ) = (4, v y, v z ) z:=x # (v x,v y,v z ) = (v x, v y, v x ) assume y 5 # (v x,v y,v z ) = (v x, v y, v z ) assume y=5 # (v x,v y,v z ) = if v y = k 5 then ( , , ) else (v x, 5, v z ) R 1 R 5 = (a 1, b 1, c 1 ) (a 5, b 5, c 5 ) = (a 1 a 5, b 1 b 5, c 1 c 5 ) 0-212... CP lattice for a single variable
Chaotic iteration for CP: initialization 59 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =( , , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =( , , ) R 5 =( , , ) R 0 =( , , ) WL = {R 0, R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP: initialization 60 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =( , , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =( , , ) R 5 =( , , ) WL = {R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6 } R 0 =( , , )
Chaotic iteration for CP: initialization 61 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =( , , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =( , , ) R 5 =( , , ) R 0 =( , , ) WL = {R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 62 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =( , , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =( , , ) R 5 =( , , ) R 0 =( , , ) WL = {R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 63 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =( , , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =(4, , ) R 5 =( , , ) R 0 =( , , ) WL = {R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 64 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =( , , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =(4, , ) R 5 =( , , ) R 0 =( , , ) 0-212... 3 4 WL = {R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 65 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =(4, , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =(4, , ) R 5 =( , , ) R 0 =( , , ) 0-212... 3 4 WL = {R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 66 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R 2 =(4, , ) R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =( , , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 1 =(4, , ) R 5 =( , , ) R 0 =( , , ) WL = {R 4, R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 67 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =(4, , ) R 4 =( , , ) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 5 =( , , ) R 1 =(4, , ) R 0 =( , , ) R 2 =(4, , ) WL = {R 5, R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 68 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R 3 =(4, , ) R 4 =(4, , 4) R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 5 =( , , ) R 1 =(4, , ) R 0 =( , , ) R 2 =(4, , ) WL = {R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 69 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R 6 =( , , ) R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 R 5 =(4, , 4) R 4 =(4, , 4) R 3 =(4, , ) R 1 =(4, , ) R 0 =( , , ) R 2 =(4, , ) WL = {R 6 }
Chaotic iteration for CP 70 R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R 6 =( , , ) R 5 =(4, , 4) R 4 =(4, , 4) R 3 =(4, , ) R 1 =(4, , ) R 0 =( , , ) R 2 =(4, , ) WL = {}
Chaotic iteration for CP – fixed point 71 R 0 = R 1 = x:=4 # R 0 R 2 = R 1 R 5 R 3 = assume y 5 # R 2 R 4 = z:=x # R 3 R 5 = x:=4 # R 4 R 6 = assume y=5 # R 2 x := 4 if (*) assume y 5 assume y=5 z := x x := 4 entry exit R2R2 R2R2 R 6 =(4, 5, ) R 5 =(4, , 4) R 4 =(4, , 4) R 3 =(4, , ) R 1 =(4, , ) R 0 =( , , ) R 2 =(4, , ) WL = {} In practice maintain a worklist of nodes
Complexity of chaotic iteration Parameters: – n : number of CFG nodes – k: maximum in-degree of edges – h: height of lattice L – c: maximum cost of Applying F v Checking fixed-point condition for lattice L Complexity: O(n h c k) Incremental (worklist) algorithm reduces the n factor – Implement worklist by priority queue and order nodes by reversed topological order 72
implementation 73
Major classes 74 Variable per CFG node Converts CFG to equation system An equation per CFG edge and join point A system of equations Chaotic iteration algorithm to compute fixed point A transformer for assume statements A transformer non-assume statements Combines all sub-algorithms to get entire static analysis
Soot: a Java Optimization Framework Developed at McGill university (Canada) – Supports several input languages – Java source code – Java bytecode – Dalvik bytecode (Android) Dalvik bytecode – Jimple intermediate language Supported output languages – Java bytecode – Dalvik bytecode (Android) – Jimple intermediate language Support several intermediate languages – Jimple – what we will be using – Shimple – Baf – Grimp Supports static analysis: CFG, pointer-analysis, etc. Eclipse plug-in (useful for giving demos and teaching) 75
Soot documentation and resources Soot survivor’s guide Soot tutorials Soot API Eric Bodden’s blog – Running Soot: 76
Jimple synopsis TAC for Java: 15 statement types Core (intra-procedural) statements – NopStmt – IdentityStmt ( r0 := @this: Foo; i0 := @parameter0: int; ) – AssignStmt ( $r1 = new Foo; ) Intra-procedural control-flow statements – IfStmt – GotoStmt – TableSwitchStmt (JVM tableSwitch instruction) – LookupSwithcStmt (JVM lookupswitch instruction) Inter-procedural control-flow statements – InvokeStmt – ReturnStmt – ReturnVoidStmt Monitor statements – EnterMonitorStmt – ExitMonitorStmt Exceptions – ThrowStmt – RetStmt 77
Jimple expressions 78
Java source 79
Running Soot 80 output.jimple files go in “sootOutput”
Jimple code 81 (default) static class initializer Local Local s IdentityStmt IdentityStmt s Two variables with same name ( w )?
Setting up for development 1.Set up Java 2.Set up Soot 3.Set up abstract interpretation package 82
Setting up Java Make sure you have version 1.7 If you want to operate from command line make sure you have jdk 1.7 – Set environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to your jdk installation path 83
Setting up Soot Download – sootclasses.jar sootclasses.jar – jasminclasses.jar jasminclasses.jar – polyglotclasses.jar polyglotclasses.jar Recommended: Soot source (complete package)source 84 Add Soot jar files as External Attach Soot sources
Example inputs Store input files in a separate directory than the ones you use for implementing the analyses (otherwise, front-end breaks) 85
Static analysis package Written for this course in the last few days – Not fully debugged Implements – Conversion of procedures to equation systems – Abstract domain implementations Some examples: variable equalities (VE), constant propagation (CP), more to come – Chaotic iterations Includes debugging information – Domain combinators: Cartesian, Disjunctive completion, and Relational – Code for displaying analysis results 86
Running the VE analysis Example: variable equalities 87
Running the VE analysis 88 Adds the analysis to Soot’s list of intra- procedural analyses 1.Creates the equation system 2.Runs chaotic iteration 3.Attaches results as StringTag s StringTag
Running the VE analysis Command-line options: -cp. : add the current directory to Soot’s CLASSPATH -pp : add Java’s CLASSPATH to Soot’s CLASSPATH -f jimple : output jimple code -p jb use-original-names : keep local variables names as they are -keep-line-number : write source code line numbers in the resulting jimple code -print-tags : write out tags for each jimple statement (analysis results) TestClass : the class to analyze 89 Enable assertions Which directory to run in
Debug printout 90
Analysis results inlined into.jimple 91
Next lecture: abstract interpretation III
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