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The Effects of iPad Based Video Modelling For Teaching Self-Care Skills to a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorders Esin PEKTAS, BSc. Elif Tekin-IFTAR, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effects of iPad Based Video Modelling For Teaching Self-Care Skills to a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorders Esin PEKTAS, BSc. Elif Tekin-IFTAR, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effects of iPad Based Video Modelling For Teaching Self-Care Skills to a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorders Esin PEKTAS, BSc. Elif Tekin-IFTAR, PhD. 40 th Annual Convention Association for Behavior Analysis May 23-27, 2014 Chicago, IL

2 INTRODUCTION Children with ASD: May not understand social cues as they interact with others in daily activities. Often find it difficult to understand and follow spoken instructions. Are anxious or act out when their routines change or when they are in unfamiliar situations (Ozonoff & Rogers, 2003). 2

3 Visual support can help them: Learn daily skills and help children with ASD use them on their own in social situations, Communicate what they expect, Understand what to expect and will happen next and also reduce anxiety, Pay attention to important details and help them cope with change. Visual support is one of the evidence-based practice used for treating individuals with ASD (NPDC, 2010). 3

4 Videomodelling (VM) VM is a form of observational learning in which desired behaviors are learned by watching a video demonstration and then imitating the behavior of the model (Tekin-İftar, 2012). Research has shown that VM is an effective instructional procedure in teaching various skills to children with ASD (Nikopoulos & Keenan, 2006). VM can be used with iPad, tablet PC and mobiles recently. Positive outcomes about the use of iPad was obtained for teaching academic skills(Kagohara, Sigafoos, Achmadi, O’Reilly & Lancioni, 2012), communication skills(Kagohara, van der Meer, Achmadi, Green, O’Reilly, Mulloy, et al., 2010) and leisure skills (Kagohara, 2011). 4

5 RATIONALE To investigate the effects of iPad based VM in teaching three self-care skills to children with autism spectrum disorders. Self-care skills are buttonning up, closing zip, snapping fastener. 5 PURPOSE There is no such study investigating the effectiveness of iPad based VM in teaching self care skills to children with ASD.

6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Is iPad based VM effective in teaching self-care skills to children with ASD? Is iPad based VM effective in maintaining the acquired self-care skills 2, 3, and 4 after the intervention? Is iPad based VM effective in generalizing the acquired self-care skills across persons and settings? 6

7 Participants DiagnosisGenderAge ASDMale4 7 Subject GenderAge Female28 Model GenderAgeNo of persons Male21-303 Female21-353 Total6 Participants for Generalization and Maintenance METHOD

8 Subject Description and Prerequisite skills Kamil has atypic autism. He was diagnosed by a child psychiatrist. He has pre-academic skills. He has difficulty in self care skills and social skills. a) Attending to TV or computer screen for 2 minutes, b) imitation skills, c) attending to a skill for 5 minutes. 8

9 Setting Intervention settings: University unit at Research Institute for the Handicapped. Generalization settings: Any places such as classess, hallway, and other places of the Institute. 9

10 10 Materials iPad Handycam camera Tripod Small size vest with big button and big buttonhole Small size vest with zipper Small size vest with fastener Data collection form

11 Experimental Model Multiple probe design across behaviors with probe condition Dependent variable: Self-care skills Independent variable: iPad based VM 11

12 General Procedures Full probe, daily probe, intervention, generalization and maintenance probe sessions were conducted in the study. All sessions were conducted one on one instruction arrangement. Response interval was 3 s and intertial interval was 10 s. Task analytic method was used during probe and intervention sessions. There are 5 steps for each target behaviors in the study. 12

13 Probe Sessions Full Probe Sessions Full probe sessions were conducted prior to intervention and after the criterion. There were three trials during a probe session. The child and the teacher sat at a table face to face. The teacher secured the child’s attention by delivering attentional cue. After affirming his attention, the teacher asked the task direction by providing the materials (e.g., “Kamil close the zip”). Correct responses were reinforced and incorrect responses were ignored. Single-opportunity method was used during data collection. 13

14 Daily Probe Sessions Daily probe sessions were conducted just for the behavior currently working on. These sessions were conducted after the intervention sessions. During a daily probe session, a trial was conducted. Correct responses were resulted in social and verbal reinforcement and incorrect responses were ignorance. Daily probe sessions were conducted just like full probe sessions. 14

15 Intervention Sessions Intervention sessions were conducted until criterion was met. A teaching trial was conducted during intervention. Intervention sessions were conducted five days a week. Correct responses were resulted in social and verbal reinforcement and error correction was provided for the incorrect responses. Reinforcement was thinned after the criterion by using fixed ratio. The child and the teacher sat at a table face to face. The teacher secured the child’s attention by delivering attentional cue. The teachers asked the child to wacth the video about self care skill on iPad. After watching the video he was reinforced by the teacher. After intervention daily probe session was conduted to test aquisition. Any modification was needed during intervention. 15

16 16 Generalization and Maintenance Probe Session Generaliziation across persons and settings was planned during the study. Generalizaiton was tested pre-post test measures. Maintenance probe sessions were conducted 2, 3, and 4 weeks after intervention. Generalizaition and maintenance sessions were conducted just like probe sessions except during maintenance sessions reinforcement was thinned.

17 FINDINGS iPad based VM was found to be effective in teaching self care skills to children with ASD. The participant was able to maintained the acquired skills over time. Moreover, he was able to generalize the acquired skills across persons and settings. 17

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19 LIMITATIONS The study was limited with a child with ASD. The opinions of the parents did not investigated in the study. The study was limited with teaching self-care skills. 19 RECOMENDATIONS The practitioners and parents are advised to used iPad based VM when teaching self-care skills to their children and students. The study can be replicated with different children.

20 REFERENCES 1. Kagohara, D. M. (2013). Using iPods and iPads in teaching programs for individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic review. 2. Kagohara, D. M., Sigafoos, J., Achmadi, D., O’Reilly, M. F., & Lancioni, G. (2012). Teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to check the spelling of words. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 304-310. 3. Kagohara, D. M. (2011). Three students with developmental disabilities learn to operate an iPod to Access age- appropriate entertainment videos. Journal of Behavioral Education, 20, 33-43. 4. Kagohara, D. M., van der Meer, L., Achmadi, D., Green, V. A., O’Reilly, M., Mulloy, A., et al. (2010). Behavioral intervention promotes successful use of an iPod-based communication device by an adolescent with Autism. Clinical Case Studies, 9, 328-338. 5. Nikopoulos, C., & Kenan, M. (2006). Video modeling and Behaviour Analysis. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 6. NPDC (2010). Evidence-based practice brief components. The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders. [] 7. Ozonoff, S., ve Rogers, S. J. (2003). From Kanner to millennium. A. Ozonoff, S. J. Rogers & R. L. Hendren(Ed), Autism Spectrum Disorders: A research review for practitioners(s.3-33). Washington, DC: Americam Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 20

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