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NEW. Vacation Bible School$ 500 Young Adult Mission Trip$ 500 Cass Community Social Services$ 500 Monrovia First UMC$1,500 United Methodist Children’s.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW. Vacation Bible School$ 500 Young Adult Mission Trip$ 500 Cass Community Social Services$ 500 Monrovia First UMC$1,500 United Methodist Children’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vacation Bible School$ 500 Young Adult Mission Trip$ 500 Cass Community Social Services$ 500 Monrovia First UMC$1,500 United Methodist Children’s Village$ 500 Total$3,500

3 Sign up to Help Work dates are: Mon, March 16 th - Thurs, March 19 th H OPE W ARMING C ENTER

4 New Member Sunday March 22 nd Call the office if interested.

5 Baptism Sunday March 22 nd


7 Church Softball 2015 Do you want to play softball this season? We would love to have you on the team! C ONTACT : Garrett Elliott

8 Are you LOOKING for a Ministry Opportunity?   Recently retired?   Looking to fill some spare time?   Willing to learn new things?   Physically able to move small items?   Open to accepting God’s call in a special way?   Do you like to shop? Sam’s? Costco? Consider becoming a Troy First MOS (ministry opportunity server)! We welcome all skill levels and interests, and its people like you who will help us continue to offer “radical hospitality.” Become part of the MOS team by contacting Lisa Head

9 e-Giving is available Now! Go to and click on the blue "Donate" link and explore this new tool.

10 Led by George Berquist In the lower level of the CLC Sunday School today

11 Special study using an on- line resource supplied by the United Methodist Church FaithLink In Room 209 Sunday School today led by Kaj Ostergaard

12 Brought to you by the ‘Extra Stuff’ ministry group Small stuff = BIG DIFFERENCE Check out the “extra stuff” info in Mercer Hall Identify your extra stuff Help us fill the ministry bins

13 7:30am 2 nd Saturday at

14 Blood Pressure checks in the CLC Last Sunday of each month This Month March 29 th Health Pros

15 Thursdays 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. FUMC CLC No Partner needed First Lesson Free, then $5 Scottish Country Dance Lessons LessonDance

16 A “Mom and me” fitness class For any caregiver (parent, nanny, grandparent) FUN for the little ones and a workout for you! Open to caregivers and children 0-4, Play-Date Fitness Mondays – 11:30am Wednesdays – 11:00am $8.00 Drop-in fee Mondays – 11:30am Wednesdays – 11:00am $8.00 Drop-in fee


18 is great resource for Reading and devotion. is the most widely used daily devotional in the Methodist Church. Find them on the counter in front of the office. Donations accepted

19 Yoga Classes Every Saturday

20 Please ask an usher for assistance. We offer assisted listening devices for your enhanced hearing needs.

21 Large Print Please ask an usher for assistance. For those who are in need of this ministry, we offer… Large Print Bulletin

22 Bible Study P astor’s

23 Grieving? Hurting? In Crisis? You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

24 Christ-Centered Stephen Ministry Call Betty Kalvoda or Jayne Saeger. Caring Confidential

25 A Call to Stephen Ministry? Do you have gifts of compassion? Are you a good listener? Do you feel a calling to care for others who are hurting?

26 Do you desire the personal joy that comes from sharing Christ's love with people? Find out more about becoming a Stephen Minister………

27 Follow us on Facebook! Our Awesome Facebook page is: First United Methodist Church of Troy It’s new, it’s informative, it’s FUN. Check it out and LIKE us.


29 T IDINGS A NNOUNCEMENTS D UE Have an announcement or article for the tidings? It must be submitted by the 3 rd Monday of each month. April due date is: Monday, March 16 th

30 More Information March 2015 Tidings

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