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2. The inability of the dominant allele to make up for the presence of the recessive allele is associated with _____. A. codominance.

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Presentation on theme: "2. The inability of the dominant allele to make up for the presence of the recessive allele is associated with _____. A. codominance."— Presentation transcript:

1 2. The inability of the dominant allele to make up for the presence of the recessive allele is associated with _____ A. codominance B. epistasis C. incomplete dominance D. pleiotropy ___

2 4. If the allele for red petals is not completely dominant to the allele for white petals, when a true-breeding plant with red petals is crossed with a true breeding plant with white petals, the offspring will ____ A. all have red petals B. all have pink petals C. all have white petals D. all have red and white petals ___

3 5. When the plants with pink petals (R1R2) are allowed to self-pollinate, the phenotypic ratio of the offspring will be _____ A. 3: B. 1:1:1: C. 1:2: D. 9:3:3:1 ___

4 8. The appearance of both A and B types of glycoproteins on the red blood cells of the people with AB blood type is an example of _______ A. codominance B. polygenic inheritance C. epistasis D. incomplete dominance ___

5 9. In _____, genes at two different loci interact to control a single trait A. codominance B. pleiotropy C. polygenic inheritance D. epistasis ___

6 ___ 10. Albinism is the result of _____ A. epistasis B. pleiotropy C. codominance D. incomplete dominance

7 11. If sweet peas are _____ in either gene for pigmentation, a lack of color results A. homozygous dominant B. heterozygous C. homozygous recessive ___

8 12. An absence of color occurs when _____. A. a gene is absent B
12. An absence of color occurs when _____ A. a gene is absent B. an enzyme in a metabolic pathway is missing C. at least one dominant allele is present ___

9 13. Polygenic inheritance occurs when one trait is governed by many genes occupying different loci on ______ A. the same homologous pair of chromosomes B. different homologous pairs of chromosomes C. either A or B D. neither A or B ___

10 14. More than two possible phenotypes for a particular trait can be attributed to inheritance by _____ A. simple dominance B. multiple alleles C. epistasis D. pleiotropy ___

11 15. Blood type in humans is controlled by _____ allele(s). A. one B
15. Blood type in humans is controlled by _____ allele(s) A. one B. two C. three D. four ___

12 17. When there is a range of phenotypes, the inheritance is _____. A
17. When there is a range of phenotypes, the inheritance is _____ A. polygenic B. codominant C. incompletely dominant D. pleiotropic ___

13 19. When individuals make an abnormal form of the extracellular matrix protein, fibrillin, which affects many other traits, the inheritance is the result of ______ A. codominance B. multiple alleles C. simple dominance D. pleiotropy ___

14 20. More phenotypes than expected may result from polygenic inheritance because of _____ A. multiple alleles B. codominance C. environmental effects D. pleiotropy ___

15 22. Height in humans is affected by _____. A. polygenic inheritance B
22. Height in humans is affected by _____ A. polygenic inheritance B. environmental effects such as nutrition C. both A and B ___

16 23. Environmental conditions can influence _____. A
23. Environmental conditions can influence _____ A. the skin color of humans B. the fur color of rabbits C. the appearance of a water buttercup D. all of the above ___

17 27. Which of the following supports the chromosomal theory of inheritance? A. both chromosomes and alleles are paired in diploid cells B. homologous chromosomes and alleles separate during meiosis C. fertilization restores both the diploid chromosome number and allele pairs in the zygote D. all of the above ___

18 28. Who determines the sex of the child? A. the male B. the female

19 30. The sex chromosomes of a human female are _____. A. XX B. XY C. YY

20 33. Male and female Drosophila flies have _____. A
33. Male and female Drosophila flies have _____ A. the same number of chromosomes as humans B. one pair of sex chromosomes C. the same number of sex chromosomes as humans D. both B and C ___

21 34. The allele for Drosophila eye color ____. A
34. The allele for Drosophila eye color ____ A. is on the Y chromosome B. is on the X chromosome C. is on one of its autosomes ___

22 37. Which of the following best describes a Drosophila with the genotype XRXr assuming XR = red eyes and Xr = white eyes? A. female with red eyes B. female that is a carrier C. male with white eyes D. both A and B ___

23 38. Assuming XR = red eyes and Xr = white eye, what is the phenotype of an individual with the genotype XrY? A. male with red eyes B. male with white eyes C. female with red eyes D. female with white eyes ___

24 39. An individual with the genotype XrY will produce which of the following gametes? A. XR B. Xr C. Y D. both B and C ___

