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3 Common STD’s Making Choices
Every year more than 12 million cases of sexually-transmitted Diseases (STDs) are reported in the United States. These infections result in billions of dollars in preventable health care spending. In addition, the health impact of STDs is particularly servere for women. Because the infections often cause few or no symptoms and may go untreated, women are at risk for complications from STDs, including ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and poor pregnancy outcomes. ABC Report

4 STD - Facts What are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?
Diseases that are spread through sexual contact of any kind.

5 Name 6 of the most common STDs.
STD - Facts Name 6 of the most common STDs. HIV - Gonorrhea Chlamydia - Genital Warts Herpes - Syphillis

6 STD - Facts List 3 ways STDs are spread.
Sexual contact with an infected person Blood - to - blood contact with an infected person From an infected mother to her child during pregnancy or birth

7 STD - Facts How can you avoid getting an STD?
These are the only behaviors that are 100% effective: Abstain from sexual intercourse. Refuse to share needles or other methods of blood to blood transmission. Mutual monogamy with an uninfected partner.

8 STD - Facts How can you avoid getting an STD?(cont.)
Other methods that decrease the risk of STD’s include: Using condoms Avoiding alcohol and other drugs. Looking for rashes,sores and lumps on sexual partner.

9 Oklahoma #17 Chlamydia #14 Gonorrhea #23 Syphyllis

10 STD Symptoms and Consequences Chlamydia
Symptoms begin days after infection. Most women and some men have no symptoms Discharge from the sex organs Burning or pain while urinating Unusual bleeding from the vagina Pain in the pelvic area

11 STD Symptoms and Consequences Chlamydia
You can give chlamydia to your sexual partner Can damage reproductive organs Can cause sterility Passed from mother to child during childbirth Chlamydia is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States. We are only beginning to realize the importance of this disease. It causes an estimated 4 million infections annually, primarily among adolescents and young adults. In women, untreated infections can progress to involve the upper reproductive tract and may result in serious complications. About 75 percent of women infected with chlamydia have few or no symptoms, and without testing and treatment the infection may persist for as long as 15 months. Without treatment, percent of women with chlamydia may develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). An estimated 1 in 10 adolescent girls and 1 in 20 women of reproductive age are infected.


13 STD Rates for Oklahoma Chlamydia Oklahoma reported cases 2005
14,983 51% in ages 42% in ages low report rate OK Report 2006

14 STD Symptoms and Consequences Gonorrhea
Most women and some men have no symptoms Discharge from the sex organs Burning or pain while having a bowel movement or urinating Increased pain during menstrual periods Pain in the pelvic area

15 STD Symptoms and Consequences Gonorrhea
You can give gonorrhea to your sexual partner. Can damage reproductive organs. Can cause sterility. Can cause heart trouble,blindness,skin disease arthritis. Passed from mother to child during childbirth. Gonorrhea is a common bacteria STD that can be treated with antibiotics. While gonorrhea rates among adults have declined, rate among adolescents have risen or remained unchanged. Adolescent females ages have the highest rates of gonorrhea. An estimated 50 percent of women with gonorrhea have no symptoms. Without early screening and treatment, 10 to 40 percent of women with gonorrhea will develop PID.

16 STD Rates for Oklahoma Gonnorhea
Oklahoma reported cases 37% in ages 46% in ages

17 STD Symptoms and Consequences Herpes simplex
Symptoms begin days after infection. Flu - like feelings Small,painful blisters on the sex organs or mouth Itching and burning around the sex organs before blisters appear Blisters last 1 -3 weeks Blisters disappear but the individual still has herpes Blisters may recur


19 Herpes infection


21 STD Symptoms and Consequences Herpes
You can give herpes to your sexual partner. Herpes cannot be cured. Passed from mother to child during childbirth Genital herpes is a disease caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). The disease may recur periodically and has no cure. Scientists have estimated that about 30 million persons in the United State may have genital HSV infection. Most infected persons never recognize the symptoms of genital herpes; some will have symptoms shortly after infection and never again. A minority of those infected will have recurrent episodes of genital sores. Many cases of genital herpes are acquired from people who do not know they are infected or who had no symptoms at the time of the sexual contact. Acyclovir* is a drug that can help to control the symptoms of HSV but it is not a cure. HSV is frequently more severe in people with weakened immune systems, including people with HIV infection.

