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To bring hope and healing to women living in Central City East who have directly or indirectly experienced or have been affected by abuse, particularly.

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2 To bring hope and healing to women living in Central City East who have directly or indirectly experienced or have been affected by abuse, particularly sexual abuse. We seek to do this through meeting as a small group and reading together I Can’t Live Like This Anymore by Lilada Gee.

3  Consistently meet every Friday afternoon for six weeks.  Create a safe space for women to share their own personal experiences.  Save time each week for an opportunity for healing, whichever form that may take (i.e. prayer, personal sharing, writing/journaling, etc.)  Strengthen and restore one’s personal dignity and worth.  Strengthen one’s personal support system through the members of the small group.  Complete the book as a group and reflect on its impact.  Fly Lilada to Los Angeles for a personal visit with the women.

4  Dates  Times  Space  Preparation action steps  Curriculum

5 A book study generally lasts 4-8 weeks, depending on the length of the book, how fast one want to get through the book, and the availability of participants. CCCO: Each Friday from February 12 th to March 19 th, 2010

6 2-3 hours is a good length of time for a book study, depending on how much you would like to read and the availability of the participants. CCCO: 3:00pm-5:30pm (while children are at Gladys Park)

7 Space is a very important aspect to keep in mind when holding any time of small group. The space should always be inviting and comfortable. The environment makes a huge impact on learning. Things to consider:  Room temperature…not too hot, not too cold  Lighting…not too bright, not too dark  Furniture…comfortable chairs/couches/beanbags, etc.  Food/drinks (this always brings joy!)…cold drinks in the summer, hot drinks in the winter and light snacks  Smell…warm scented candle or air freshener (although avoid super strong smells—these give people headaches)  Music can set the mood as people enter…not too loud  Aesthetics…make the room look beautiful, nice

8 CCCO:  Bought new lamps (florescent ceiling lights were too bright)  Bought a hot water maker so we always had the option for coffee, hot chocolate, and tea.  Light snacks included chips and salsa, pretzels, candy canes, and cookies  Air freshener (the room next to our room always spills over a horrible odor to our room)  We used couches and cozy chairs  Bought new wall decorations to help “beatify” the room

9  Set dates/times  Invite parents  Buy books ($10/book plus S/H), snacks, and drinks  Organize/clean room and make the room welcoming, comfortable, and cozy

10  Week 1, Feb 12 th  Ice breaker  Introduction  Prayer  Make a covenant  Read Forward, Introduction, and chapters 1-2  Reflection questions  Give and explain take home journals  Prayer  Week 2, Feb 19 th  Ice breaker  Read chapters 3-6  Reflection questions  Prayer  Week 3, Feb 26 th  Ice breaker  Read chapters 7-9  Reflection questions  Prayer  Week 4, Mar 5 th  Ice breaker  Read chapters 10-14  Reflection questions  Prayer  Week 5, Mar 12 th  Ice breaker  Read chapters 15-17  Reflection questions  Prayer  Week 7, Mar 19 th  Visit from Lilada  Lilada read last chapter  Questions for the author  Healing prayer time  Go out to dinner to restaurant of women’s choice

11  Pray before each meeting!  Be a listener, not an advice giver  Tears will come—allow time and space for them  Have resources available in case one would want professional counseling or services  Write a covenant with the group (i.e. “What is said here, stays here”)  Allow time for journaling


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