25 43. If XB = normal vision and Xb = color blindness, what are the chances a color blind female will have color blind sons if she has children with a man with normal vision? A. 100% B. 50% C. 25% D. none ___

26 44. What are the chances of a female, homozygous for normal vision, and a color blind male having color blind daughters? A. 100% B. 50% C. 25% D. none ___

27 45. Carriers can also be described as _____. A. homozygous recessive B
45. Carriers can also be described as _____ A. homozygous recessive B. homozygous dominant C. heterozygous ___

28 47. There is a direct relationship between the frequency of crossing-over and the percentage of recombinant __________ A. gametes B. phenotypes C. genotypes ___

29 48. The chromosomes can be mapped by determining the frequency of recombinant _____ that occurs due to the process of crossing over A. gametes B. phenotypes C. genotypes ___

30 49. Drosophila chromosome II carries the gene for _____. A
49. Drosophila chromosome II carries the gene for _____ A. antennae type B. wing type C. leg length D. all of the above ___

31 50. If crossing over occurs between two linked alleles of interest, a dihybrid produces _____ type(s) of gamete(s) A. one B. two C. three D. four ___

32 51. When chromosomes are mapped by examining recombinant phenotypes, it is assumed that 1% of crossing over equals _____ map unit(s) A. one B. two C. five D. ten ___

33 52. When individuals heterozygous for two traits that have linked alleles are crossed the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring is _____ A. 1:1:1: B. 1: C. 3: D. 9:3:3:1 ___

34 53. When a cross involving mutant genes b and e is done 3% recombinants are observed. When a cross involving mutant genes t and e is done 22% recombinants are observed. When a cross involving mutant genes b and t is done 19% recombinants are observed. What is the correct order of the genes on the chromosome? A. t, b, e B. b, t, e C. t, e, b ___

35 55. It is estimated that __________ of all flowering plants are polyploids A. 21% B. 47% C. 68% D. 92% ___

36 56. Triploids have _____ of each kind of chromosome. A. one B. two C
56. Triploids have _____ of each kind of chromosome A. one B. two C. three D. four ___

37 ___ 57. Nondisjunction can occur during meiosis I if _____ A. members of a homologous pair fail to separate B. the daughter chromosomes fail to separate and instead go into the same daughter cell C. both A and B

38 59. When an individual has only one of a particular type of chromosome it's described as _____ A. monosomy B. disomy C. trisomy D. tetrasomy ___

39 62. Down syndrome is a _____. A. monosomy B. disomy C. trisomy D
62. Down syndrome is a _____ A. monosomy B. disomy C. trisomy D. tetrasomy ___

40 63. In humans, Turner syndrome _____. A. is a monosomy B
63. In humans, Turner syndrome _____ A. is a monosomy B. involves the sex chromosomes C. results in a female D. all of the above ___

41 64. Nondisjunction can occur during _____. A. anaphase I B
64. Nondisjunction can occur during _____ A. anaphase I B. anaphase II C. both A and B ___

42 65. A trisomy occurs when an individual has three of _____. A
65. A trisomy occurs when an individual has three of _____ A. a particular type of chromosome B. each kind of chromosome C. both A and B ___

43 67. Polyploidy generally results from _____. A. mutation B
67. Polyploidy generally results from _____ A. mutation B. hybridization C. nondisjunction ___

44 68. Which of the following is a polyploid. A. wheat B. watermelons C
68. Which of the following is a polyploid? A. wheat B. watermelons C. cotton D. all of the above ___

45 70. A(n) _____ is the movement of a segment of a chromosome from one chromosome to another nonhomologous chromosome A. inversion B. translocation C. deletion D. duplication ___

46 71. When a broken segment from one chromosome attaches to its homologue a(n) _____ occurs A. duplication B. deletion C. inversion D. both A and B ___

47 72. Which of the following may result in abnormal gametes and offspring? A. inversion B. translocation C. deletion D. all of the above ___

48 75. Down syndrome that tends to run in the family of either the mother or father is the result of _____ A. deletion B. inversion C. duplication D. translocation ___

49 76. Cri du chat syndrome is the result of a(n) _____. A. inversion B
76. Cri du chat syndrome is the result of a(n) _____ A. inversion B. translocation C. deletion D. duplication ___

50 78. Chromosomes may be broken by _____. A. viruses B. radiation C
78. Chromosomes may be broken by _____ A. viruses B. radiation C. certain organic chemicals D. all of the above ___

51 79. A(n) _____ occurs when a segment of chromosome is turned around 180o A. inversion B. translocation C. deletion D. duplication ___

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