22 STD Symptoms and Consequences Genital Warts – HPV Human Papiloma Virus
Symptoms begin months after Infection. Small, bumpy warts on and around the sex organs Itching and burning around the sex organs

23 STD Symptoms and Consequences Genital Warts
You can give warts to you sexual partner. More warts can grow Warts may signal precancerous condition Passed from mother to child during childbirth HPV is a virus that sometimes causes genital warts but in many cases infects people without causing noticeable symptoms. Concern about HPV has increased in recent years after several studies showed that HPV infection is associated with the development of cervical cancer. Approximately 25 types of HPV can infect the genital area. These types are divided into "high risk" and "low risk" groups based on whether they are associated with cancer. Infection with a "high risk" type of HPV is one risk factor for cervical cancer, which causes 4,500 deaths among women each year. No cure for HPV infection exists.

24 STD Symptoms and Consequences Syphilis
1st stage - symptoms begin weeks after Infection. Painless ,open sore (chancre )on the mouth or sex organ Sore goes away after weeks 2nd stage - symptoms begin months after Sore appears. A rash anywhere on the body Flu - like symptoms Syphilis is a bacterial infection that can be cured with antibiotics. Syphilis cases increased dramatically from 1985 to 1990 among women of all ages. An analysis of 1993 data has shown that rates of syphilis were higher among female than among male adolescents: rates among females were more than twice as high as rates among males in the age group. More than 3,000 cases of congenital syphilis were reported in Such infections among infants are largely preventable if women receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment during prenatal care. Death of the fetus or newborn infant occurs in up to 40 percent of pregnant women who have untreated syphilis.

25 STD Symptoms and Consequences Syphilis
You can give syphilis to your sexual partner Can cause heart disease, brain damage, blindness and death Passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy; blindness in infant Direct risk of HIV through painless sores

26 STD Rates for Oklahoma Syphilis
Oklahoma reported cases Doubles every year since 2001 > 50% in ages Only 25 counties in US still have An OK county is #1

27 Other Common STDs Trichomoniasis
Symptoms - appear 4 to 28 days after exposure : In women - a frothy, greenish-yellow, foul smelling discharge. Frequent and painful urination. Itching Inflammation of the vulva. In some cases, but not all cases, severe lower abdominal pain. In men - often little more than mild discomfort in the penis - if any symptoms occur at all.

28 Other Common STDs Trichomoniasis
Consequences: Infection of the vagina in women and the urethra in men. It is caused by a protozoa and is usually transmitted sexually, it can also be spread via damp wash cloth,towels, and bathing suits shared with an infected person.

29 Other Common STDs Nongonococcal Urethritis ( NGU )
Symptoms - Males notice symptoms of NGU more than females do. In males, there may be a discharge from the penis anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks after infection. Males may also experience a mild burning during urination. Females may have a vaginal discharge and pain in the lower pelvic area.

30 Other Common STDs Nongonococcal Urethritis ( NGU )
Consequences: - Infect the urethra in males - Infect the cervix in females.

31 Other Common STDs Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Symptoms –Pain, tenderness in abdomen;large amounts of foul-smelling or abnormally colored discharge; painful intercourse; heavy periods; spotting; fever, chills, vomiting; fatigue; painful urination Progressive; may become an emergency Highest in teens; multiple partners Abcesses; tubal pregnancy; infertility; hysterectomy

32 Other Common STDs Pubic Lice (Crabs / Scabies)

33 Other Common STDs Hepatitis B or C (HBV) (HCV)
Flu like symptoms Jaundice Brownish urine Transmission to baby Liver damage Death may occur Hep C – incurable, fatal

34 STD Symptoms and Consequences HIV/AIDS
Symptoms - symptoms begin several months to several years after infection. Flu - like feelings that persist Unexplained weight loss Night sweats Persistent diarrhea White spots in the mouth Unexplained fatigue Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. The risk of a women acquiring or transmitting HIV is increased by the presence of other STDs. In particular, the presence of genital ulcers, such as those produced by syphilis and herpes, or the presence of an inflammatory STD, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, may make HIV transmission easier.

35 STD Symptoms and Consequences HIVAIDS
You can give HIV to your sexual partner or some one you share a needle with. HIV cannot be cured. Many people die from it. HIV damages the immune system, making a person susceptible to many different illnesses and infections. Passed from mother to child before , during or after birth ( through breastfeeding).


37 SOURCES (site for teens)
Hubbard, Betty M. Choosing Health High School, ETR Associates, Santa Cruz,California,1997 (site for teens)

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