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Day Activity and Volunteer Programs. What if work doesn’t work for my child? Volunteer programs that may lead to a job Center for Autism Employment Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Day Activity and Volunteer Programs. What if work doesn’t work for my child? Volunteer programs that may lead to a job Center for Autism Employment Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day Activity and Volunteer Programs

2 What if work doesn’t work for my child? Volunteer programs that may lead to a job Center for Autism Employment Center (MERS-Goodwill) St. Louis Arc

3 Community Integration Programs (designed for adults with developmental disabilities) Individuals spend the majority of the day in the community Volunteering with assistance Participating in recreation and developing personal interests Ratio is often 1-4 or less Expensive – usually funded through Medicaid Waiver

4 Center-based programs (designed for adults with developmental disabilities) Activities might include Arts and crafts Volunteer work experience on site Exercise routines Some community based trips Ratio is usually 1-6 Medicaid waiver funded or private pay

5 Adult Day Health Care Center-based program Goal is prevent nursing home placement Include health monitoring, socialization, recreation, rehabilitation Funded by Medicaid through the Dept. of Health and Senior Services For individuals with a disability or those at least 60 years of age

6 Things to think about… Funding Location Transportation Years of service Seniority of staff Community experiences Staff-to-client ratio

7 Questions to ask… What are the activities? What are the hours of operation? How many days a year is the program closed? What is the age range of participants? What is the ability range? What are the program goals? Is there a waiting list? What is the application process?

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