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Ch’eghutsen’ Logic Model Mission: To take part in the healing of our children, families, and community through a flexible evolving process that returns.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch’eghutsen’ Logic Model Mission: To take part in the healing of our children, families, and community through a flexible evolving process that returns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch’eghutsen’ Logic Model Mission: To take part in the healing of our children, families, and community through a flexible evolving process that returns us to our most basic belief that children are precious. Population: Children and youth aged birth to 22 years living in the Interior. Elder Guidance Family Involvement Athabascan Ways Evaluation ENVIRONMENT MISSION INFRASTRUCTURE Strengths: Traditional cultural values Language Strong Family Connections Challenges: Geographic isolation Extreme weather Western approaches to treatment Turnover with staff Urbanization Limited participation in support groups Needs: Physical- Psychiatrist shortage, office space, local residential treatment services Economic- High unemployment rates Political- Mental health underfunded, high rates of out of state placement, impact of welfare reform on employment Social- High rates of school-dropout, violence, youth alcohol/substance abuse, youth suicide plans/attempts, cultural trauma, & juvenile referrals. Poor academic success. Little public knowledge of services. Values/Worldview: - Children are inseparable from their families and communities -Disharmony affects not just the individual child but also his/her extended family and village/community -Family and youth involvement are crucial for success -Children are the most special and precious gift from Creator -Children with special needs are children with special gifts -Each child is blessed with special gifts and a plan -Strive for harmony in all relationships Goals: -Implement SOC for children in disharmony -Provide a broad array of mental health and related service treatments and supports -Evaluate the effectiveness of SOC and its component services -Involve families in the development of the system & services & in the care of their children -Use of culturally competent approaches by parent/youth/elder involvement Child/Family Services: AN Wraparound model Native family systems approach Youth Coordinator/Family Advocate Traditional Mental Health Services Traditional cultural practices Program Development: Child Specialty/Ch’eghutsen Training Use of teleconference Use of natural helpers/healers Counselor support Collaboration of communication director & family advocate System Development: Ch’eghutsen Council Apply for Medicaid reimbursement Interagency collaboration MIS system development Marketing plan Family organizational development -Collaboration between FNA, Tanana Chiefs Conference, & University of Alaska -Circles of Care Project & Legislatively Mandated Award -Support from legislators -Family Centered Services, Dept. Family/Youth Services Home -Community helpers -Collaboration with the People Working Together program -Fairbanks Native Association Education Department -Alaska State Division of MH and Developmental Disabilities -Division of Family and Youth Services -Division of Juvenile Justice -Fairbanks North Star Borough School -Fairbanks Community Mental Health Center -Family Services of Alaska Improved behavioral indicators and functioning Culturally appropriate model of SED and Cultural Competence Effective Ch’eghutsen’ Training Model Increase capacity and quality of services to children and families System Articulation and effective program and organizational development OUTCOMES RESOURCES Sample Only. Used with the consent of Ch’eghusen.

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