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A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 An Introduction to the Toxicology of Metals A Small Dose of Toxicology Steven G. Gilbert,

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Presentation on theme: "A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 An Introduction to the Toxicology of Metals A Small Dose of Toxicology Steven G. Gilbert,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 An Introduction to the Toxicology of Metals A Small Dose of Toxicology Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL TOXICOLOGY III (ENVH 516)

2 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 A Small Dose of Toxicology See: -- smdosesmdose

3 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Small Dose of Toxicology

4 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Milestones of Toxicology

5 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 A free toxicology encyclopedia and resource center that anyone can edit. Toxipedia provides comprehensive, accurate, and scientifically based information on the hazards and risks of chemical and physical agents, with the goal of advancing human and environmental health. ToxipediaToxipedia

6 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 The World Library of Toxicology

7 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Toxipedia suite of sites

8 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11

9 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Connecting Gardeners and Experts for Green Gardening Solutions  Identify Your Pest  Find the Right Plant  Ask the Experts  Garden Design Guide  Indoor Pest Control Supported by Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County, WA.

10 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 10

11 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Healthy World Theater promote awareness and understanding through the arts to create a more healthy and peaceful world plays, poems, jokes, fiction, music, cartoons, haiku, and even limericks

12 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 12

13 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Washington Nuclear Museum and Educational Center (WANMEC) learning from the past for a safer tomorrow a project of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility - funded in part by WA DOE

14 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Healthy World Press ( publishes interdisciplinary books connecting science, history, and art. Healthy World Press Particles on the Wall Particles on the Wall: An interdisciplinary exhibit connecting science and art in exploring the history of Hanford and major themes of today's nuclear age

15 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Toxipedia Connecting Science and People Washington Nuclear Museum and Education Center - Integrate Pest Management World Library of Toxicology Healthy World Theater A product of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders (INND) For more information contact Steven G. Gilbert at Connecting Gardeners and Experts for Green Gardening Solutions Learning from the past for a safer tomorrow Uniting art and science for a healthy, peaceful world Connecting Scientists and Experts to Improve Global Health Toxicology History Room Particles On The Wall (POTW)

16 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 LDDI Consensus Statement Scientific Consensus Statement on Environmental Agents Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders Developed by the Collaborative on Health and the Environment’s Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative November 7, 2007

17 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 LDDI Consensus Statement Given the established knowledge, protecting children from neurotoxic environmental exposures from the earliest stages of fetal development clearly is an essential public health measure if we are to help prevent learning and developmental disorders and create an environment in which children can reach and maintain their full potential.

18 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 NW Public Health See: nwph Public Health and the Precautionary Principle By Steven G. Gilbert

19 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Precautionary Principle “When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be take even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” Wingspread Conference, 1998.

20 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Setting goals (Health indicators) Taking preventive action in the face of uncertainty Shifting the burden of responsibility to the proponents of an activity (Who benefits?) Exploring a wide range of alternatives to possibly harmful actions (Is it necessary?) Increasing public participation in decision making (transparency of information & environmental justice) Central components

21 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Child Health

22 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 So Many Chemicals so Little Data 2863 above 1 Million pounds 78.2% no data 21.4% some data 12 or 0.4% good data

23 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11  Nearly 12 million children (17%) under age 18 in the US suffer from one or more developmental disabilities  Learning disabilities – 5-10% of kids in public school  ADHD – 3-6% of all school kids, maybe higher The Consequences

24 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." - Aldo Leopold, 1949, A Sand County Almanac The First Bioethicist ---------- 1887 - 1948 ---------- Aldo Leopold

25 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 “An ethic, ecologically, is a limitation on freedom of action in the struggle for existence” Aldo Leopold Limits on Freedom

26 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 “The Commons” The Tragedy of the Commons By Garrett Hardin, Science, 1968

27 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Technical Solutions “It is our considered professional judgment that this dilemma has no technical solution.” The Tragedy of the Commons By Garrett Hardin, Science, 1968

28 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Problems – Solutions?  Lead and kids  Fetal alcohol syndrome  Nuclear disarmament  Bioterrorism  Ocean Fisheries  Persistent chemicals  The Commons

29 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 The study of poisons or the adverse effects of chemical and physical agents on living organisms. Toxicology Definitions

30 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Children have a right to a safe, fair and healthy environment Ethical Responsibility to share and use of knowledge Duty to promote health and well being of children Thoughtful public health advocate Knowledge - Responsibility

31 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 NW Public Health See: nwph Public Health and the Precautionary Principle By Steven G. Gilbert

32 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 The Potential of Children

33 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Principles of Toxicology

34 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Authorship Information Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT E-mail: Web:

35 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Additional Information A Small Dose of Toxicology

36 A Small Dose of ToxicologyPrinciples of Toxicology – 04/11/11 Authorship Information For Additional Information Contact Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT E-mail: Web: This presentation is supplement to “A Small Dose of Toxicology”

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